

NBC’s Weird Bad Bunny Profile: A Puff Piece in Service of a Narrative

Jorge Bonilla

THIS INTERVIEW Is Why We Needed Fox Noticias

Jorge Bonilla

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media MAD Trump Won’t Trans the Kids

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Whitewashes Jimmy Carter’s Latin American Legacy of Chaos

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump

Jorge Bonilla

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Univision Hyped Coyotes Touting Biden’s ‘Benefits’

Jorge Bonilla

Univision: Mike Pence Is Garbage, ‘Good Luck, Kamala!’

Mike Pence is trash. At least that’s what you heard loud and clear if you were watching last Sunday´s Al Punto, on Univision. Just four days after the only debate between vice presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos gave a free hand to his “comic” sidekick, César Muñoz, to verbalize the insult, albeit mollified within the lyrics of a song…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Spanish Nets Suppress MASSIVE Anti-Communism Caravan In Miami

If you depend on national Spanish-language news media for news, or on the media that rely on them in order to convey what happens within the community, it is highly likely you never saw coverage of Saturday’s massive anti-communism caravan in Miami, Florida.

Jorge Bonilla

COMPLICIT: Spanish Nets Refuse To Cover Biden's Court-Packing Dodge

Our domestic Spanish-language media have refused to cover both the court-packing questions that currently haunt the Biden-Harris campaign, and the campaign’s refusal to address them. There exist two fundamental reasons behind this omissive silence.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision Seizes On Michigan Terror Plot To Smear Trump

In order to somehow tie him to the terrorist plot against the governor of Michigan, Univision continues to falsely report that President Donald Trump has not disavowed white nationalists.

Sebastian Aquino

Univision Takes Another Swing At Pro-Trump Latino Star, Misses AGAIN

What with the endless whining coming from the Hollywood elite and their anti-white-privilege consecration, it was refreshing to see the successful Mexican crossover star - and now political activist - Eduardo Verastegui, cancel the rhetoric during a Univision interview, despite the constant interruptions by journalist Pamela Silva every time he said something contrary to the network´s anti-…

Kathleen Krumhansl

TDS: Univision Omits Critical Portion From Report on 'Melania Tapes'

Once again, Univision twists an event in order to tell a partial story in a manner which is suited to the continued stoking of racial grievance. This time, with the network's report on the leaked call between First Lady Melania Trump and Stephanie Winston, which was recorded without the First Lady's consent. 

Sebastian Aquino and Maria Bello

PROPAGANDA: Univisión victimiza a hispanos en informe de COVID

A medida que se acercan las elecciones presidenciales, las cadenas hispanas liberales de la nación hacen todo lo posible por disparar cuanta arma propagandística encuentren con tal de abatir a Donald Trump. En Univisión, esto significa convertir la pandemia del coronavirus en un problema hispano, perpetuando la imagen del latino como la eterna víctima.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision Falsely Reports Trump Never Condemned White Supremacists

Univision, a liberal immigration-interest PAC with a broadcast license seeking FCC approval to be 100% foreign-owned, continues to spread disinformation in the hopes of securing a win for the candidate most amenable to the network’s business interests: Joe Biden.

Jorge Bonilla

DISINFORMATION: Jorge Ramos Spins Biden Stance on Abortion

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos tried to shame a pro-life activist for not falling in line with the liberal line that all Hispanics should vote based on racial grievance. He was stopped cold, and then had to scramble and pitch some Biden talking points in a manner that makes his positions on abortion less extreme to Univision viewers. In other words: disinformation.…

Jorge Bonilla

PROPAGANDA: Univision Uses COVID Report To Push Latino Victimhood

As the presidential election draws closer, the nation’s liberal Hispanic nets are scrambling to shoot any and all propagandistic weapons in order to rid themselves of Donald Trump. At Univision, this meant turning the COVID pandemic into a Latino problem, and portraying Latinos as eternal victims.

Kathleen Krumhansl

CRUEL: Hispanic Liberal Media Politicize President's Health

Following the announcement that President Trump and the First Lady had tested positive for COVID-19, the Hispanic media has gone out of its way to criticize how Trump and his family did not wear masks during the debate, failing to mention any concerns about their health.

Maria Bello and Sebastian Aquino

SHOCK: 69% of Telemundo Viewers Say Trump Won Debate

Telemundo anchors José Díaz-Balart and Felicidad Aveleyra were in for a shock as they revealed the results of an online poll that asked viewers’ take on who won the presidential debate.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision, Latino Decisions To Poll Respondents: Are You Dead?

Univision, a liberal immigration PAC with a broadcast license seeking FCC approval of a rule that would allow the network to be 100% foreign-owned, appears to ask the most interesting questions of those brave enough to pick up the phone and answer a poll

Jorge Bonilla

Spanish Nets Try To Make Trump Tax Story Stick

Spanish-language media's coverage of an “explosive” New York Times story on President Donald Trump's tax returns once again confirms that Univision is a radical pro-immigration PAC with a broadcast signal, willing to trade journalistic integrity for a chance to spew its TDS venom onto their audience.

Kathleen Krumhansl