Benjamin Crump

CBS Touts Lefty Ben Crump Blasting DeSantis for Fighting Woke AP Class
Thursday’s CBS Mornings opened its “What to Watch” segment with a little over two minutes touting far-left activist and Al Sharpton-wannabe Benjamin Crump’s threat to sue Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) over the Florida Department of Education’s decision to reject an AP course on African-American culture and history because it was deemed “a vehicle for a political agenda” with topics…

‘Nowhere Is Safe’; CBS Says Buffalo Proves ‘Racism Is Mainstream’
Reacting to Saturday’s racially-motivated mass shooting at a Buffalo, New York grocery store, Monday’s CBS Mornings sought to strike fear into the hearts and minds of viewers, insisting “racism is mainstream,” “nowhere is safe,” and “nothing feels safe” with gun violence ready to break out and kill you at a moment’s notice. In response, they tag-teamed with Obama Attorney General Eric…

Editor’s Pick: Free Beacon on Dangerous Fallout of NYC Subway Shooting
The Washington Free Beacon penned a Monday morning editorial warning that, based on the liberal media’s minimizing of the racist and hateful views of the NYC subway shooter and use of a Michigan police-involved shooting to harm race relations, future race-based acts of violence could soon be around the corner thanks to the their penchant for racial division.

ABC, CBS Distort History to Mark Trayvon Martin's Death in 2012
As ABC and CBS ran reports commemorating the 10th anniversary of black Florida teen Trayvon Martin being shot to death by George Zimmerman, both networks misinformed their viewers, and ABC even imitated the same smear that NBC News was forced to apologize for 10 years ago.

After Defending BLM Riots, MSNBC Ready to Jail Cuba Protesters
Channeling the radical socialists of Black Lives Matter – who have voiced their support for the brutal communist regime in Cuba – MSNBC on Thursday complained that Cuban-American protesters who blocked traffic in Miami were not arrested. This coming from the same left-wing cable network that defended violent BLM riots as peaceful even as communities across the country were set on fire.

Joy’s Hodgepodge of Hate: Reid, Pals Spend Night Aboard a Crazy Train
MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid and one guest after another spent Tuesday night gaslighting viewers on a litany of issues, ranging from downplaying the Alexandria ball field shooting to insisting a January 6 commission will be the top issue in the 2022 midterms to comparing police to a “lynch mob” invading Iraq in 2003 to claiming Democrats have always accepted presidential election…

Fox Leads, CBS, CNN and MSNBC Mislead on Daunte Wright's Record
On Wednesday, Fox News Channel again demonstrated that it's keeping people well-informed about important issues while other networks were spreading misinformation. Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade explained that the accidental shooting of 20-year-old Daunte Wright in Minnesota was a "tragedy," but he had a serious crime on his arrest warrant.

No, the Derek Chauvin Trial Isn’t a Referendum on American Racism
Since the death of George Floyd, our esteemed media, as well as their Democratic allies, have suggested that Floyd's alleged murder is representative of broader American white supremacy, that Floyd's experience with law enforcement is indicative of how American police pose an existential threat to black Americans. They have offered no evidence for this proposition. Not a shred of evidence has…

Corrupt Media Cover for Left-Wing Rioters, See 'Peaceful' Protests
Over the weekend, after several left-wing protests turned violent, the liberal media were true to form in covering up most of the violence, making sure to emphasize "peaceful" activities.

Even After Cops Shot, ABC, CBS Call Violent Riots 'Mostly Peaceful'
Protests and riots broke out in major cities across the country Wednesday night over the Kentucky grand jury’s decision to not charge any of the officers involved in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor. ABC and CBS spent their morning shows downplaying the violence as “mostly peaceful," Thursday.

Tucker Scorches Biden for Meeting With Anti-Semitic Jacob Blake Sr.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson eviscerated Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden and his media handlers last night, for continuing to promote and elevate an outspoken anti-Semite as the nation’s moral authority on racism.

CNN Slow to Inform Viewers of Warrant Against Jacob Blake
This week, CNN's New Day show has been on a roll when it comes to avoiding critical details from police shooting cases that would make police officer actions seem more defensible.
CBS, NBC Telegraph Intent to Only Be Favorable to Biden’s VP Pick
In a pair of doting news reports from the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News on Monday, both of these defenders of Joe Biden tacitly admitted to viewers that they planned to only cover his pick for running mate favorably; refusing to be critical or vet them. They also suggested that being critical would be sexist and racist.

MSNBC, NPR, CBS Let Guest Claim Police 'Genocide' Against Minorities
Over the past couple of weeks, MSNBC, NPR, and CBS have given a mostly unchallenged forum to liberal attorney Benjamin Crump to promote his new book, provocatively titled Open Season: Legalized Genocide Against Colored People, in which he promotes an alarmist view of widespread discrimination against the country's minority population, covering issues from police violence, high incarceration…