NBC Cheers Biden’s ‘Care and Empathy’ Against Fox ‘Echo Chamber’ Trump

Thursday night after the final presidential debate, NBC senior Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd went into overdrive for their Joe Biden, bragging that it was not only the “best debate” he’s ever had, but he showed such “care and empathy” with the “facts” on his side to rout the “callous” and bastardly President Trump.

Curtis Houck
October 23rd, 2020 12:56 AM
John Berman Alisyn Camerota CNN New Day 10-23-20

CNN Hoping Voters Forget Trump's Strong Debate, Focus on Corona-Horror

How do you know that CNN knows that President Trump won last night's debate? This morning, they were hoping that voters will forget all about the debate. And CNN did its best to distract people's attention with the unfolding horror show of new coronavirus cases.

Mark Finkelstein
October 23rd, 2020 12:11 AM

CNN Avoids Biden Pledge to Gut Oil/Gas, Trump ‘Theoretically’ Normal

The final presidential debate, Thursday, featured a more strategic and measured President Trump who allowed Democratic nominee Joe Biden to speak more freely and thus tie himself in knots with his own policy proposals, including admitting to wanting to gut the oil and natural gas industry in this country. The liberal media have spent weeks denying this fact, so it was no surprise that CNN’s so…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 22nd, 2020 11:55 PM

FAIL: Biased Welker AVOIDS Court Packing, Barely Mentions Hunter Biden

Kristen Welker failed as a debate moderator. The NBC journalist delivered on Thursday night embarrassing, pro-Biden talking points, assisting the Democrat on climate change and avoiding awkward topics like packing the Supreme Court and Antifa violence

Scott Whitlock
October 22nd, 2020 11:31 PM

Univision Executive Staffer CAUGHT Fundraising For The Lincoln Project

We’ve often said that Univision is a liberal immigration-advocacy PAC with a broadcast license seeking FCC permission in order to be 100% under foreign control. But perhaps we should consider the possibility they’re also a bundler for other liberal PACs.

Jorge Bonilla
October 22nd, 2020 9:33 PM

Cruz SCORCHES ‘Shameful’ Liberal Media ‘Shilling for’ Biden Family

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) joined the Fox News Channel’s pre-debate coverage Thursday night and wasted no time ripping the liberal media in context of the Biden family’s corruption overseas, slamming them as Biden campaign shills after they failed to carry the Tony Bobulinski press conference as part of their efforts to censor and ignore Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Curtis Houck
October 22nd, 2020 9:24 PM

As Hunter Associate Steps Forward, NBC Still Claims Story ‘Unverified’

NBC chief White House correspondent Hallie Jackson was a grade-A fake news sprayer Thursday night, just before the debate as NBC Nightly News was the only evening newscast still desperately trying to defend Joe Biden for the Hunter Biden scandal laptop scandal. She continued to push the long-debunked claim that the emails were “unverified” and just “a foreign disinformation campaign…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 22nd, 2020 9:02 PM

ABC, NBC Warn Trump: Don’t You Dare Attack ‘Fair,’ ‘Ref’ Welker!

So much for competition. ABC’s White House correspondent Cecila Vega on Thursday fumed that the President might actually attack the “fair,” “straight shooter” debate moderator from NBC, Kristen Welker.  

Scott Whitlock
October 22nd, 2020 8:47 PM

CNN Advises Biden on How to Dodge, Dismiss, Deflect Hunter Scandal

The role of a news network is to report accurately and honestly, not to give their preferred candidate advice on how to handle a debate question. This is exactly what CNN's leftist hosts did during both New Day and Newsroom on Thursday. The network gave Democratic nominee Joe Biden six different ways of dodging the question. CNN’s senior political analyst John Avlon, for example, proposed not…

Joseph Norris
October 22nd, 2020 7:25 PM

PARANOID MSNBC Pushes Theory That Iran Election Threat Is Trump Spin

For MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell and Jeremy Bash everything is about Russian election interference, even Iranian election interference.  During her Thursday show, Mitchell wasn't buying DNI John Ratcliffe's explanation that Iran was trying to hurt President Trump and cited Senator Chuck Schumer as proof, "Senator Schumer, Jeremy, went on with Rachel Maddow and said he was taking this seriously,…

Alex Christy
October 22nd, 2020 7:15 PM

CNN Whines: Dem Senator Too Soft on Judge Barrett!

On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, co-host John Berman pressed Democratic Senator Chris Coons from by left by recalling accusations by liberals that Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein was not as tough enough in questioning Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Brad Wilmouth
October 22nd, 2020 7:05 PM

CNN En Español: Hunter Biden Bombshell Is 'Slanderous'

It took a week, but CNN En Español finally reported on the explosive information obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which first broke via the New York Post. Unlike their counterparts on Spanish-language network TV, though, CNNEE went to great lengths to discredit and dismiss the story.

Jorge Bonilla
October 22nd, 2020 6:43 PM

Column: NPR Defines Hunter Biden News as a Waste of Time

"Public broadcasting" is a comical phrase. Its audience is not the public. It is the Left. PBS and NPR don't care one iota what everyone else thinks...even if everyone else pays a chunk of their budget through taxes. They dismissed the Hunter Biden scandals: "We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories," but "are just pure distractions."

Tim Graham
October 22nd, 2020 6:13 PM

WATCH: Home Depot Co-Founder Calls Biden’s Tax the Rich Plan a ‘Fraud’

Billionaire Home Depot co-founder and Republican donor Ken Langone went on Fox Business to shred the false leftist logic behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax plans.

Joseph Vazquez
October 22nd, 2020 4:59 PM