
'Trusted' Media Hero Jon Stewart's Worst Rants at Conservatives

February 12th, 2015 3:42 PM
Over the years Jon Stewart has used his Daily Show perch to mock Dick Cheney’s “torture boner,” called conservative columnist Robert Novak a “vampire demon,” and yelled “Go f*** yourself!” at Bernie Goldberg, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions and Fox News. He also told conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh to “get the f*** out of” New York.

Michael Moore Defends Brian Williams by Bashing Bush and 'Real Liars'

February 10th, 2015 6:02 PM
Michael Moore took to his Facebook account on Sunday night to unleash a lengthy post lamenting how “a man with integrity” in Brian Williams was being punished for “committing the crime of Faux Macho due to his claim of being on the wrong chopper,” while members of the Bush administration “roam free” and get away with being “the real liars who were responsible for the Iraq War.” 

Code Pink Gets Reuters Coverage — For a Protest Group of 20

January 11th, 2015 10:02 AM
The ability of tiny numbers of far-left fringe group demonstrators to get undue press attention virtually any time they want continues to be intensely annoying. In mid-2007, Barack Obama made closing the prison at Guantanmo Bay a core promise of his 2008 campaign. That was 7-1/2 years ago. Obama has been in office six years. Gitmo is still open. So naturally, the aggrieved professional…

NY Times Editors Call for Prosecution of 'Torturers' Cheney, Tenet

December 22nd, 2014 5:56 PM
In an angry editorial published in the Sunday edition of the New York Times, the newspaper's editorial board called on president Barack Obama to “Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses.” The list of offenders “in a credible investigation” is a long one, including former vice president Dick Cheney; his chief of staff, David Addington; former CIA director George Tenet; and John Yoo and Jay Bybee,…

Greenwald: Cheney Should Be in Prison Instead of on 'Meet the Press'

December 19th, 2014 5:28 PM
During an interview on the HuffPoLive program on Thursday morning, radical-left reporter Glenn Greenwald slammed former vice president Dick Cheney for saying that the interrogation tactics used by George W. Bush's administration have “worked now for 13 years,” and “I'd do it again in a minute.” Greenwald, who is best known for his connection with NSA secret-leaker Edward Snowden, grumbled that “…

Blogger: Cheney, Other ‘Elites’ Help Make GOP the ‘Torture Party’

December 17th, 2014 11:57 AM
“What the average person is seeing right now,” declares the American Prospect’s Paul Waldman, “is an entire party mobilizing to defend the use of torture, whether they will call it by that name or not. And that looks to be having an effect on public opinion.”

Jon Stewart Accuses Cheney of Having A ‘Bronsonlike Torture Boner’

December 16th, 2014 2:41 PM
On Monday night, Daily Show host Jon Stewart mercilessly attacked former Vice President Dick Cheney’s defense of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program after 9/11. During his opening segment, the Comedy Central host accused Cheney of loving “torture” and asked “what if, hypothetically, this treatment was perpetrated on someone who had been detained wrongly, surely that would soften Cheney’s…

Dick Cheney Calls Out Chuck Todd For Taking ‘Cheap Shot’ On CIA Report

December 14th, 2014 1:13 PM
On Sunday, NBC’s Meet the Press hosted former Vice President Dick Cheney to speak on the recent Democratic Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation tactics on suspected terrorists. While Cheney spoke out in defense of the program, moderator Chuck Todd asked his guest “when you say waterboarding is not torture, then why did we prosecute Japanese soldiers in…

Dana Milbank: ‘Dick Cheney, Still Blindly Beating The Drums of War’

September 11th, 2014 1:57 PM
In the wake of President Obama announcing that the United States will use air strikes to target the terrorist group ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank decided to go after liberals’ favorite punching bag, former Vice President Dick Cheney. In an op-ed that appeared in Thursday’s Washington Post, Milbank proclaimed “Dick Cheney, Still Blindly Beating The Drums of War.” The…

Bill Maher Dares Dick Cheney to Virtually 'Douse [Himself] in Gasoline

August 28th, 2014 6:00 PM
Left-wing comedian Bill Maher is not one to hide his disdain for conservative politicians he disdains, but he really pushed the envelope today with the help of comedian Will Ferrell's Funny or Die website.  Noted David Edwards of

CNN's Paul Begala Sneers: 'Destructive' Dick Cheney Is a ‘Sociopath

July 16th, 2014 1:15 PM
CNN: the home for hate-filled rants against conservatives. On the July 16 edition of New Day, a panel reacted to Jake Tapper’s testy interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney. Democratic strategist and CNN contributor Paul Begala became unhinged, resorting to personal attacks on Cheney in response to his explanations of the Iraq war. Asked by host Kate Bolduan as to why Cheney is…

'Dark... Spectral' Dick Cheney Still Living Rent-free in Chris Matthew

July 14th, 2014 9:45 PM
Although more subdued compared to his June 18 anti-Dick Cheney diatribe, MSNBC's Chris Matthews returned on his Monday, July 14 program once again to his unhealthy, creepy obsession with the former vice president. The relevant news hook was what Matthews derided as a "Cheney family offensive," referring to a Politico Playbook lunch event held earlier in the day in Washington, D.C., featuring…

Rose Soft-Pedals Obama Talking Points, Asks Cheney: 'Give the Presiden

June 25th, 2014 4:05 PM
On Tuesday night’s edition of his PBS show, Charlie Rose interviewed former Vice President Dick Cheney and pushed him to “give the president some credit for trying” to negotiate for a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq after the status of forces agreement expired in 2011.  Cheney reminded Rose that, in his mind, Iraq “was in pretty good shape” when he and then-President George W.…

MSNBC Gives Platform to Dem to Spew About Cheney ‘How Dare He... Rai

June 19th, 2014 3:20 PM
On the June 19 edition of NewsNation With Tamron Hall, the MSNBCer and Today news desk anchor interviewed Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) on American intervention in Iraq. When Hall asked the congressman what he believed would be the consequences if Maliki refused to meet American demands for reform, Meeks’s answer morphed into a rant against former Vice President Dick Cheney. Meeks snarled, “how…