Michael Barbaro

Column: What Border Crisis? What Biden Fiasco?
October 26th, 2022 5:56 AM
New York Times podcast host Michael Barbaro proclaimed -- to among others, listeners on almost 300 NPR stations -- that Republicans were elevating crime and illegal immigration as issue that are "manufactured crises," that the hype doesn't "actually conform to reality."

The Four Most Gag-Inducing Points of the New York Times Story on NPR
February 17th, 2020 3:06 PM
The New York Times ran a promotional piece on National Public Radio on Monday headlined “NPR, Under Attack by Trump, Is Taking the Threat Seriously.” Only there is no real threat, NPR lies about its federal funding, and the New York Times never mentions it has its own podcast airing on more than 150 NPR stations, a glaring conflict of interest.

NY Times Unhappy With 'Weird' Mueller Result, Hits Barr: 'Impartial?'
March 26th, 2019 9:44 PM
Days after the Mueller report dropped with a thud, disappointing the vengeful left, the New York Times is hurriedly changing the subject and burying the lead, moving on from “collusion” to unsubstantiated hints that Trump could still be guilty of something. Tuesday’s front-page story found reporters desperately spinning the subject to “obstruction of justice” while smearing Attorney General Bob…

Journalists Pressure Newseum Into Pulling 'Fake News' T-Shirts on Sale
August 6th, 2018 5:52 PM
It came as a shock to liberal journalists to discover that the Newseum -- a museum deeply honoring the Old Media establishment -- was selling T-shirts that said "You Are Very Fake News." In another demonstration of their feelings about free speech and tolerance for opposing views....liberal journalists pressured the Newseum into pulling the "Fake News" shirts from their gift shop....after being…

NYT Uses Hurricane to Chide 'Bizarre’ Conservatism of Texas
September 5th, 2017 5:16 PM
New York Times reporter Richard Fausset once again chided the "bizarre" conservative, anti-Washington sentiment of Texas after Hurricane Harvey, seeming to appreciate the red state being brought down a peg in his story for Tuesday’s front page, “After Proudly Defying Washington, Hard-Hit Texas Needs Its Aid.”

NYT Hits Comey E-Mail Decision in Huge Sunday Lead, Buries Bombshell
April 25th, 2017 10:06 AM
The New York Times is still treating FBI Director James Comey’s decision to reopen the case of Hillary Clinton’s emails as a leading factor in her loss. But the 7,500-word lead story in Sunday’s New York Times: “In Trying to Avoid Politics, Comey Shaped an Election – Behind-the-Scenes Handling of 2 Inquiries Thrust F.B.I. Into Center of Race” also contained a hidden “bombshell” that the Times…

NY Times Reporters Compare Trump Interview Mood to 'An Unhappy Kid'
November 23rd, 2016 5:04 PM
The New York Times not only interviewed Donald Trump on Tuesday, they came out of the interview and made a 45-minute podcast about it. In that, reporters Maggie Haberman and Michael Barbaro demonstrated their liberal distance from the president-elect, comparing his demeanor at the start of the interview to an "unhappy kid." Haberman also suggested he seemed like a child in dismissing two…

NYT Links Bias Critics to Death Wishes, Sees 'Sunny' HRC, Harsh Trump
November 8th, 2016 4:36 PM
The lead story in the New York Times Election Day, “At Election’s End, A Sunny Tone Meets Dark” was penned by reporter Michael Barbaro, last seen composing a loving vignette of a joyous Hillary Clinton dancing in the rain. Meanwhile, Matt Flegenheimer suggested Sarah Palin and the Tea Party were to blame for the campaign’s dark tone, and even blamed conservative critics of the news media…

NYT: HRC ‘Finds Joy in the Rain'; Krugman Leans on 'Rigged Election'
November 7th, 2016 10:58 AM
Columnist Paul Krugman, respected economist turned Hillary acolyte, leaned into his conspiratorial tendencies in his Monday column, “How to Rig an Election.” Plus the Times lashed out at Trump-Pence’s “brand of right-wing nationalism” on the front page, portrayed Trump as Neidermeyer in “Animal House,” and celebrated Hillary dancing joyfully in the rain.

NYT Frantically Fact-Checks for HRC; Press Conference 'Ugly' Tactic
October 10th, 2016 1:08 PM
The second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis on Sunday night was widely seen as a decent performance by Donald Trump, but the New York Times frantically spun away from Trump’s attacks on Hillary Clinton for enabling her husband’s treatment of women. The NYT's Haberman dismissed a press conference of women accusing Bill Clinton of sexual assaults: “If anyone was wondering…

NYT Weeps Over Trump-Bashing Miss Universe, Deletes Her Dubious Past
September 29th, 2016 3:18 PM
During the first presidential debate Monday night, Hillary Clinton brought up a two-decade old Donald Trump “controversy” over complaints he made about Miss Universe 1996, Alicia Machado, regarding her post-pageant weight gain. Trump took the bait, and the New York Times eagerly glorified Machado, carrying water for the Clinton campaign while burying unflattering details from Machado’s past.…

NY Times Angry at Trump for Playing Race Card on Poor Hillary
September 27th, 2016 12:00 PM
The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is in the books, and the front page of the New York Times registered an amazingly slanted front-page “news analysis” by Michael Barbaro and Matt Flegenheimer. They sternly rebuked Trump for daring to suggest Hillary Clinton had once been insensitive about race: "No amount of practice, it seemed, could fully prepare her -- or…

NYT's Top Editor Continues ‘Trump Lies’ Victory Tour, Ignores HRC Lies
September 24th, 2016 7:46 PM
New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet is going on a victory tour among his liberal media colleagues, celebrating his paper “Calling Out Donald Trump’s Lies,” the title to Friday’s “Inside the Times” podcast hosted by Susan Lehman. After cueing up Trump’s claim that the Clinton campaign had started the “birther” myth, Baquet responded: “It was demonstrably, unequivocally false, and he had to…

NYT Fiercely Defends HRC Against Trump Jabs, Ignores Ties to Birthers
September 17th, 2016 11:46 AM
New York Times political reporter Michael Barbaro, perennially hostile toward Republicans, led Saturday’s edition with 700 words of seething hostility against Donald Trump under the guise of a “news analysis”: “Trump Gives Up a Lie But Refuses to Repent – No Apology After 5 Years of Nurturing ‘Birther’ Issue to Undermine Obama.” Maggie Haberman and Alan Rappeport offered a related story that also…