Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 1-27-23

Morning Joe Goes to Auschwitz To Merge Trump and Hitler 'Big Lie'

January 29th, 2023 6:29 AM

With Joe Scarborough reporting from Auschwitz, Morning Joe draws a parallel between the Big Lie that started the Holocaust and Donald Trump.

Don Lemon Len Khodorkovsky CNN This Morning 11-28-22

Jewish Ex-Trump Staffer Let Don Lemon HAVE IT on Anti-Semite Fuentes

November 28th, 2022 11:27 AM

On CNN This Morning, Don Lemon gets into a testy exchange with a former Trump aide who is Jewish on the subject of Trump's dinner with Nick Fuentes. Lemon repeatedly tries to shut his guest down when he tries to raise the issue of antisemitism on the part of Squad members like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ocasio Cortez. At one point the guest tells Lemon not to put words in his mouth. 


The View Defends Ilhan Omar’s U.S. Hate: A 'Different Understanding'

November 22nd, 2022 2:23 PM

Up in arms that possible House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) promised to strip extremist Democrats of their committee assignments when/if he becomes speaker of the House, including Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, The View took to downplaying her rabid anti-Semitism on Tuesday and giving a full-throated defense of her anti-American comments comparing the United States to terrorist…


MSNBC's Hasan Tees Up Ilhan Omar To Decry Supposed Trump Antisemitism!

October 18th, 2022 4:35 PM

On his MSNBC show, Mehdi Hasan teest up notorious antisemite, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar, to falsely accuse Donald, Trump of making an antisemitic post, and to wring her hands of the rise of antisemitism in America. 


Scrubbing the Squad’s Scandals: Four Controversies the Press Buried

July 25th, 2022 10:00 AM

We are just 15 weeks away from election day in what is already shaping up to be a contentious 2022 midterm season. If the press follows their typical campaign play book, journalists will pick out certain conservative candidates who commit gaffes or make odd comments and try and make them the face of the GOP.

Reid Hoffman

LinkedIn Co-Founder Donates Thousands to Keep Dems in Power

June 29th, 2022 4:44 PM

The radical liberal billionaire who became infamous for backing a group that “spread disinformation during the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate” is throwing money behind so-called “mainstream” Democrats in an attempt to prevent Republicans from winning control of Congress.

It's Not Just Jews: Ilhan Omar Doesn’t Like Christians Either

April 18th, 2022 1:42 PM

It’s not just Jews. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, doesn’t seem to like Christians much, either. After video went viral of an apparently impromptu Christian sing-along on a commercial air flight, Omar tweeted: “I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane. How do you think it will end?”


Oh, What Has Ilhan Omar Said Now? The Nets Don’t Care

March 8th, 2022 12:35 PM

Radical Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is at it again. The Democrat on Sunday called the U.S. hypocritical in terms how it deals with Ukrainian refugees vs. countries like Syria and Central America. She also appeared way out of step with both Republicans and Democrats, decrying “disastrous” military aide to Ukraine. Yet on the networks? Crickets from them as they ignore the potentially embarrassing…

NYT: Tlaib a Victim of ‘Vicious’ GOP; Israel ‘Bombing Civilians'

March 5th, 2022 10:00 PM

The upcoming issue of the New York Times Sunday magazine features “What Rashida Tlaib Represents.” The author Rozina Ali is working on a book about the history of “Islamophobia” in the United States, so it’s no surprise she produced a long (5,000 words), extremely sympathetic profile of the left-wing “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, while accusing her pro-Israel critics of…

Joe Scarborough Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 12-20-21

Scarborough: Angry Democrats Pushing Manchin Into Arms of GOP

December 20th, 2021 9:52 AM

On Morning Joe, Scarborough expresses understanding of the Democrats' anger at Manchin, but warns them that they are pushing him into the arms of the GOP. He cites the precedent of Jumpin' Jim Jeffords, who left the GOP and joined the Democrats over his disputes with Pres. George W. Bush, thereby handing the Democrats the Senate majority.

Editor’s Pick: CNSNews on CNN’s Softballs to Offensive Omar

December 7th, 2021 10:15 AM

On Monday, CNSNews Morning Managing Editor Susan Jones reported on a softball Sunday interview CNN anchor Jake Tapper conducted with controversial far-left Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in which he gave the Democrat “a platform to condemn the ‘hateful, bigoted comments’ made about her by Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert,” but “never mentioned the ‘hateful, bigoted comments’ for which Omar was forced…


No Holds Barred: Reid Latches Onto Lies of Border Agents With ‘Whips’

September 21st, 2021 11:36 PM

When there’s a piece of fake news to promote that furthers a leftist narrative, it’s all but guaranteed that MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid will be there to spew any and all lies to confirm her priors. Such was the case on Monday and Tuesday with the outrageously false claims that Border Patrol officials were whipping illegal immigrants from Haiti.


Doocy Hangs Tough, Continues to Battle Psaki Over Her Defund Lies

June 30th, 2021 9:09 PM

Two days after he faced shameless gaslighting from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki over which party supports defunding the police, Fox News’s Peter Doocy was back at it during Wednesday’s briefing and pressed Psaki on her false claims that the GOP (and not Democrats) have defunded the police.


Good Cops: Baier, Doocy Fact-Check White House on Defunding Police

June 29th, 2021 11:01 PM

While ABC was busy covering up a Democratic city council defunding the Oakland Police Department in California, and CBS and NBC refused to highlight the ridiculousness of the White House’s latest efforts to gaslight America, Fox News spoke the truth on Monday by fact-checking which party was out there defunding police departments and adding to the crime wave gripping the country.