CENSORED! Facebook Targets MRC’s Anti-Censorship mRNA Vax Post
Facebook is ironically censoring a blog post by an MRC staffer that calls out another platform’s suppression of a study questioning the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

BOMBSHELL Allegation Exposes Gov’t-Big Tech 'Collusion' to Censor
In a bombshell allegation, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt called out a vast “censorship enterprise” consisting of Big Tech platforms and federal government agencies for documented “collusion” to censor Americans’ free speech online.

KJP Beclowns Herself When Doocy Asks Basic Question on COVID Hypocrisy
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had quite the Monday as, near the end of an otherwise lackluster briefing with little in the way of pressing exchanges, Fox’s Peter Doocy leveled some basic questions about a double standard on the border and the coronavirus that left Jean-Pierre spinning her wheels.

CDC Colluded with Big Tech to Censor Alleged COVID-19 Misinfo
The Washington Free Beacon unearthed a trove of documents outlining how far President Joe Biden's government was willing to push Big Tech to censor criticism of COVID-19 vaccines.

Editor’s Pick: CNS News on a STUNNING Stat on Guns vs. Abortions
Over at our sister site CNS News, intern Lucy Collins published a stunning piece Tuesday pushing back against what The Dispatch’s Jonah Goldberg has called “emotional bullying” on gun control as, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics, “204.5 times more babies were killed by abortion than the number of deaths by firearms of children ages 1 to 19 years old in…

Biden Disinfo Board, One of Eight Gov't Tech Operations Ripe for Abuse
The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board, also called the Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth,” is just the latest in a list of eight times that government has wielded tech to target Americans invasively.

Nets Ignore Report CDC Tracked Americans to Ensure Lockdown Compliance
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored a damning new report alleging the U.S. government tracked millions of Americans to ensure compliance with the draconian COVID-19 lockdown orders.

The COVID-19 Authoritarians Panic Over the End of the Mask Mandates
This week, a federal judge in Florida finally struck down a federal mask mandate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An extensive number of executive branch agencies have acted in an authoritarian manner throughout the COVID-19 era: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration infamously attempted to cram down a vaccine mandate on every private employer in America, a…

Networks Lobby Viewers to Keep Masking, Imply Pandemic Is Surging Back
Building off its fear-mongering from Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday’s broadcast network morning newscasts encouraged viewers to continue masking up on planes, public transit, and when in airports due to “surging” cases of COVID-19 and a need to support the immunocompromised. This was despite Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s Monday ruling that struck down the nationwide mask mandate on travel…

CBS, NBC Peddle Fear Porn About Masks, Demand They Stay Indefinitely
CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today kept up the mental psychosis on Wednesday when it came to ensuring viewers stay crippled in fear of COVID-19 and view required masking as the lone backstop against illness and death. Specifically, they argued flying’s “less safe” and “cases will continue to go up” because Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ended the CDC mask mandate on flying and…
NYT Again Takes Bat to Fla. Surgeon General Going 'Against CDC Advice'
New York Times Miami bureau chief Patricia Mazzei took another rhetorical bat to Florida’s new surgeon general Dr. Joseph Ladapo for rejecting overbearing Covid restrictions and regulations, in Tuesday’s edition: “Against C.D.C. Advice, Florida to Advise Against Covid Vaccines for Healthy Children.” Two weeks ago she unloaded on Ladapo, an immigrant from Nigeria, for resisting Covid…

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Suddenly CNN Hates COVID 'Panic Porn'
On the latest NB Podcast, we marvel at the amazing pundit acrobatics of the CNN Media Unit. In 2020, CNN was the center of the universe on coronavirus panic (unless you were attending a Black Lives Matter protest). Suddenly in 2022, there's too many "doomsday doctors" and "panic porn" out there -- now that Biden's approval rating is in the dumps and the Democrats are vulnerable in a midterm…

HERESY: Nets Deny the Science Behind CDC Loosening Isolation Rules
For nearly two years, Dr. Fauci was the pope of the media’s new church of science and the CDC was the Vatican Council handing down the dogmas of the rites and rituals around masks, isolation, and vaccine anointments. But with the CDC loosening isolation recommendations in the face of new information about the Omicron variant’s life cycle, the media’s faith was shaken as they openly denied the…

Our Elective Monarchy
In 1629, frustrated by the unwillingness of Parliament to grant him taxation power, King Charles I of England dissolved the body and had nine members arrested. He did not recall Parliament for over a decade. The intervening period, known as Personal Rule, saw Charles I govern as a de facto dictator, with only a body of councilors to advise him. In 1640, forced by military necessity from…