
'Failed' Paltrow Was on Track to Succeed in 'Food Stamp Challenge'
April 19th, 2015 2:19 PM
As yours truly noted on April 12, actress Gwyneth Paltrow made a bit of a splash earlier this month when she announced that she would add her name to the list of ignorant politicians, advocates and celebrities taking on the deceptively designed "Food Stamp Challenge."
The idea is to "try to survive" eating for a week on the average benefit a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)…

A Tale of Three Governors, Media Bias Edition
April 16th, 2015 9:25 AM
It was the best of coverage - it was the worst of coverage.
MSNBCer Uses Jeb Bush Error to Blast Opt-In Voter Registration
April 7th, 2015 5:26 PM
MSNBC's point-man on all things voter ID-related, Zachary Roth, has glommed on to Jeb Bush's accidentally check-marking himself as Hispanic on a voter registration form to argue essentially, that most Americans are dumb and unreliable to take the effort to register themselves to vote and, thereby, government should take over and automatically register all eligible citizens.

MSNBC.com Contributor: Congress Wants Women to 'Drop Dead'
March 27th, 2015 2:52 PM
If you thought the tired, discredited "War on Women" meme was a thing of the past, think again. MSNBC.com is doing its best to keep it alive. Witness how they gave a platform today to Ilyse Hogue of the abortion-rights absolutist group NARAL Pro-Choice America.

MSNBC Contributor Compares Frats to Biker Gangs, Mafia
March 20th, 2015 4:15 PM
Back in early December 2014, I tackled a rather poorly-argued screed by Andrew Lohse over at Time magazine's Ideas blog about the liberal writers call to abolish fraternities, insisting they were irredeemably linked to antebellum slavery. Now Lohse is back again, this time at MSNBC.com explaining "Why fraternities need to be abolished," wherein he compared Greek organizations to the mafia and…

MSNBC.com Accuses GOP of E-Mail Hypocrisy
March 11th, 2015 5:33 PM
Perhaps because it's becoming harder and harder to defend Hillary Clinton on the merits, MSNBC.com has turned to the tried and true "hypocrisy" card to try to undercut Republican complaints about the former secretary of state's lack of transparency.

MSNBC.com Omits Obama Defense Pick's Key Stumble in Testimony
February 4th, 2015 3:54 PM
Covering Obama Defense Secretary nominee Ash Carter's Senate confirmation hearing today, MSNBC.com writer Zachary Roth painted a picture of a man who is gliding along smoothly into his post as the new Pentagon chief. But completely omitted from his story was any mention of Carter's rambling non-answer to Sen. John McCain's inquiry as to what Carter understands Obama administration strategy for…

MSNBC.com Finds Most Parents OK with Kids Playing Football
January 30th, 2015 1:42 PM
Despite all the best efforts of the fearmongering liberal media, most Americans and indeed most American parents, are perfectly fine with kids playing youth-league or high-school football, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. What's more, the so-called millennial demographic (18-34 year-olds) is among the demographic cohorts least concerned with kids playing the sport.

MSNBC.com Slams Walker's 'Huge Cut' to Wisconsin Colleges
January 29th, 2015 4:45 PM
With Scott Walker entertaining a run for president in 2016, you can expect MSNBC to amp up their criticism of the Wisconsin governor. Enter msnbc.com running a piece by David Taintor today hitting Walker for proposing a "huge cut" in taxpayer financing of the University of Wisconsin system.
MSNBC's Maddow Blog: Huckabee Opposing Gay Marriage Like Segregation
January 24th, 2015 11:14 AM
The Rachel Maddow Blog never disappoints. On January 22, Maddow producer Steve Benen published a blog that, in typical MSNBC fashion, attempted to portray a Republican politician as a radical racist. This week’s choice: Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R).

Those 'Mythical' Paris No-Go Zones: Recognized by NY Times, NBC, TNR
January 22nd, 2015 1:03 PM
The leftist press's truth squads apparently believe they have successfully intimidated any news organization which henceforth wants to be considered respectable from ever again referring to any Muslim-heavy enclave in Europe as a "no-go zone," regardless of the facts and circumstances.
Snopes.com, the self-appointed, almost invariably left-driven debunker of supposed "urban legends," doesn't…

MSNBC.com: GOP 'Haunted' by Anti-MLK Holiday Votes
January 19th, 2015 1:08 PM
MSNBC plays the race card 365 days a year, but on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, you can be sure they'll really ham it up. Witness MSNBC.com writer Jane Timm's pathetic attempt to bash the GOP as racist by bringing up decades-old votes on whether or not to make the civil-rights leader's birthday a federal holiday.
"GOP haunted by anti-MLK Day votes," blares a teaser headline on the msnbc.com home…

MSNBC.com Stirs Race-Grievance Pot Lamenting Oscar 'Snub' of 'Selma'
January 15th, 2015 6:20 PM
"'Selma' Snubbed" lamented the teaser headline on msnbc.com for Joseph Neese's Academy Awards nomination story. "Director Ava DuVernay doesn't make Oscar cut," complained the subheader. But in fact Selma was not completely "snubbed," garnering two nominations, including the top prize, Best Picture.

MSNBC's Carmon: Discredited UVa. Rape Story Merely 'Disputed'
January 12th, 2015 4:36 PM
Covering Phi Kappa Psi's reinstatement at UVa., MSNBC.com's Irin Carmon steadfastly refused to describe the Rolling Stone story which dragged the fraternity through the mud as a "discredited" story.
Although Charlottesville police investigated and found no evidence whatsoever to substantiate that a gang rape occurred in the Phi Kappa Psi house back in September 2012, as alleged in Sabrina Rubin…