Michael Barbaro

NYT: ‘Vehement...Extreme...Incendiary’ Trump at ‘Dark...Toxic’ RNC
July 22nd, 2016 12:31 PM
The final night of the Republican National Convention that crowned Donald Trump as the party’s nominee was greeted in dark tones on the front of Friday’s paper. Reporters Patrick Healy and Jonathan Martin found a “vehement” and “incendiary” candidate, while Michael Barbaro found himself flabbergasted by Trump’s failure to show “humility, generosity and depth," and Adam Nagourney lamented "one of…

NYT Puts Race Front and Center at RNC, Lead With Melania's Speech-Gate
July 20th, 2016 12:56 PM
Playing on long-established stereotypes of the melanin-challenged Republican Party, New York Times coverage of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday put racial controversies front and center, accusing speakers (particularly Rudy GIuliani) of lecturing and moralizing to blacks about law and order as an all-white crowd lapped it up. The paper led with Melanie Trump's speech with this…

Gov. Pence Still Pounded With 'Cranky,' ‘Extreme’ Labels in NY Times
July 17th, 2016 5:14 PM
The New York Times' pulverizing of Trump’s vice-presidential choice, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, continued on Sunday. A front-page story by Monica Davey and Michael Barbaro painted Pence as a conservative extremist forcing an unconstitutional abortion regime onto the women of his state in “Abortion Wars Brought Pence Praise of Right." Another piece used the terms "loony lighweight" and "cranky"…

NYT Hits Pence: 'Out of Sync...Offending Gays...Dangerous Anachronism'
July 15th, 2016 7:05 PM
New York Times reporters Michael Barbaro and Monica Davey portrayed Donald Trump’s socially conservative vice presidential running mate as a potentially “dangerous anachronism” in “Mike Pence: A Conservative Proudly Out of Sync With His Times.” By contrast, The Times wrote a flattering article on potential Hillary Clinton running mate Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, who carries a 90% rating (out of 100…

NYT Frets Dallas Murders May Sabotage the BLM 'Civil Rights Movement'
July 11th, 2016 4:01 PM
The New York Times’ front pages over the weekend dealt with the awful police-related events over the last few days, culminating with the assassination of five policemen in Dallas during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. The paper fanned the flames of racial discord, pointing a finger at “some whites who feel they are ceding their long-held place in society." Another story lamented how the…

Paglia on NY Times Trump Hit: 'Agenda Journalism' 'Caught Red-Handed'
May 20th, 2016 9:16 AM
In a Thursday morning column at Salon.com, leftist and longtime social critic Camille Paglia found it amusing that the New York Times thought that its supposedly major exposé about "a boastful, millionaire New Yorker (who) liked the company of beautiful women" was going to be considered big, game-changing news. In Paglia's view, the fact that the people at the Times believed they had something…

CNN Confronts NYT Reporters After Trump's Ex Rips 'Misleading' Report
May 16th, 2016 5:55 PM
CNN's John Berman and Kate Bolduan questioned two New York Times journalists on Monday's At This Hour, after a former girlfriend of Donald Trump blasted their Sunday report on the billionaire's conduct towards women. Rowanne Brewer Lane, a former model who dated Trump in the 1990s, accused reporters Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey of being "completely misleading" in their interview for the…

NYT Fronts Old Trump Tales, But Clinton Rape Charge Was 'Toxic Waste'
May 16th, 2016 11:40 AM
The New York Times made a big splash Sunday with an over-the-fold front-page story, “Crossing the Line: Trump’s Private Conduct With Women.” Five Times reporters talked to female former Trump executives, his ex-wife Ivana, and various models and beauty pageant contestants told unflattering stories about Trump, many of them 20 years old. The Times teased: “Interviews reveal unwelcome advances, a…

NYT Gleeful Over GOP Reaping What They Sow With Tea Party, Trump
March 4th, 2016 8:07 AM
Republicans reaping what they sow was the theme of two New York Times stories on Thursday. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer’s “Congressional Memo” suggested turnabout was fair play: “Ryan Now Faces Tea Party Forces He Helped Unleash.” It’s what Speaker Paul Ryan and the GOP get for setting off “flare-ups over racially charged issues” and trying “to roll back voting rights.” And reporter Michael…
NYT: 'Angry...Seething...Almost Apocalyptic' GOP Raises 'Islamophobia'
December 6th, 2015 11:18 AM
The front page of Saturday's New York Times, next to the paper's already infamous front-page gun-control editorial, claimed that "Shootings in California Reshape the Campaigns." The language used by reporters Michael Barbaro and Trip Gabriel, was quite revealing. See how the Republican presidential candidates "angrily demanded...[rode a] rising tide of bellicosity... seethed with disgust for…

New York Times Puts Front-Page Pressure on GOP to Dump Trump
July 10th, 2015 2:56 PM
Friday's front-page New York Times "news analysis" reveled in the alleged difficulties posed to the Republican Party by real-estate mogul and presidential hopeful Donald Trump, under fire for controversial statements about illegal immigrants from Mexico. A Times triumvirate of reporters held the party's feet to the fire and found an age/racial angle to boot ("aging, anxious white voters"), while…
NYT's Barbaro Immortalizes College Student's Anti-Dubya Rant on ISIS
May 15th, 2015 2:54 PM
New York Times political reporter Michael Barbaro made print with his gushy mini-profile of Ivy Ziedrich, the Young Democrat turned instant left-wing heroine for her testy exchange with Jeb Bush over ISIS and his brother's presidential legacy: "Student Who Stood Up To Debate ISIS With Bush."

Another NYT A1 Story Saying GOP Is Doomed; This Time, It's Indiana
April 2nd, 2015 10:28 PM
If it's Thursday, it must be...yet another front-page New York Times story on the issue that is going to tear the Republican Party apart and doom prospects in 2016 (the actual issue changes every week, of course).
On cue with the ginned-up controversy over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, came reporter Jennifer Steinhauer's story, under a liberally stacked deck of headlines: "Rights…

NY Times Hits Christie (Not Hillary) on 'Fondness for Luxe Benefits'
February 4th, 2015 12:16 PM
The New York Times demonstrated their ardor to take Chris Christie down a peg again in the Tuesday front page story headlined “In Christie’s Career, Fondness for Luxe Benefits.” Reporters Kate Zernike and Michael Barbaro did a “deep dive” into Christie’s fondness for private planes and luxury hotels.
So try a Nexis search over the last year for “Hillary Clinton” and “private planes” or “private…