
GMA Interviews Seattle Police Chief, Ignores Her Blaming Dem Officials
ABC’s interview with Seattle police chief Carmen Best Friday morning seemed to purposefully exclude the police chief’s comments blasting city officials in the Democrat-led city of Seattle, for forcing police to leave and allow activists to set up their own experiment in anarchy. Instead of playing those comments, co-anchor Amy Robach invited the police chief to attack President Trump, instead…
Cuomo Claims ‘Too Many’ Trump Supporters Want Blacks ‘Put Down’
Despite his false claims to the contrary, CNN host Chris Cuomo hates President Trump and loathed his supporters. He flashed that disdain again on Thursday when he suggested that the President was sending more racist “dog whistles” to his fans when he talked about “dominating” the streets. He even seemed to suggest Trump’s supporters wanted to see blacks killed, or “put down” in the words of…
Nets Downplay, Provide Cover for Seattle’s Extremist ‘Autonomous Zone’
After three days of silence as radical leftists in Seattle seized land and declared themselves their own country, the liberal broadcast networks finally discovered the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or CHAZ. ABC’s Good Morning America was the only newscast to cover it Thursday morning. Butfor the evening shows, the networks were all gaslighting their viewers by suggesting the group…

33 Celebs Stoking Bigotry, Lawlessness Over George Floyd's Death
The current chaos in the United States following the murder of George Floyd is bringing much to light. At the very least, it’s showing normal folks just how anti-American and morally-fetid the Hollywood left really is. Though the country is reeling from racial upheaval, many of these millionaires have refused to try and de-escalate the rhetoric that has been driving anger.
Nets Turn Blind Eye to BLM Militantly Taking Over Part of Seattle
The so-called “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” is a roughly seven-block section of Seattle, Washington where radical Black Lives Matter protesters along with Antifa have essentially declared their own country. They have makeshift living accommodations and armed guards patrolling the perimeter and shaking down businesses unlucky enough to be caught in their secession. It has been days since this…

'13 Reasons Why' Calls to 'Burn It Down' in Final Season
Netflix’s infamously controversial series 13 Reasons Why has finally come to an end. In the era of coronavirus, stifling shutdowns, and terrible rioting, it’s nice that we can put at least one awful thing behind us. Sadly, the last ten episodes of the season keep pulling us back to these issues.

WashPost Prints Pro-Antifa Propaganda from Teen Vogue 'Labor' Writer
As soon as Antifa is back on the public’s radar for committing more violence, the media show up, right on cue to defend them. This…
New York Times Stands Up for Violent Antifa Rioters
The New York Times’ coverage of the rioting after the killing of George Floyd has been an exercise in running interference for the violent left-wing anarchists of Antifa. Reporter Davey Alba focused on three alleged bits of misinformation being passed around the web about the rioting taking place in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in police custody. But one bit that wasn’t “…

While Hyping Peaceful Protesters, NBC Ignores Man Murdered by Looters
The big three networks continued to gaslight Americans by insisting that protests and riots across the country were “mostly peaceful” while cities burn, policemen are attacked and both officers and bystanders are assaulted and in some cases, murdered. Another one of these tragic cases happened Tuesday as 77-year-old retired police captain David Dorn was murdered by looters who shot him in cold…

Univisión critica a Trump por sostener Biblia, ignora vandalismo
En shock. Así dijeron estar los integrantes de un panel de "expertos" en Despierta América de Univisión, ante la imagen del presidente Donald Trump frente a la Iglesia de St. John´s en Washington, D.C., con una Biblia en la mano. El comentario, como es de esperar, es una réplica exacta de la retórica en los medios de comunicación angloparlantes de corte liberal.
Antifa-Backing Cuomo Declares Protests Are Not Required to Be Peaceful
As NewsBusters has extensively documented, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo has an affinity for the left-wing terrorist group Antifa; claiming they had a “good cause” and “morality” on their side. So, it came as no surprise when, on Tuesday’s Cuomo PrimeTime, he emphatically argued that protests were under no obligation to be peaceful.

MRC's Bozell: Zuckerberg Can't Give in to ‘Social Media Brown Shirts’
Appearing early Tuesday evening on the Fox Business Network’s Evening Edit, Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell urged Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to remain strong and refuse to give into the “social media brown shirts” at his company, which have demanded censorship of President Trump. In contrast, Bozell noted that his employees haven’t made the…
Celebs Blame Trump For Start of ‘2nd Civil War,’ Say Nothing of Riots
Though multiple cities are burning from riots incited by leftist anarchists who have hijacked police brutality protests, Hollywood lefties can’t fathom that President Trump resolved to protect his own country.
Celebs Triggered By Trump’s Church Walk: ‘Forced Himself on a Church'
It’s not surprising that the president’s invocation of God during violent protests in D.C. on June 1 didn’t fly with the Hollywood left. The Christian faith is an obvious impediment to their progressive ambitions.Trump’s walk to St. John’s Church and subsequent raising of the Bible amid nationwide riots as leftists raged near the White House, seemed to really get under famous lefties’ skins.…