
Cleanup On Aisle Biden: Univision Spins Scathing Senate Report
It took 24 hours for the nation's leading Spanish-language network to report on the explosive report published by the Senate which details the allegations of shady dealing surrounding one Hunter Biden. And Univision's report was about as one-sided as could be expected.

Telemundo Airs Multiplatform Pro-Biden Propaganda as 'News'
Telemundo just threw journalistic ethics and objectivity out the window in what could amount to the most brazen, pro-Biden endorsement to air so far in Spanish-language news media during this election cycle: a lengthy, multiplatform “voter education” report featuring a young Argentinian mother, now a U.S. citizen, who “Just 9 years ago, became a citizen. And this election year, she’s all in…

Univision Signals Vicious Coverage of Trump's Next SCOTUS Pick
Univision, a radical pro-immigration PAC with a broadcast signal and a vested business interest in ensuring the election of presidents that appoint liberal justices to the United States Supreme Court, has already signaled the manner in which they will cover the next nominee to be put forth by President Donald Trump to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

‘UNFORTUNATELY’ for Univision, Trump Ahead of Biden With FL Hispanics
If there was any remaining doubt that Univision is an activist organization with a broadcast signal, Univision’s D.C. correspondent Edwin Pitti may have completely obliterated it. Check out the full post as Pitti lets slip that, “unfortunately”, Biden is behind and has “a lot of work to do”, when he lamented that former Vice President Joe Biden lags behind President Donald Trump in polling of…

Univision Hides Protesters At Harris Visit To Florida Restaurant
Within the space of one hour, Univision chose to omit mention of a protest (yet again), while giving the Democratic vice-presidential candidate celebrity treatment during a PR stint that included an "unannounced" visit to a Venezuelan restaurant in an effort to attract Latino voters.

YET AGAIN: Univision HIDES Huge Improvement In Hispanic Jobs Numbers
A new jobs report was released last Friday, showing signs of a return to the employment miracle that occurred within the Hispanic community prior to the COVID outbreak. While Telemundo reported factually on these huge gains, Univision returned to form with a report that could best be described as active disinformation.

Univision Can’t Bring Itself to Say Dead Portland Shooter Was ANTIFA
Both of the nation's largest Spanish-speaking news networks took different paths in covering the shooting of Michael Forest Reinoehl, an Antifa soldier who confessed to killing a Trump supporter during the Portland Riots last Saturday. One network surprised us, the other did not.

Univision Silent on Pelosi Blowout Fiasco
Univision has been stone-silent on the controversy surrounding Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s privileged blowout in violation of San Francisco’s COVID orders. This marks a stark contrast with the network’s White House coverage, wherein correspondent Janet Rodríguez makes a point out of calling out the lack of masks and distancing.

Spanish-Language Media OMIT Antifa From Coverage of Portland Murder
Spanish-language media, in furtherance of an agenda that necessitates the removal of Donald Trump from office, are now actively gaslighting their viewers regarding the ongoing violence in Democrat-run cities. In so doing, they scrubbed any mention of Antifa from their coverage of the murder of a Trump supporter in Portland, Oregon.

REVOLT: Hispanics Turn on Univision, Protest Biased News Reporting
As the news media focused its attention on framing both the political conventions and the left-wing violence plaguing American cities, another important event recently took place as members of the Hispanic community in Miami turned out in protest against the nation’s largest Spanish-speaking network: Univision.

Telemundo’s Convention Coverage Promos Pushed Biden
Decision 2020. That is the official theme of Telemundo´s platform for their coverage of the 2020 presidential elections. A decision that, judging by the intros aired prior to their coverage of the acceptance speeches for both presidential candidates, is being assisted by what comes across as an in-kind contribution to Joe Biden.

Univision’s Report of Conway Resignation: Trashy. Telemundo's? Classy
What goes on behind the doors of families is private, right? Not at Univision, where the premise is only valid if it concerns the families of Democrats. Consider this report on Kellyanne Conway´s departure from the White House that aired over the network’s morning kaffeeklatsch Despierta America, which centered on her daughter Claudia, a minor -- a whole three and a half minutes of…

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos’ Iowa Confrontation Of Trump Was Totally Fake
Five years ago today, Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos left the comforts of his Miami studio, headed to Dubuque, Iowa; and attended then-candidate Donald Trump’s press conference. The confrontation that took place became the top story of the day, and would eventually become a landmark media TDS moment that foreshadowed what coverage of Trump presidency would eventually become. But it was…

Jorge Ramos' Gaslighting Gets SHUT DOWN By Former AG of Puerto Rico
In what has become a tale as old as time, Univision’s Jorge Ramos attempted to gaslight his viewers into believing that a Trump statement on immigration was meant to disparage an entire community. This time, though, he was met head-on and absolutely shut down by a prepared guest.