Stephen Castle
EYE ROLL: NYT Hypes Children’s Climate Crusade to Fight Racism, Sexism
The United Nations “climate summit” in Glasgow, known as COP26, continued to draw promotional coverage in the New York Times. Saturday’s story focused on the youth movement: “Unmoved by Climate Promises, Activists Hit Glasgow’s Streets.” Reporters Megan Specia and Stephen Castle committed 1,400 words to the Times’ latest climate change children’s crusade, again with no…
NYT Skips UK Virus News, Rips Boris, ‘Tory Sleaze’ That Broke No Rules
The New York Times never misses a chance to go after Prime Minister Boris Johnson, leader of the Conservative Party in Great Britain. Saturday’s piece by Stephen Castle, “Cronyism and Profiteering Allegations Roil Britain’s Conservative Party,” told a familiar liberal media story of “Tory sleaze.”
NY Times Scorns UK Racism Report: You Didn't Condemn Bigoted Britain!
The United Kingdom commissioned a report on race. It offered an optimistic view, saying institutional racism for minorities no longer blocked minority achievement in the UK. But left-wing pressure groups and their journalistic allies were appalled to read that the country they lived in was not hopelessly bigoted. Now the United Nations’ own batch of “experts” have condemned the findings, and…

Three-Year NY Times Smear Against Boris, Brexit Proves an Utter Flop

NY Times Sees ‘Evil' 'Rasputin' & 'Political Assassin’ Behind Brexit

Cut Spending and Die? NYT Blames Brexit, Austerity for Shortened Lives

Apocalyptic NY Times Bashes Boris Johnson: ‘End of Britain?’

NY Times Warns of 'Talibanization' When Brexit Backers Get Their Way

NYT Bashes Boris, 'Virtually Cultlike Certitude' of Brexit Embrace

NYT Won’t Stop Bashing Brexit for Hate Crimes, Islamophobia, Etc...

NY Times Doesn't Know 'What Led Salman Abedi to Bomb Manchester Arena'

NYT's Brexit-Bashing Gets Smug and Juvenile: ‘Hell Is Other Britons’

NYT Irony Alert: Faults Pro-Brexit UK Tabloids for 'Pushing an Agenda'