
Liberal Media Have a Field Day LYING About Vance’s Parenthood Comments

July 26th, 2024 2:26 PM

In perfectly coordinated fashion this week, the liberal media have gone postal on GOP vice presidential nominee and Senator JD Vance for 2021 comments about the left being dominated by unhappy progressives who don’t have children. Everyone in the liberal media have piled on, ranging from ABC, CBS, and NBC on their flagship morning and evening newscasts to major newspapers to the insufferable…


ABC Hails Kamala ‘Blazing New Trails’, ‘Biblical’ Turn in Campaign

July 22nd, 2024 10:45 AM

Always a loyal foot soldier for the left, ABC’s Good Morning America was ebullient Monday in fluffing Vice President Kamala Harris being handed an “extraordinary moment” as the likely Democratic presidential nominee with “a flood of cash” and “history” on her side now that President Biden has dropped out against “felon” Donald Trump.


‘Walls Are Closing in’; Nets Pummel Biden on Dems Ordering ‘Code Red’

July 18th, 2024 6:27 PM

With President Biden’s Wednesday Covid diagnosis and growing questions about his competence taking top billing over the Republican National Convention on Thursday morning, ABC, CBS, and NBC didn’t mince words in burying Biden by observing this “coordinated” push by other Democrats to force him out was reminiscent of a famous scene from A Few Good Men and deployed a term they’d repeatedly…


Friday AM Shows Aren't Soft on Biden...But NO Republicans Allowed!

July 5th, 2024 2:00 PM

ABC, CBS, and NBC did not report any cheerleading news for President Biden on their Friday morning shows. All of them ran negative soundbites of Democrats and embarrassing gaffes from the president, like him claiming in a radio interview that he was a black woman as vice president. But something was noticeably missing: any soundbites from a Republican. The entire debate on Biden's future is…


ICYMI: WH Press Keep Eyes on the Ball, Pummel KJP Over Declinin’ Biden

July 5th, 2024 12:51 PM

In case you didn’t see the litany of embarrassing clips on X earlier this week, Wednesday’s White House press briefing revealed more surprising message discipline from the beat reporters as they continued to rhetorically bludgeon the Biden administration and the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre with questions about the obvious mental decline of President Biden (which, for many, have only decided…


‘Hard to Square’; ABC PANICS SCOTUS Gave Trump ‘Absolute,’ ‘Big’ Win

July 1st, 2024 5:57 PM

While CBS and NBC were far more balanced in perspectives and even behaved on Monday morning when it came to Special Reports on the Supreme Court’s Trump immunity case, it was not the case on Disney-run ABC as they kvetched over what they said was an “absolute”, “big”, and “total” win for Trump that was “hard to square” with the Constitution as we know it.


KJP Show Wrap Up: The Week in Briefings with Hidin’ Biden in Delaware

June 19th, 2024 5:48 PM

With it being summer and the first presidential debate only eight days away, President Biden has been and will soon go into hibernation with trips to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and Camp David in Maryland, leaving only Monday and Tuesday for White House press briefings. However, the press corps made it count with hardballs and softballs on what the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre called “cheap…


Genocide, Alito, & Scheffler: Best & Worst of This Week’s WH Briefings

May 17th, 2024 6:04 PM

This week marked a rare occasion in which President Biden remained at the White House all five weekdays and thus allowed for five press briefings from the ever-inept press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre (and John Kirby only serving as a crutch on Friday). The questions were, not surprisingly, all over the place given the lunacy of the week, ranging from accusing Jews of genocide to harassment…


ICYMI: Hamill Derails WH Briefing, Doocy Battles KJP on Alma Mater

May 6th, 2024 11:50 AM

Friday’s White House press briefing began with a distinct 2016 vibe as the Biden administration demanded it be taken seriously on the reelection front with Star Wars actor Mark Hamill surprising reporters ahead of May 4 (aka May the Fourth Be With You!) and a few dutifully complied by asking him questions despite the fact that, as we’d later learn, one hasn’t seen any of the movies. …

ABC, CBS Play WH Pravda Fawning Over State Dinner for Teachers

May 3rd, 2024 4:08 PM

Less than week after President Biden used his White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD) speech to order the liberal media to get to work on behalf of democracy (aka his reelection campaign), ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings took this to heart with puff ball pieces Friday on a White House state dinner held to celebrate teachers.


WH Journos Gang Up to Smear Israel Over World Central Kitchen Tragedy

April 3rd, 2024 1:30 PM

Sadly, the virulently anti-Israel pockets of the White House press corps took center stage on Tuesday during the first briefing since what appeared to have been a horrible, tragic accident in which Israeli airstrikes killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza. Naturally, numerous reporters took the opportunity to claim without evidence that the ever-unrepentant Israel purposefully…


Nets Play Shameless Tools for Biden on Microchips Visit, Student Loans

March 21st, 2024 5:47 PM

The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC used their flagship newscasts on Wednesday night and Thursday morning to giddily promote the hundreds of millions far-left New York has ordered former President Trump to pay in multiple partisan prosecutions. In contrast, they eagerly played groupies for the Biden regime with puff pieces on Biden’s microchips visit to Arizona and a new tranche of student…


ABC Plays State-Run Media for Biden on Womens Health Executive Order

March 18th, 2024 5:33 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America went head-first on Monday into promoting the “bloodbath” hoax against former President Trump, melting down over their claims that he said America will be a “bloodbath” if he loses (when he was referring to what a flood of Chinese-affiliated electric vehicles would do to U.S.-based workers). But at the same time they were bashing Trump’s “dark”, “incendiary…


Heinrich Fights KJP on Border as WH’s Sullivan Rips Pro-Hamas Reporter

March 13th, 2024 4:37 PM

During Tuesday’s White House press briefing featuring the ever-inept Press Secretary. Karine Jean-Pierre, and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich dropped the jackhammer on President Biden declaring Hungary a dictatorship, the Biden border crisis, and Biden now touting Hamas-approved statistics on the war in Gaza. Elsewhere, Bloomberg and ABC reporters questioned both…