Newt Gingrich

Scarborough Nostalgic For '98 Election, When Dems Had 'Glorious Night'
If you hadn't noticed, Joe Scarborough's transformation from hardcore conservative to partisan Democrat is complete. On Tuesday's Morning Joe, Scarborough waxed nostalgic over the 1998 midterm elections, when Rush Limbaugh was wrong in anticipating a Republican triumph, and instead, Democrats enjoyed what Scarborough described as a "glorious night."

PBS Helps 'The Destructionists' Author Tie Trump, GOP To Terrorism
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank has a new book entitled The Destructionists where he claims the Republican Party is the enemy of all things good and decent. On Wednesday, he took his book tour to PBS’s Amanpour and Company where he warned that the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago could lead to another Oklahoma City-like bombing, but that it is important to remember…

Declaration of War: CBS Ties Fox, Gingrich, Johnson to Buffalo Shooter
CBS Mornings kept up its race-baiting campaign Wednesday in reaction to the act of terrorism against the black community of Buffalo, New York with a segment about the great replacement theory that tied Fox News and “many conservative politicians” to the racist alleged gunman and included the fear that black men might now be gunned down at random if they live in the Midwest.

A Second ‘Contract with America’
During the 1994 congressional campaign, Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA) and Dick Armey (R-TX) drew up what they called a Contract with America. It was printed on a card which was small enough to fit in a wallet or purse and it detailed what Republicans would do should voters give the GOP a House majority for the first time in 40 years. The left and the media derided the contract, but it was deemed…

Jim Acosta's 'Democracy in Peril' Debut Was as Dumb as You'd Expect
If you are like the overwhelming majority of Americans and did not tune into Jim Acosta’s debut of the low-rated CNN show Democracy in Peril, you weren’t missing much. In fact, you can probably guess what was said by Acosta and his conga line of leftist guests.

Newt Says Twitter Censored Him for Tweet on Virus, Illegal Immigration
Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said that Twitter suspended his account for speaking out against the folly of deliberately allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border freely in the time of COVID-19

CNN Host Blames Fox, Newt, Palin, and Trump for Ruining American Unity

Joe Scarborough Tries to Scare Off Fox News Sponsors
Is it ethical for one network to try to scare off a competitor's sponsors? The question arises because on MSNBC's Morning Joe today, Joe Scarborough sought to scare off Fox News sponsors.

Zakaria Likens Trump Contesting Election to Pre-Nazi Germany
On Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS, as he opened the show complaining about President Donald Trump refusing to concede defeat, host Zakaria likened the actions of the President and his supporters to "ultra-right-wingers" in 1920s Germany who helped give rise to Adolf Hitler by scapegoating Jews and communists for the country's loss of World War I.

NYT Helps Corrupt Baltimore Mayor, Paints GOP as Problem on Book Deals

Whoopi Explodes at Gingrich Over Hillary, Biden: Won't 'Let You Spin!'

OUCH: Gingrich Dismantles CBS for Citing WashPost as ‘Serious’ Source

Atlantic: 'Poisonous' Gingrich Owes America Apology for Rise of Trump

CNN Frets GOP Using Mollie Tibbetts Murder as 'Political Propaganda'
On Saturday morning, the same CNN that is notorious for promoting anti-gun propaganda in the immediate aftermath of mass shootings had hosts who repeatedly worried that President Donald Trump and Republicans are inappropriately using the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal immigrant as "political propaganda."