Excerpt from WSJ article on Biden slipping acuity MSNBC Morning Joe 6-5-24

Morning Joe's Attack on WSJ Article on Biden's 'Slipping' Mental State

June 5th, 2024 10:14 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough stages a counterattack on a Wall Street Journal article suggesting that Pres. Biden "shows signs of slipping." Scarborough claims that Biden is "light years ahead" of other leaders on foreign policy, ignoring the fact that Biden in just the past months claimed to have spoken with two foreign leaders who had been dead for years. 

Michael Beschloss MSNBC The Weekend 6-2-24

'Murder! Arson! Dictatorship! Anarchy!'—Beschloss Pushes Fear of Trump

June 2nd, 2024 3:13 PM

On MSNBC's the weekend, leftist NBC historian Michael Beschloss paints an apocalyptic picture of what a Trump presidency would be: murder, arson, endless dictatorship, and anarchy.

NPR Loves Far-Left Tik-Tok Effort to Punish Celebs For SILENCE on Gaza

May 12th, 2024 10:10 PM

Chloe Veltman, a correspondent on National Public Radio’s “Culture Desk,” is still guarding the far-left ramparts of U.S. culture for NPR with Saturday’s “The Met Gala has fueled backlash against stars who are silent about the Gaza conflict.” She demonstrated, as if any more evidence was needed, the tax-supported network’s rigid adherence to a left-wing world view that offends at least half…

Netflix to Air Documentary on Dan Rather, the 'True American Hero'

April 16th, 2024 10:36 PM

Dan Rather tweeted "I am humbled and honored to share some exciting news.  A lot of very talented people have produced a documentary about this reporter’s life." A puff piece movie honoring Rather with actors wasn't enough. Now there's a gushy Rather "nonfiction" film.

PBS Hands 'Meathead' Megaphone to Bash Trump-Loving Christians in Doc

February 3rd, 2024 2:02 PM

Christiane Amanpour was eager to promote on her eponymous PBS program new documentary, “God & Country,” on the supposed threat posed by “Christian nationalism in America,” produced by actor, director, and veteran liberal alarmist Rob Reiner. Amanpour underlined that "Christian nationalism" inspired the January 6 riot "as the mob inside claimed to be defending Christian supremacy in America…


PBS Tries to Mansplain ‘Barbie’ Oscar Sexism to WashPost Movie Critic

January 27th, 2024 10:39 PM

PBS’s arts and culture reporter Jeffrey Brown performed the trick of making the Washington Post’s liberal movie critic Ann Hornaday sound objective and reasonable, on Wednesday evening’s edition of the NewsHour, in a segment on the Oscar nominations that appeared online under the heading, “Oscar nominations spark controversy with snubs of Barbie’s Margot Robbie, Greta Gerwig…


Amanpour Touts 'Barbie' as 'Subversively, Seriously Feminist' on PBS

January 18th, 2024 10:29 AM

On the PBS show Amanpour & Co., host Christiane Amanpour celebrated Latino actress America Ferrera and her monologue in the Barbie movie. Ferrera said  "it's the Barbie movie that no one asked for. That no one thought we needed, you know." Amanpour shot back: "And kind of subversively, seriously feminist."

Alicia Menendez Harry Litman MSNBC Deadline White House 1-10-24

MSNBC: Elected Trump Will Be 'Guy With Machine Gun Spraying Everyone'

January 11th, 2024 9:14 AM

On Nicolle Wallace's MSNBC show, Harry Litman, a former Bill Clinton appointee as a US Attorney, tells substitute host Alicia Menendez that Donald Trump, if elected in 2024, "There's no one he won't target out of a sense of revenge. Think of a guy with a machine gun, spraying everyone."

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Elise Jordan MSNBC Morning Joe 9-28-23

Morning Joe Endorses Nikki Haley as the 'Adult in the Room' at Debate

September 28th, 2023 11:24 AM

The Morning Joe panel unanimously calls Nikki Haley the winner of the second Republican presidential primary debate.  They award her the line of the night for, paraphrasing a line from the Billy Madison movie, she tells Vivek Ramaswamy, "every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber for what you say."

Trump’s Rosebud: New Documentary Draws a Comparison

September 9th, 2023 5:41 PM

Discerning observers of the current political scene who are familiar with the culture and sensibilities of early 20th Century America understand something the millennials cannot. We have seen this move before. Before Bill Clinton coarsened American culture with his womanizing, Donald Trump would likely not have survived his own self-inflicted his wounds, according to political…


Scarborough: 'I Bend Over Backward Too Hard' To Understand Other Views

August 4th, 2023 5:25 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough claims, "politically, I'm too pragmatic. I bend over backwards too hard to understand too many people's views."

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 8-3-22

Scarborough Apologizes for Saying He Doesn't Care If Hunter Jailed

August 3rd, 2023 11:05 AM

So who got to Joe Scarborough? His wife Mika Brzezinski? His bosses at MSNBC, including head honcho Rashida Jones? Could it have been Jen Psaki, Biden’s former spox, now Scarborough's MSNBC colleague, letting Joe know he crossed a line? Or was it a call from the White House, rapping Joe’s knuckles? Or did the MSNBC suits themselves perhaps send Joe that iconic horsehead-in-the-bed clip from…

NYT, NPR Bash Popular 'Sound of Freedom' Film on Child-Trafficking

July 21st, 2023 10:18 PM

The New York Times’ initial review of Sound of Freedom, a thriller based on child-trafficking-buster Tim Ballard, was negative but nonpolitical. But now that Trump has spoken up, the Times has jumped back into the media-manufactured controversy, as did taxpayer-supported National Public Radio. The Times and NPR unearthed “experts” to offer petulant…

PBS Film Fest Runs With Abortion, LGBTQ,'White Supremacist Patriarchy'

July 17th, 2023 11:02 AM

Publicly funded PBS sponsors a sort of film festival of short films, gathered from their public media partners and PBS member stations nationwide. The festival had an theatrical premier in Manhattan in July before switching to digital streaming. This year there are 25 entries, mostly documentaries, none of which sound like the next coming of Quentin Tarantino. Painful leftist earnestness…