Jeremiah Wright
NYT on Top of the Big Stories: ‘Leave It to Beagle’ as Warnock Wins GA
More of that hard-nosed, just-the-facts journalism that has kept the New York Times the nation’s paper of record: Political reporter Shane Goldmacher’s 1,700-word story on a dog – a beagle named Alvin that featured prominently in a series of popular campaign commercials for new Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock. The full headline read: “How Alvin the Beagle Helped Usher In a Democratic…
PATHETIC: NYT Defends Radical Warnock from GOP's ‘Deceptive Tactic'
Building up to the crucial pair of U.S. Senate runoff elections in Georgia, which will decide party control and the direction of the future Biden Administration, The New York Times has worked fervently to protect Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock and attack his Republican opponent, sitting Sen. Kelly Loeffler. Reporter Rick Rojas took his shot defending Warnock’s far-left flank in…

On PBS, Hack Schmidt Brags: I Restrained McCain in Campaign With Obama
On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, MSNBC contributor and disaffected ex-Republican Steve Schmidt bragged about restraining 2008 GOP presidential nominee John McCain's losing campaign from exposing Democrat Barack Obama's ties to the radical pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, after NPR's Michel Martin cued him up to fault Republicans over race issues.
NY Times Book Review Leads With Long Saga on Obama’s ‘Legacy of Hope'
The New York Times Sunday Book Review led off with a lengthy, almost reverent take on Barack Obama’s latest autobiography A Promised Land: “Legacy of Hope,” a review by Nigerian-born novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Her obeisant take took up five full pages of the section, devoting a stunning 4,500 words to what is admittedly itself an enormous book.

MSNBC Defends Wright's 'God Damn America!'—Critics Miss the 'Nuance'
When it comes to attempting to explain away the unexplainable, nothing's more hackneyed than claiming the offensive statement was "taken out of context." To be sure, Jason Johnson trotted out that excuse while guest-hosting MSNBC's AM Joy Sunday morning. But give Eddie Glaude credit. The frequent MSNBC guest came up with a somewhat more original excuse. Critics of Wright's damnation…

NYT's Egan Perpetuates Obama-As-Uniter Mythology to Attack Trump

MSNBC Guest: 'White Flight' to GOP, a Black Roy Moore Cld Not Hold Gun

LA Times Writer Falls Overboard Praising Obama’s Oracular Oratory

AP Reporters Pretend to Struggle With 'Unexplained' Violent Crime Rise

David Corn on Ben Carson: 'There Are Serious Issues About His Faith'

ABC, CBS, CNN Ignore Radical Politics of Speakers at March Anniversary

On Trump, Obama, Rev. Wright, and the Media's Double Standards at Work

Juan Williams: There Are 'Elements of Racism' in Today's Constitution