Haley Barbour

Scarborough: Haley Barbour Would 'Much Rather' Have Hillary Than Trump
December 17th, 2015 8:47 AM
A modern-day variation on "better red than dead" . . . Joe Scarborough says that Haley Barbour and many Republican leaders would "much rather" have Hillary be president than to let Trump win and represent the GOP.
On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough said that if it looks like Trump will win the nomination, something Scarborough sees as very plausible, he envisions Mitt Romney or Michael…

Matthews Thinks Blockbuster Around, Intros Woman as 'Haley Barbour'
November 10th, 2015 8:18 PM
You'd think that back in April when, as Ken Shepherd noted, Chris Matthews talked about Blockbuster being about all that's left in Rust Belt towns, one of his assistants would have gently taken him aside and explained that Blockbuster shuttered its stores some time ago. But on this evening's Hardball, there was Chris committing the exact same gaffe.
And in the very next segment, Matthews…

Chuck Todd Claims Giuliani 'Led' 'This Week's Race to the Bottom'
February 22nd, 2015 1:45 PM
On Sunday, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd did his best to continue the media’s obsession surrounding former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani questioning President Obama’s love of America. Despite Todd’s insistence that he has “hated this story in so many ways,” he made sure to declare “[t]his week’s week's race to the bottom, led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, is proving why…

CNN's Costello Plays Up GOP's 'Campaign of Fear' in Midterms
November 4th, 2014 5:18 PM
CNN's Carol Costello hyped how "Republicans have managed to use fear so successfully in these midterm elections" during interviews of two former governors on Tuesday's CNN Newsroom. Costello contended that "Republicans may be on the verge of winning Senate control – thanks, in large part, to a campaign of fear. If you examine the political ads that many Republican candidates have put out, they…

MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts to GOP: Who Wants to Bend Over First
November 15th, 2012 2:21 PM
Sadly, MSNBC has shown once again how crude they can be when the engage in their daily barrage of attacks against conservatives and the Republican Party. The latest example comes from MSNBC’s on Thomas Roberts on Thursday’s MSNBC Live.
Referencing comments made by former Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS) who recently said that the GOP needed, “a proctology exam, moving forward to explore the…

After Touting Sandy as 'October Surprise' for Obama, NBC Now Labels Si
November 8th, 2012 10:41 AM
After NBC News spent a week hyping President Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy as a major boon for his re-election campaign, on Thursday's Today, political director Chuck Todd completely dismissed Republicans citing the event as one reason for Mitt Romney's defeat: "Believe it or not, that Sandy finger-pointing is something that is being pushed around...when you look at the entire scope of…

Haley Barbour: It Was a Mistake to Have Liberal Media Moderate GOP's P
November 6th, 2012 4:40 PM
During a November 6 chat with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell in which he handicapped the election, former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) argued that Republicans had done themselves no favors by both having as many debates as they did in the primary season and turning those debates over to liberal journalists for moderating. "If you were going to have the debates, let them be sponsored by the…

CBS Hammers Haley Barbour on 'Impact' of Mourdock on Women's Vote
October 25th, 2012 4:14 PM
Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell badgered former RNC head Haley Barbour on Thursday's CBS This Morning on Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock's strongly pro-life stance, that even children conceived in rape are "God intended." Rose strongly hinted that the media firestorm surrounding Mourdock could affect the presidential race: "Romney may be gaining support among women. And the question arises…
Broadcast Networks Ignore New Study Showing Household Income Has Dropp
August 27th, 2012 11:10 AM
On Thursday, Sentier Research released a study showing that household income has actually declined at a worse rate in the sluggish economic recovery than it did during the December 2007-June 2009 recession. "From June 2009 to June 2012, inflation-adjusted median household income fell 4.8 percent, to $50,964," Washington Post's Michael Fletcher noted in Friday's paper, although his article was…

Stephanopoulos Hypes ‘Political Hurricane from Todd Akin’ While Ba
August 26th, 2012 4:47 PM
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos opened his Sunday show: “Good morning and welcome to This Week. Storms brewing. The GOP convention threatened by Tropical Storm Isaac and that political hurricane from Todd Akin...”
Over on CBS, guest Haley Barbour scolded Bob Schieffer who had wondered how Republicans get the focus “back” onto the economy? Barbour called Schieffer out for his obsession on Akin: “…

CBS's Rose Scoffs at Barbour's Attack on 'Liberal Media Elite
March 22nd, 2012 5:42 PM
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose shamelessly boosted the Obama campaign's talking point about the economy: "The President will...say, things are in much better shape...so my policies are, at long last, working." When Haley Barbour replied that "the liberal media leads you to think that the economy's getting great," Rose sneered, "I didn't realize you think the Federal Reserve…

CBS's Rose Filibusters Barbour's Attack on Obama 'Ripping' Constitutio
February 27th, 2012 6:11 PM
Charlie Rose seemingly can't handle a Republican attacking President Obama, as he interrupted Haley Barbour on Monday's CBS This Morning. Rose took Rick Santorum's criticism of JFK out of context in a question to Barbour. When the former RNC head accused Obama of "forcing...abortion pills" on the Catholic Church, the anchor replied, "Wait...he [Santorum] was talking about...Kennedy, not...Obama…

NPR, CBS Play Up Romney's 'Provocative' Warren Buffett Tax Rate
January 18th, 2012 3:31 PM
NPR harped on Mitt Romney's "provocative tax detail" on Wednesday's Morning Edition, highlighting that the GOP presidential candidate "disclosed he's in the same low tax bracket as the billionaire [Warren] Buffett." Correspondent Scott Horsley later used clips from President Obama to accent liberals' class warfare spin about the rich paying a lower tax rate than "millionaires and billionaires…
Barbour Warns Perry: A Conservative, Christian, Southern Republican Li
August 19th, 2011 2:14 PM
When NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Friday, asked Haley Barbour if Rick Perry had to "clean up his language?" the former head of the RNC brushed back the host of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports by subtly accusing her of engaging in typical liberal media tricks.
The current Mississippi governor warned his fellow Republican to be prepared to be "nitpicked by the liberal media elite" because "When…