Kanye West

CNN Celebrates Kanye West Calling Bush a Racist After Katrina in 2005
On Sunday's episode of TV on the Edge: Moments that Shaped Our Culture, CNN devoted the hour to looking back at the infamous moment in 2005 when rapper Kanye West blurted out the accusation that President George W. Bush "doesn't like black people" during a telethon to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina.

On CNN, Jewish Democrat Calls Out Media for Not Countering Kanye
On CNN This Morning, a Michigan state representative who is Jewish, called out the media for not doing more to counter the wave of antisemitism. In particular, she cited the Detroit News for publishing a column calling Kanye West a "victim" after he had tweeted about going "Defcon" against Jews.

Morning Joe Goes to Auschwitz To Merge Trump and Hitler 'Big Lie'
With Joe Scarborough reporting from Auschwitz, Morning Joe draws a parallel between the Big Lie that started the Holocaust and Donald Trump.

Scarborough: Conservatives Have No Right to Criticize Griner Swap
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough suggests conservatives have no right to criticize Pres. Biden's deal to trade a notorious arms merchant for Brittney Griner, given January 6, and Trump's dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, and his notion that parts of the Constitution could be terminated given the 2020 election.

Collins Declares GOP Podcasters Agree With Kanye's Anti-Semitism
On Friday’s MSNBC Reports reporter Ben Collins responded to Kanye West’s Thursday anti-Semitic diatribe by warning that “Republican podcast circles” may not go as far as he did, but support “those same talking points.” Such an incendiary claim requires solid evidence, but none was forthcoming.

Don Lemon Goes Soft: 'Whether You Agree With Kyrie Irving Or Not... '
Don Lemon hosts a segment on CNN This Morning to discuss LeBron James' complaint that Kyrie Irving has been subjected to intense criticism over his promotion of an antisemitic book and movie, whereas there has been relatively little attention paid to a photo that recently came into circulation showing a 14-year-old Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, in a crowd blocking black children…

Evil: CBS Uses Trump Dinner to Paint GOP as the Anti-Semite Party
Is there any difference between John Dickerson and Joy Reid? It’s a worthwhile question as Dickerson and the CBS Mornings co-hosts eagerly used former President Trump’s idiotic dinner with a trio of white nationalists (with one of them also being a Holocaust denier) to tar and feather the party Wednesday as one that trumpets white nationalism and “normalizes” anti-Semites having a…

Mika Pained To Praise Pence For Criticizing Trump On Fuentes Dinner
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski is very reluctant to praise Mike Pence for his unqualified criticism of Donald Trump for having had dinner with Nick Fuentes and Kanye West.

Dinner Leads to Salon Labeling All Rightwingers as White Supremacists
Salon’s Amanda Marcotte is on to you, Republicans. She can see right inside your pasty white scalps and into your racist brains. She knows you’d be fine with Trump dining with white supremacists, as long as it did not hurt your election chances. As part of that, she had a piece out titled “Republicans don't care that Trump's a white supremacist — just that he's indiscreet about it.”

CNN Implies Republicans Are the Party of Anti-Semitism, Hate Crimes
CNN’s Inside Politics host John King has long been seen as one of the more even-keeled CNN mainstays, but when he has an itch, he becomes just as partisan as the rest. Such was the case Monday when he and his panel used former President Trump’s brazen dining with virulent racists and anti-Semites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes and the GOP response as proof that the party is content with…

Jewish Ex-Trump Staffer Let Don Lemon HAVE IT on Anti-Semite Fuentes
On CNN This Morning, Don Lemon gets into a testy exchange with a former Trump aide who is Jewish on the subject of Trump's dinner with Nick Fuentes. Lemon repeatedly tries to shut his guest down when he tries to raise the issue of antisemitism on the part of Squad members like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ocasio Cortez. At one point the guest tells Lemon not to put words in his mouth.

On Fox, Jonathan Swan Says Republicans 'Still Fear' Criticizing Trump
On Fox News Sunday, Jonathan Swan, who is about to move from Axios to the New York Times, says that "there actually haven't been that many prominent Republicans who have come out against Trump" in the wake of his dinner with white nationalist Nick Fuentes. Swan says, "there is still a fear among Republicans, even ones who want to oppose him potentially in 2024, that Trump still commands a…

Ye and Irving Face Annihilation While Worse Antisemite Has MSNBC Job
Say what you want about Kanye West and Kyrie Irving – their antisemitism doesn’t come with a body count. Then there’s Al Sharpton.
Race hustling MSNBC host was inciting riots and deadly arson against New York Jews before Irving…

NY Times Page 1 Blames Rapper, NBA Star's Anti-Semitism on Trump, GOP
New York Times Michael Paulson and Ruth Graham probed the alleged Trump-fueled resurgence of anti-Semitism on Sunday’s front page, led by -- the rapper formerly named Kanye West and basketball Star Kyrie Irving? -- in “Pop Culture and Politics Propel Surging Stream of Antisemitism.”