GROSS: Kimmel Asks Barack If He Had Sex With Michelle After Bin Laden

Just how much do liberal media types think and obsess over Barack Obama? Jimmy Kimmel talked to the former President on Thursday and, in between all the gushing about ObamaCare, offered a gross new low. He asked this: “So on the night you did kill bin Laden, did you and Michelle make love?” 

Scott Whitlock
November 20th, 2020 1:54 PM

Report: Rock Band Censored for Sharing Proud Boys Meme

American band TRAPT was reportedly booted from Facebook for sharing a meme.

Alexander Hall
November 20th, 2020 1:48 PM
Seth Meyers and Michael Moore

Michael Moore Assures NBC’s Meyers: Biden Will Sign On to Socialism

Appearing on Thursday’s Late Night With Seth Meyers, aired early Friday morning, far-left filmmaker Michael Moore assured the NBC host that Joe Biden would sign on to a whole list of socialist agenda items, assuming Democrats were able to win control of the U.S. Senate after Georgia’s January 5th runoff election. Moore was certain that Biden “in his heart is with us.”


Kyle Drennen
November 20th, 2020 1:11 PM

INSANE: Facebook Removed 180 Million Election Posts

Facebook has reached a whole new level in its censorship practices, and is not at all shy to tell reporters about it. In a recent call with reporters, Facebook’s Vice President of Integrity, Guy Rosen, revealed the specific numbers of how many posts were flagged or removed after Facebook considered them to constitute “misinformation.” 

Kayla Sargent
November 20th, 2020 1:04 PM

Latino Nets Play Down Newsom´s Disregard for His Own Rules

The nation´s Spanish-speaking networks have taken their Covid-19 panic-porn to new heights, featuring one liberal politician after the other, set on cancelling Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations altogether. Just tune in to any of the news editions at Telemundo and Univision, and voilá – from Joe Biden, to flamboyant governors like Andrew Cuomo.

Kathleen Krumhansl
November 20th, 2020 12:35 PM
Rudy Giuliani

'Democratspin' Attacks Republicans Giuliani, DeVos, Gov. Noem

The Deadspin blog is a veritable "Democratspin" again with three currently appearing attacks on Republicans, over the election investigation, campus sexual assaults and COVID-19. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem all took broadside hits from "Democratspin" partisan hacks. The so-called "sports" blog is a full-fledged anti-…

Jay Maxson
November 20th, 2020 12:08 PM

Leftist BuzzFeed Slated to Buy Verizon Media’s Liberal HuffPost

The notoriously leftist BuzzFeed is reportedly set to purchase the insufferably liberal HuffPost. When it’s over, Verizon Media will have a stake in both.

Joseph Vazquez
November 20th, 2020 12:04 PM

AP's Julie Pace: 'For Trump, Sowing Post-Election Chaos Is the Goal'

Associated Press Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace penned an "analysis" that sounded off with anger, bordering on rage, over President Donald Trump seeking verification of election results.

P.J. Gladnick
November 20th, 2020 11:58 AM

Smug Joe Gloats Over Beating Fox in Ratings After 20 Years of Losing

Morning Joe praises Fox News personalities who have become increasingly critical of President Trump, and in particular of the efforts of the Trump campaign to contest the election results. Joe Scarborough also not-so-subtly brags about Morning Joe having recently beaten rival Fox & Friends in the ratings. 

Mark Finkelstein
November 20th, 2020 10:02 AM

Column: Going Soft on Reverend Wright's Acolyte

Liberals hate mingling church and state...unless the church sounds "progressive." Sam Stein of the Daily Beast asked: “Why are Raphael Warnock’s faith and sermons fair game for attack, but Amy Coney Barrett’s religious views not?” Barrett was attacked by the press, but they're going soft on Warnock, who rushed to the defense of Obama's hate-spewing pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. 

Tim Graham
November 20th, 2020 6:02 AM

‘The Crown’ on Margaret Thatcher: 'She’s Destroying the Country!'

In the fourth season of Netflix’s The Crown, released November 13, the audience gets a couple of storylines they’ve been waiting for. This season heralded the entrance of Lady Diana Spencer (Elizabeth Debicki, The Night Manager) and her tumultuous beginning as Princess of Wales. For those more interested in the political intrigue than the romantic, season four also brings us…

Amelia Hamilton
November 20th, 2020 6:00 AM

PANIC! Williams Frets: 'Consequences' of Young Conservative Judges

On Wednesday's The 11th Hour show, MSNBC host Brian Williams put a negative spin on the recent appointment of five young conservative justices to the federal courts, making "elections have consequences" the theme of his closing commentary.

Brad Wilmouth
November 20th, 2020 5:08 AM

Cuomo: GSA Boss ‘Smiling While You’re Dying,’ McConnell Killing People

Continuing his crusade of hate and rage against all Republicans Thursday’s PrimeTime, CNN host Chris Cuomo set his sights on Emily Murphy, the head of the General Service Administration, claiming she was “smiling while you’re dying” of coronavirus. On top of that, he accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) of “playing with the pandemic” and getting people killed.

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 19th, 2020 11:44 PM

MSNBC Historian Hopes That Unlike Trump, Biden Can Be Like Lincoln

MTP Daily host Chuck Todd concluded his Thursday show on MSNBC with historian Michael Beschloss by commemorating the 157th anniversary of President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. For Todd and Beschloss, the anniversary was another reminder that President Trump is a failure, but that there is hope that Joe Biden could be the Lincoln-esque figure the country needs.

Alex Christy
November 19th, 2020 10:53 PM