Kayleigh McEnany

Fox News’s Kayleigh McEnany Says Pro-Lifers Need to Go on Offense
Speaking on Fox News's America's Newsroom Wednesday morning, Kayleigh McEnany, former White House Press Secretary and co-host of the network's Outnumbered, told co-hosts Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer that pro-lifers should be more proactive heading into the 2024 election, challenging them to "put Democrats on defense" over their party's support of abortion through the ninth…

McEnany Recounts ‘Difficult’ Mastectomy: Kids Shouldn't Get
McEnany warned against Democrats’ and blue leaning states who are attempting to legalize these procedures for “transgender” kids.

NewsBusters Podcast: Kayleigh McEnany on How to Take on the Media
For the latest NewsBusters Podcast, we talked to Kayleigh McEnany -- former White House press secretary, current co-host of the Fox News show Outnumbered, and author of the book For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond.

CNN Attacks Fox for Saying It's Wrong to Treat Parents Like Terrorists
On Friday, CNN Newsroom claimed to discover the real villain of Attorney General Merrick Garland's memo on "harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence" against local school boards: Fox News for pointing out the absurdity of it all and for defending those "angry parents."

McEnany SLAMS Press for Maligning Her, ‘Disparate, Unfair’ Treatment
In her first interview since the end of the Trump administration, former White House Press Secretary and newly-minted Fox News contributor Kayleigh McEnany spoke Tuesday about what she viewed as a “disparate” and “unfair” treatment from liberal journalists that refused to give her “a modicum of respect” while current Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been able to skate by relatively unscathed.

Mission Accomplished? Here Were Acosta’s 15 Moments as WH Reporter
On Tuesday, CNN’s Jim Acosta spent his final day as chief White House correspondent reveling in having accomplished his life’s mission of celebrating himself and playing the role of general in helping to removing President Trump from office, a man he’s so deeply hated. NewsBusters combed through our archives to find the 15 worst Acosta moments over the past four years. Trust us, this wasn’t…

Forbes Magazine Threatens Companies That Hire Trump Officials
Forbes magazine abandoned any illusion of its free-market stance by issuing a threat to any company that chooses to hire some individuals who worked for President Donald Trump.

Tour de Force: Here Are the Top Ten McEnany Smackdowns of 2020
Assuming the position of White House Press Secretary on April 7, Kayleigh McEnany had quite a 2020 with a slew of crises to attend to as the fifth woman and third mother to serve as a president’s chief spokesperson. And with a press corps filled with journalists hell-bent on spewing hatred at the Trump administration (instead of asking real, probing questions), McEnany faced a near-constant…

Jake Tapper Boasts to Stelter He Just Won't Book Liars on His Shows
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, CNN host Brian Stelter and his fellow host Jake Tapper collaborated to congratulate themselves on their brave efforts to hold Trump accountable. Not only did they rub each other’s backs throughout the segment, but Tapper boasted that he was braver than so many other "mainstream" reporters and that he just won't lower himself to interviewing horrible liars…

Fire: McEnany Destroys the Liberal Media on Swalwell, COVID Vaccines
On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany opened and closed the press briefing by savaging the liberal media for their behavior regarding on their hopes that a coronairus vaccine wouldn’t be available in 2020, their purposeful refusal to cover a Chinese spy cozying up to Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA), and waiting until after the presidential election to both cover and give…

‘View’ Outraged by McEnany Calling Out Dems’ COVID Hypocrisy
The View hosts started off Thursday’s show offended by White House Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany calling out some of the Democrat politicians who violated their own restrictive coronavirus orders, at yesterday's briefing.

Morning Joe: Pro-Trump 'Liars Behind the Pulpit' Worse Than Pharisees
Whenever COVID-19 is being discussed on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the show’s co-hosts become even more unhinged than usual, creating a symphony of eye-rolling, scoffing, and screaming. On Thursday, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski took their condescension to a whole new level, telling anyone who questions their narrative that they need to get help from mental health providers.

‘Keeping Them Honest:’ McEnany RIPS CNN’s ‘Fake News’ on Her Husband
Beclowning himself once again during the so-called “Keeping The Honest” segment of Wednesday’s AC360, CNN host Anderson Cooper used his opening diatribe to lash out at not just White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, but her husband too, Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Sean Gilmartin. Showing a picture of him at the day’s briefing, Cooper tried to shame him for not wearing a mask and…

Nets Tout Biden Hiring ‘First, All-Female’ WH Team (Trump Was First)
Between late Sunday and Monday morning, the liberal media showcased their latest double standard between Democratic and Republican administrations and a failure to grasp reality. This time, outlets hailed President-Elect Joe Biden’s hiring of the “first” all-female White House communications team that’s “breaking barriers” despite the fact that the Trump administration’s top communications…