Code Pink Gets Reuters Coverage — For a Protest Group of 20

January 11th, 2015 10:02 AM
The ability of tiny numbers of far-left fringe group demonstrators to get undue press attention virtually any time they want continues to be intensely annoying. In mid-2007, Barack Obama made closing the prison at Guantanmo Bay a core promise of his 2008 campaign. That was 7-1/2 years ago. Obama has been in office six years. Gitmo is still open. So naturally, the aggrieved professional…

Media Embarrassment: Lionized Ferguson Protester Confesses to Crimes

December 28th, 2014 9:52 AM
In St. Louis County, police have arrested 19 year-old Joshua Williams and charged him (HT Gateway Pundit) with committing "1st degree arson, 2nd degree burglary and misdemeanor theft" at the QuikTrip convenience store in Berkeley, Missouri on Christmas Eve. Williams "has confessed to the crimes." The St. Louis Post-Dispatch gets today's prize for most absurd headline, as seen after the jump (…

MSNBC's Misleading Hype: Pope 'Broke With...Tradition' on Evolution

October 28th, 2014 5:37 PM
MSNBC's Daniel Berger trumpeted on Tuesday that "Pope Francis broke with Catholic tradition Monday by declaring that the theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real." Berger later asserted that Pope Francis's "language was a significant departure from Benedict XVI and his close advisers, who had voiced support for the idea that intelligent design underpins evolution."

MSNBC: Supermodel Cyber-Bullied Over Her Anti-Gun Tweet

October 24th, 2014 3:59 PM today portrayed supermodel Chrissy Teigen as the victim of "cyberbullying" by virtue of the backlash she received on Twitter for a tweet in which she exploited the terroristic murder of Canadian armed forces Cpl. Nathan Cirillo to complain about guns in America. 

MSNBC Falsely Insists 'Django' Actress Arrested for Kissing Boyfriend

October 22nd, 2014 4:33 PM
Last month, African-American actress Daniele Watts -- best known for her role in Django Unchained -- and her boyfriend, who happens to be white, were investigated by a Los Angeles police officer who responded to a call from a bystander filing a complaint about lewd misconduct. Ms. Watts went to the media with complaints of racial profiling and insisted she was merely making out with her boyfriend… Flips Out Over Court Approval of Wis. Voter ID Law

October 7th, 2014 5:24 PM
"'Horrendous' Ruling: Federal court upholds controversial voter ID law" blared the top-of-the-page teaser headline for Zachary Roth's October 7 story on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the Badger State's 2012 voter ID law which has been tangled up in court for the past two years. 

MSNBC Points Finger at NRA For 'Making the Ebola Crisis Worse'

October 3rd, 2014 3:15 PM

MSNBC anchor Krystal Ball and NBC correspondent Anne Thompson shamelessly politicized the Ebola crisis in a Thursday op-ed on Ball and Thompson bewailed how due to "Senate dysfunction and NRA opposition, we don't have a surgeon general right now....during a time when, we not only have Ebola arriving on our shores, but are also dealing with the mysterious Enterovirus, which is…

AP, MSNBC Trying to Downplay Terrorism in Reporting on Okla. Beheading

September 27th, 2014 9:31 AM
The establishment press, and now apparently the FBI, have a problem on their hands: an alleged killer who converted to Islam; expressed sentiments favored by terrorists; killed a woman by employing terrorists' favored method, i.e., beheading; shouted Islamic slogans while carrying out his evil deed; and was trying to kill someone else when another armed person shot and wounded him. Their problem…

Networks Refuse to Cover DOJ Barring Media From Ferguson Town Halls

September 23rd, 2014 12:19 AM
Starting on Monday night, a series of town hall meetings in Ferguson, Missouri began taking place in light of the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ) that will be closed to the media. When it came to the major broadcast networks reporting this censoring of the press, none of them chose to cover it. According to an article posted on MSNBC’s… Inouye Was 'Advocate for Women,' 'Favorite' of Gillibrand's

September 22nd, 2014 4:10 PM
It turns out the politician who called colleague Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) "chubby" and admonished her not to lose too much weight is none other than the late Sen. Daniel Inouye. So naturally when covering the story,'s Michele Richinick made sure to soften the blow against the late Hawaiian Democrat by tagging him as a longtime "advocate of women."

MSNBC's Trymaine Lee Laments Missouri's 'Rapid Rightward Shift'

September 16th, 2014 11:44 PM
On Saturday, Trymaine Lee at, who fancies himself as an "expert" on "race, poverty, and guns," was aghast at the current "current social and political mess" in Missouri. He wasn't talking about glass-strewn streets of Ferguson or Show-Me State Governor Jay Nixon's feckless, irresponsible handling of that situation. No, the real problem is the state's "rapid rightward shift." A cursory… Wildly Spins Dem Effort to Gut First Amendment

September 12th, 2014 3:13 PM
On Thursday, Senate Republicans voted against cloture on a constitutional amendment which would gut the First Amendment's free speech protections. Naturally portrayed it as the GOP blocking "reform" of campaign finance. 

Day Before Covering Fast-Food 'Living Wage' Protests, Writer

September 4th, 2014 4:55 PM
The day before he pounded the pavement in Durham, North Carolina, to cover fast-food employees protesting for a $15/hour "living wage" and the right to unionize, writer and All In w/Chris Hayes reporter Ned Resnikoff posted a tweet wishing for the services of an unpaid intern.  "Seeking an unpaid intern to generate #content. Will be paid in college credit and Hot Takes," Resnikoff…

Even MSNBC Acknowledges ‘The Weak Case Against Rick Perry

August 17th, 2014 11:31 PM
You know something stinks when even the folks at MSNBC are rejecting what looks like a politically motivated lawsuit against Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry. On Friday, August 15, Governor Perry was indicted by a Texas grand jury for vetoing funding for the state’s public integrity unit, unless the lead prosecutor resigned following her drunk driving arrest.  The indictment has received…