LeBron James

The Atlantic Delusionally Lauds ‘Superstar Status’ of American Economy
The Atlantic has an absurd message for struggling Americans: the economy isn’t just not bad, it’s the “Taylor Swift” and “Lebron James” of economies.

Attention-Getting Backfired, James Booed At Super Bowl
So, so humble ...

Don Lemon Goes Soft: 'Whether You Agree With Kyrie Irving Or Not... '
Don Lemon hosts a segment on CNN This Morning to discuss LeBron James' complaint that Kyrie Irving has been subjected to intense criticism over his promotion of an antisemitic book and movie, whereas there has been relatively little attention paid to a photo that recently came into circulation showing a 14-year-old Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, in a crowd blocking black children…

DUMB: Facebook Slaps Fact-Check on Babylon Bee LeBron James Photo
The trigger-happy oligarchs at the censorship-obsessed Facebook are apparently so dense they don’t understand satire.

Ex-ESPN Anchor Bob Ley Slams Hypocrisy on Chinese vs. Saudi Sports
No, no, ya can’t selectively be a social justice warrior, says former ESPN anchor Bob Ley. Appearing on Michelle Beadle’s What Did I Miss? podcast, he slammed people crying crocodile tears over the Saudi Arabian LIV golf league while looking the other away on China’s horrific human rights abuses.

New York Times Disses NBA Anti-China Activist: He’s No Kaepernick!
Former NBA center Enes Kanter Freedom didn’t get the worshipful, Colin Kaepernick treatment in Thursday’s long New York Times profile by Sopan Deb, “Now Engaged in a Full-Court Press for Activism.” But the flattering headline is belied by the hostile 2,500-word profile that followed. Not even Freedom’s Muslim faith saved him from criticism.

Golden State’s Curry ‘Good’ Without LeBron James
The “kingdom” is crumbling. LeBron “King” James is playing for a losing team in Los Angeles, and his pattern when that happens is to jump ship. He says he would like to play with Steph Curry and Golden State, but with the King gaining more and more detractors, the feeling is not reciprocal.

Lefty-on-Lefty: Abdul-Jabbar Calls James Untrustworthy Hypocrite
LeBron James is out with a sprained ankle, and on Sunday Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gave him a heavy dose of emotional pain. Abdul-Jabbar criticized the Lakers forward for hypocrisy and said he isn’t trustworthy.
Kanter Urges Nike, King James, MJ To Tour China’s Slave Labor Camps
Boston Celtics’ player Enes Kanter told Michael Jordan, LeBron James and Nike co-founder Phil Knight to put their money where their mouths are. He urged them to tour slave labor camps with him in China. These are the locations where people are enslaved for the production of the products these multi-millionaires are making huge profits from.

ESPN Lectures LeBron James That Vaccination Is 'Social Justice' Issue
ESPN’s blog, The Undefeated, jumped down LeBron James’ throat for not calling on all NBA players to submit to COVID-19 vaccinations. The coronavirus pandemic is actually an act of social justice and a fight for equality rivaling opposition to police brutality, says The Undefeated’s senior writer David Dennis Jr.
WATCH: Rude LeBron James Shoves Fan Aside
LeBron James is facing major backlash on Twitter but it's not for his radical leftist beliefs or encouragement of attacks on police. Instead, he is trending for shoving a fan at an Usher concert this weekend.
LeBron James Losing Usually Reliable Media Support
Whiny rich, woke, pampered guy LeBron James is taking a thorough shelling from two media notables for his childish complaining. Stephen A. Smith and Shaquille O’Neal let the Lakers’ superstar motormouth have it for his repulsive attitude. And by the way, NBA TV ratings are way up since James and his team were eliminated from the playoffs, too.

Trump Still Banned on Social Media; Celebs Still Free to Post Violence
In light of the fact that a social media tribunal will decide on May 5 whether Trump can get his Facebook account back, it’s good to take note of all the famous people who should have had keys to their own accounts taken from them for promoting actual violence.