Bob Shrum

Bob Shrum Fails to Credit Himself for Hillary Overconfidence
October 20th, 2017 7:02 PM
The Eddie Mush of politics, Bob Shrum, has written an article in the October 19 America magazine attempting to explain how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. Among the big reasons Shrum cites was overconfidence to the extent that the Hillary campaign declined to even poll the battleground states in the final weeks of the election.

FLASHBACK: Shrum Shames Scaramucci for Defending Trump
July 21st, 2017 8:31 PM
With the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci on July 21 as White House Communications Director, this is a good time to take a walk down memory lane with him to exactly two weeks before the November election when he was subjected to a searing attack by always wrong political consultant Bob Shrum on Bloomberg's With All Due Respect. Starting at the 3:50 mark of the following video, Scaramucci commits…

Bob Shrum Modestly Fails to Credit His 'Curse' for Hillary Loss
November 9th, 2016 10:49 AM
You did it, Bob Shrum! Your perfect track record now extends to 0 for 9 in presidential candidate victories due to your powerful "Shrum Curse."
Your humble correspondent was the first to note how the Shrum Curse doomed Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign the moment he declared certain victory for her on September 2. Here is a gloating Shrum spiking the football and declaring the election…

Bob Shrum Fails to Credit His Curse as Cause of Hillary Poll Collapse
September 16th, 2016 10:29 PM
Don't be so modest, Bob. You have an amazing power. Any presidential candidate who you either work for directly or declare to have won before Election Day is doomed to fail. That power that you are so reluctant to brag about is known far and wide within political circles as the "Shrum Curse." We saw the latest demonstration by Bob Shrum of that power on With All Due Respect on September 2 as…

WADR: Will Shrum Curse Doom Hillary's Campaign?
September 2nd, 2016 9:14 PM
This election is over! You got that? Hillary Clinton has already won.
Only one not so little problem. The one making this declaration is none other than the Eddie Mush of politics aka Bob Shrum. This time, the extremely unlucky political consultant (0 for 8 in presidential candidate wins) who infamous for possessing the "Shrum curse" might have cast a pall of misfortune upon the Hillary Clinton…

Parallels Between Liz Cheney, RFK Glossed Over by Dem Strategist
July 22nd, 2013 3:05 PM
Longtime Democrat strategist Bob Shrum's churlish advice for Senate candidate Liz Cheney -- how dare you act like a Kennedy.
Yet more mush from Shrum, this time about Cheney announcing that she's challenging incumbent Republican Mike Enzi in Wyoming. Cheney has taken her share of flak over this in the last week and here it crosses the line to laughable. (Audio after the jump)
Ed Schultz: IRS Targeting Tea Party Shows Why GOP Should Embrace Obama
May 14th, 2013 1:50 PM
Leave it to Ed Schultz to conjure up the most deranged spin yet in response to the Internal Revenue Service admitting to undue scrutiny of tea party groups.
While many liberals have been critical of the Obama administration in the wake of the hardly surprising revelation, Schultz on his radio show yesterday was full-throated in his defense of the IRS -- even to the point of making the absurd…

WashPost Plays Nice with Biden: Lauds How He 'Shines' as Veep, Waits
May 3rd, 2013 1:59 PM
The Washington Post tiptoed gently on Friday around Joe Biden’s hopes of being elected president in 2016. “For Biden, dreams vs. realities” is the story’s headline, but at the very top of Page One, it says “At the top of his political game, the vice president shines as Obama’s personable No. 2. But events may conspire against a 2016 promotion.”
Post reporter Philip Rucker rather comically…

Bob Shrum Actually Describes Ted Kennedy as 'Entirely Principled
September 7th, 2012 7:55 PM
Loyalty is one thing, delusion another.
Former Kennedy speechwriter and campaign operative Bob Shrum outdid himself on Ed Schultz's radio show Wednesday, gushing about Ted Kennedy and the maudlin video tribute to him at the Democratic convention. (audio) --
Dem Strategist Bob Shrum: Sexual Harassment Never Minor, Except When I
November 4th, 2011 7:47 PM
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, Emerson warned. Is it too much to expect in the same sentence?
Appearing on Ed Schultz's radio show Wednesday to weigh in on the allegations against Herman Cain, veteran Democratic strategist Bob Shrum had this to say (audio) --

Shrum's Paula Jones Memory Loss: If Cain Didn't Do Anything, 'Why In T
October 31st, 2011 8:43 PM
Be kind to Bob Shrum. Perhaps the 68-year old is suffering from the not-so-early-onset of some dread memory-loss syndrome.
How else to explain his suggestion on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this evening that the National Restaurant Association's settlement for a relatively modest sum, in today's litigious world, proves that Herman Cain must have done something wrong? Does the failed…

Matthews: Everyone Knows Government Creates Jobs
August 7th, 2011 7:59 AM
The solution to our raging unemployment rate is so simple, I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it before. Luckily, Chris Matthews did. The government simply needs to spend more money! Because, as "everyone knows, as we studied in school," government spending creates jobs!
Matthews, just as wacky on the weekend Hardball as he is in his Mon.-Fri. version, went on a two-segment rant this…
Hardball: Beck's 'Bandwagon of Bigotry and Fear' Kind of Like KKK
September 1st, 2010 6:04 PM
On Tuesday, NewsBusters identified the media's emerging strategy of discrediting Glenn Beck by pitting his religious beliefs against other Christians. Mere hours later, as if on cue, MSNBC was all over it. "Hardball" host Chris Matthews invited on liberal Salon editor Joan Walsh and Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, two people who are something less than experts on the religious right, to help…
Chris Matthews - 'Obama is Almost Perfect'; Joan Walsh - 'He's the Ame
August 31st, 2010 7:18 PM
Chris Matthews almost got another tingle up his leg on national television Tuesday talking about how wonderful Barack Obama is.So did Salon's Joan Walsh,In the opening segment of "Hardball," the host and his perilously liberal guests concluded by trying to figure out why conservatives don't like the current White House resident.In the end, and sadly predictable, the conclusion was the color of…