
Noah Invites Susan Rice to Bash Trump Making America 'Less Free'
Another media interview with a Democrat turned into a Biden propaganda piece on Monday night. Former UN ambassador Susan Rice gave her best performance auditioning to be Biden’s Vice President pick, thanks to help from Daily Show host Trevor Noah.
Playing Stupid: Nets Claim ‘No Explanation’ for Arresting Antifa
In a matter of days, the liberal broadcast networks went from covering up Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence in Portland, Oregon to playing dumb about why federal agents were out in force. Despite weeks of riots and attacks on federal buildings in the city, ABC, CBS, and NBC spent Monday night clutching their pearls over video of federal agents rounding up the attackers and taking them…
Nets Enable BLM Violence By Censoring Nightly Clashes in Portland
For almost 50 days, Black Lives Matter Marxists have been engaging in almost nightly battles with federal agents outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, effectively turning the streets into a war zone. Covering up the actions of the militant wing of their party, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) hid their violence from viewers.

Network Evening News Ignore 5 Attacks On US Churches In One Weekend
As the media is occupied with the Chinese virus epidemic, there is another terrifying and tragic epidemic that they’re completely ignoring, one that threatens the peace and stability of millions of Americans all the same.
BOZELL: La verdadera historia de Black Lives Matter
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - 14 DE JUNIO: Un manifestante sostiene un cartel durante una marcha en apoyo de Black Lives Matter y Black Trans Lives en Boystown el 14 de junio de 2020 en Chicago, Illinois. Las protestas estallaron en todo el país después de que George Floyd muriera bajo custodia policial en Minneapolis, Minnesota, el 25 de mayo.

Hollywood Mocks St. Louis Couple Defending Their Home From BLM
Defending your home and your family is not acceptable to the left anymore, and that’s a terrifying thing. Case in point: Hollywood’s merciless mockery of one couple exercising their second amendment rights as a mob of BLM protesters broke through the gate to their private neighborhood and stood outside their home, shouting and threatening them.

8 Teen Vogue Headlines From June That Encouraged Kids to Revolt
Teen Vogue is really pushing to indoctrinate young people into the Marxist designs of the Black Lives Matter movement. Forget fashion, it’s about toppling our capitalism-worshipping bourgeoisie. The magazine has apparently dropped its mission as a purveyor of style tips to young people and adopted one of destroying capitalism, abolishing the police, and – no joke – advocating…

VIDEO: CNN/MSNBC Repeatedly Lie, Say Seattle CHAZ 'Entirely Peaceful'
Liberal cable outlets CNN and MSNBC have been oddly protective of Seattle’s “autonomous zone,” which was set up in mid June by George Floyd protesters. Since then, those cable networks have stubbornly ignored the numerous reports of violence, lawlessness, and general mayhem in the autonomous zone, instead insisting that the situation is “peaceful” and “like a street festival.”

BLM Activist Shaun King Directs Mob to Destroy Statues of Jesus Christ
You could be forgiven if you heard about the destructive actions of BLM/Antifa activists and wondered if someone was referring to ISIS and the Taliban. The terrifying, racially-motivated (so they say) iconoclasm of America’s far left is hell bent on destroying the images of America, but don’t let them tell you it’s just about destroying icons of American slavery, it’s about destroying any…

Jim Sciutto Spreads Fear about COVID and White Supremacists at Trump's
On Thursday morning’s New Day, CNN host Jim Sciutto interviewed Tulsa City Council Vice Chair, Vanessa Hall-Harper, about President Trump’s upcoming campaign rally in the city. Sciutto used the interview to paint the event as a looming crisis by suggesting that many the attendees will contract COVID-19 and that white supremacists will attend in order to perpetrate violence.

Facebook Censors Trump Ads for ‘Organized Hate’
Facebook declared Thursday that it would censor ads run by President Donald Trump's re-election campaign for breaching its policies on “organized hate.” The ads, which condemned Antifa rioters as "Dangerous MOBS of far-left groups," featured an upside-down red triangle, which some have interpreted as a callback to prisoners of Nazi camps. “A red inverted triangle was first used in the 1930s to…

Now What?
No decent person can support George Floyd's mistreatment, or the mistreatment of anyone else, at the hands of police officers with the sworn duty to uphold the law. The Minneapolis authorities moved quickly, and Derek Chauvin was fired from the Minneapolis police department, placed under arrest and charged with second-degree murder and other charges. The three officers who were with him were…

Facebook Freakout: Joe Scarborough's Screaming Anti-Zuckerberg Rant
Joe Scarborough went on a screaming anti-Zuckerberg rant on Wednesday's Morning Joe. The gist was, per Scarborough, that Zuckerberg is insufficiently censoring far-right groups and foreign manipulators on Facebook, although Scarborough pointedly declined to mention Facebook by name, referring to it only as "Mark Zuckerberg's website. Joe started out calmly, but got increasingly wound…
NBC Pivots from Bashing Trump Rally to Touting ‘Crowded’ CHAZ Protest
Continuing their use of Orwellian tactics, NBC Nightly News featured hypocrisy that jumped straight from the pages of Animal Farm: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” That notion was on full display during Monday’s newscast as anchor Lester Holt immediately pivoted from a segment bashing President Trump’s upcoming rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to…