MSNBC's Wolffe Contradicted by NBC As He Wrongly Claims No Al-Qaeda in

June 19th, 2014 9:01 AM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, executive editor Richard Wolffe mocked former Vice President Dick Cheney for his recent criticism of President Obama, and inaccurately claimed that "there was no Al-Qaeda in Iraq" before Cheney "led the decision to invade Iraq." After dismissing Cheney as being in his "last throes," Wolffe recalled: "Let's…

'Return of Dick Chee-knee!': MSNBC's Chris Matthews Loses Mind Over Fo

June 18th, 2014 10:40 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews put his pro-Hillary puffery on the back-burner this evening to lead off Hardball with a screed against his favorite archnemesis Dick "it's pronounced CHEE-knee, by the way" Cheney. Chris failed to disappoint with his loopy, nonsensical rant against the former vice president, at one point comparing him to a pitch man for the website Matthews even…

NBC/WSJ Poll: 54 Percent Say Obama 'Can't Lead, Get the Job Done'; 'Ni

June 18th, 2014 8:26 PM
Fifty-four percent of respondents in a brand new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll believe that President Obama "can't lead, get the job done," contrasted with 42 percent who say he can. What's more, a healthy plurality, 41 percent, also answered that "the performance of the Obama administration" has "gotten worse" in the past 12 months. Yet the NBC Nightly News ignored those stunning numbers in its…

Networks Offer Scant Coverage of Dick Cheney 'Blasting' Obama on Iraq

June 18th, 2014 12:35 PM

Former Vice President Dick Cheney co-authored a blistering op-ed, deriding Barack Obama's handling of Iraq. But you wouldn't know it from the network coverage. ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored Cheney speaking out. Yet, the program devoted three minutes to the deeply irrelevant story of jump suits and fanny packs making a comeback. On NBC's Today, Savannah Guthrie managed a scant…

LAT's Paul Whitefield: Make Bush and Cheney Try to Fix Iraq Mess They

June 15th, 2014 11:48 PM
Paul Whitefield "is a 30-year veteran of the Los Angeles Times who is copy chief of the editorial pages and a writer/scold for the Opinion L.A. blog." He also has a serious but far from unique case of Bush (and Cheney) Derangement Syndrome and an extraordinary ignorance of the history of last decade's war in Iraq, which included a victory in 2008 the U.S. press, with rare exceptions, refused to…

Lefty Letterman: A Top Ten List of Dave's Most Liberal Outbursts

April 9th, 2014 9:57 AM
David Letterman shocked the late night talk show world, last week, when he announced he was going to retire in 2015. But over the last few years Letterman had been losing the ratings war to his less liberal competitor Jay Leno. While Leno tried to be more even-handed in his jokes against Republicans and Democrats, Letterman took a decidedly leftist turn. A recent study of Letterman’s 2012…

Ed Schultz on 2016 Race: Hillary Has All But Won - and Cheney Will Run

March 12th, 2014 4:58 PM
No, "I'm not off my rocker," Ed Schultz told his radio listeners after making an off-the-wall prediction. Actually, two predictions -- that Hillary Clinton is a virtual shoo-in who will waltz back into the White House, and that Dick Cheney will cave to pressure from movement conservatives and run for president. As for the first prediction, I vaguely recall many pundits saying much along the…

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Compares Dick Cheney to ‘Villain’ From

March 12th, 2014 3:30 PM
MSNBC’s primetime darling Rachel Maddow has an obsession with attacking conservatives, especially if they are associated with the presidency of George W. Bush. Whether it’s using her nightly program or her appearances across the NBC platform, Maddow seems to never miss an opportunity to attack former Bush officials. Appearing as a guest on the company's Late Night w/ Seth Meyers on Tuesday…

Mike Malloy Denies the Benevolent Bolsheviks in Soviet Union Ever Thre

March 11th, 2014 9:17 PM
Rust never sleeps, Neil Young warned in an album of the same title back in 1979. And so it is with revisionism from the left, especially when it comes their failed utopia of yore, the Soviet Union. For nearly 20 years after the unforgettable night in 1989 when a long-divided Berlin was finally reunited, American leftists bit their tongues about the Soviet Union, embarrassed by its abrupt…

Ardent Peacenik Mike Malloy Dreams of Beating Up Dick Cheney

February 26th, 2014 9:05 PM
As a proud member of the Blame America First contingent, left-wing radio host Mike Malloy sure has its vernacular down pat. On his show last night, for example, he condemned "warmongering" American presidents and US arms makers for spreading death and destruction abroad. Oddly, however, Malloy also described how he believes former vice president Dick Cheney would have been treated in the…

Mary Matalin Smacks Down MSNBC’s Dyson: ‘Will You Ever Get Tired o

December 8th, 2013 1:45 PM
There was a really delicious exchange on ABC’s This Week Sunday that conservatives across the fruited plain will greatly enjoy. After hate-spewing MSNBC contributor Michael Eric Dyson bashed former Vice President Dick Cheney for once wanting Nelson Mandela put on a terrorist list, Matalin shot back, “When will you ever get tired of beating up on Darth Vader” (video follows with transcript and…

Chris Matthews Slimes Dick Cheney as a Racist for Calling Obama a 'Lia

November 18th, 2013 5:15 PM
 A scandalized Chris Matthews on Friday railed against Dick Cheney for having the audacity to call out Barack Obama's "lie" on Americans being able to keep their health insurance. Naturally, the Hardball anchor insinuated that the reason behind this was racism. An angry Matthews fumed, "Dick Cheney comes right out and calls [Obama] a liar. When a right-wing back-bencher did that four years ago…

PBS’s Ifill Tries to Shame Dick Cheney for Having Good Health Care

November 13th, 2013 6:00 PM
On Tuesday’s PBS NewsHour, anchor Gwen Ifill interviewed former Vice President Dick Cheney about his notorious heart troubles as documented in his new book, Heart: An American Medical Odyssey. Apparently unwilling to let a good conversation about healthcare go to waste, Ifill spent the latter half of the interview trying to use Cheney’s experience as an infomercial for why America needs…

Charlie Rose to Cheney: Would You Have Seen Iraq Differently If You Ha

October 30th, 2013 1:00 PM
On Tuesday's Charlie Rose Show, former Vice President Dick Cheney came on to promote his new book about surviving heart disease and was treated to a nasty swipe from the host about his Iraq war decision making. When Cheney told the PBS host and co-anchor of CBS’s This Morning that he had wished he had gotten his heart transplant done sooner, Rose took a swing, meant as a joke: “Might you have…