ABC’s Biden Propaganda on Cancer Moonshot Is Stuff Putin, Xi Could Only Dream of

August 14th, 2024 10:56 AM

ABC in particular has had a track record of not only salivating over whatever the Biden administration spoonfeeds them on a daily basis with pure propaganda pieces, so it wasn’t a shock when they used Tuesday’s Good Morning America and World News Tonight to trumpet President Biden’s visit to Tulane University to hype his Cancer Moonshot initiative.

“Now to President Biden's mission to reduce the cancer death rate. And a new initiative from the White House this morning,” proclaimed GMA co-host Robin Roberts.

Senior White House correspondent Selina Wang took a break to hype this from her other task of repeatedly denigrating 2024 GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s military service (claiming he never saw “active fighting” in Iraq) in order to defend Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz’s embellishment of his own military record.

Wang came off like someone from state-run media in one of those authoritarian countries:



After sharing the details of the grants and what they’re aimed at helping to research in the fight against cancer, Wang laid it on thick by fawning over how “this issue is very personal” since “[h]e lost his son Beau to cancer in 2015.”

“And President Biden, for his legacy, this is very important to him. He has vowed to keep on fighting for this cancer moon shot for the rest of his term,” she concluded.

Wang returned for World News Tonight to deliver even more debasing stenography. She was cued up by anchor David Muir proclaiming in a tease of a “major move tonight by President Biden” then a lead in emphasizing “his very personal mission to cut cancer deaths in the U.S. in half within 25 years.”

“Tonight, President Biden awarding $150 million in research funds as part of his Cancer Moonshot — an initiative that’s deeply personal, and one he hopes will be a lasting part of his legacy,” Wang began, as though it were penned by the Biden press office.

After a Biden soundbite, she again invoked Beau and highlighted Biden’s desire to decrease cancer death rates in half by 2047.

“The President traveling to New Orleans with the First Lady today, announcing funding for eight research groups across the country, all working to help surgeons more precisely remove tumors from those with cancer,” she added.

The segment was mercifully brought to an end after another Biden soundbite and Wang with this nauseating close:

In the final months of his presidency, Biden is prioritizing issues that are near and dear to his heart. That also includes lowering costs for Americans. That will be the focus of his event with Vice President Harris later this week, their first event together since Biden dropped out of this race. 

Tuesday’s CBS Evening News also promoted the Cancer Moonshot, but at least they had the decency to cut it down to a 36-second news brief (click “expand”):

GARRETT: President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden visited New Orleans today promoting the so-called Cancer Moonshot program following the death of his son, Beau, from cancer. The President announced $150 million of new cancer researching funding for eight research teams across the country, including one from Tulane University, where this event was held.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: We believe anything is possible in America. [SCREEN WIPE] There’s nothing — nothing — we — beyond our capacity when we work together.

GARRETT: The President has set a goal of cutting American cancer deaths in half by the year 2047. 

To see the relevant transcripts from August 13, click here (for ABC’s Good Morning America), here (for ABC’s World News Tonight), and here (for CBS).