Slimy CNN Defends Left's 2016 Hypocrisy by Denying Basic Reality

After White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany enraged reporters (and their liberal friends) by calling out their hypocrisy in refusing to accept election results, CNN huffed hours later that McEnany was wrong.

Kristine Marsh
November 20th, 2020 7:26 PM

MSNBC's Capehart Praises Obama: He 'Wouldn't Get Down in the Mud'

The media fawning over former President Obama and his new memoir continued on MSNBC Live on Friday as Jonathan Capehart joined host Craig Melvin to talk about his interview with Obama. Capehart effectively re-wrote the history of the Obama era as he was amazed at the former president's unwillingness to "get down in the mud."

Alex Christy
November 20th, 2020 6:49 PM

CNN's Avlon: Most Americans Support Liberal Policies

On Friday's New Day show on CNN, political analyst John Avlon tried to provide comfort food for liberal audience members as he devoted his "Reality Check" segment to portraying liberal policies as being popular in spite of the close election results.

Brad Wilmouth
November 20th, 2020 6:16 PM

Wife of NFL QB Torches MI Lockdowns Then Apologizes

Apparently, you don’t want to go on record complaining about the lockdowns in the state of Michigan if you want to keep your reputation. After social media backlash, the wife of a Detroit NFL player had to apologize for a viral video she made which criticized the state's overbearing China plague lockdown orders.

Gabriel Hays
November 20th, 2020 5:57 PM

Chris Evans and Zach Braff Encourage Keeping Track of Trump ‘Enablers’

Probably nobody these days listens to Gilbert and Sullivan’s music, but the few who might may possibly remember the song, “As Some Day It May Happen.” In the song, the Lord High Executioner draws up a list of people that he plans to execute in case he should have to carry out his official duties. Apparently, some Hollywood residents approve of Americans who imitate the song.

Sergie Daez
November 20th, 2020 5:23 PM

Hysterical CNN: ‘Mad King’ Trump Will 'Scorch the Earth' of America

It’s time to call the banners and overthrow the Mad King. At least according to Carl Bernstein during his appearance on Friday morning’s New Day. It was not clear if Bernstein was trying to compare Donald Trump to the ‘Mad King Aerys’ from the popular television show Game of Thrones, but he made several strong comparisons nonetheless: “We are witnessing the Mad King in the…

Joseph Norris
November 20th, 2020 5:00 PM

Bill Gates Blasts Parler as ‘Great’ for ‘Holocaust Denial’

American billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, said Parler is a haven for the promotion of conspiracy theories. Following increased censorship around the election, many conservative voices have urged their audiences to transition to Big Tech alternatives like Parler, and YouTube alternative Rumble.

Alec Schemmel
November 20th, 2020 4:50 PM

Borat, Hulk Use Twitter to Demand Social Media Censor Speech

Anybody who looks at leftist celebrity tweets can deduce that their writers are hypersensitive, impulsive, and therefore ready to blurt out invectives at the slightest provocation. They’re also not exactly civil libertarians.

Sergie Daez
November 20th, 2020 4:10 PM

Facebook Censors Former Senator Jim DeMint for Post About Censorship

Facebook does not want users to even discuss censorship on its platform. Former Republican South Carolina Senator and Chairman of Conservative Partnership Institute Jim DeMint found out about the problem the hard way.

Corinne Weaver
November 20th, 2020 3:18 PM

Twitter Censors Parler Partner Dan Bongino for Trump Legal Team News

Dan Bongino, conservative commentator and a partner in Twitter alternative Parler, was censored by Twitter. Bongino tweeted a video clip from a press conference presented by the legal team for President Donald Trump’s campaign. In the clip, Rudy Giuliani, New York City's former mayor and Trump's personal lawyer, called out the liberal media for censoring the information that Trump’s legal team…

Heather Moon
November 20th, 2020 3:08 PM

This CEO Confesses 'The Media Are Fairly Clueless' About Many Voters

Jim VandeHei, the co-founder and CEO of entered a secular confessional on Friday morning to admit "the media remains fairly clueless" about a few things, based on the election returns. These introspective rituals sound good, but the idea that anyone will change their actual reporting going forward is probably not something anyone should bet a Big Mac on. 

Tim Graham
November 20th, 2020 2:33 PM

Ed Norton Says ‘Whiny 'Trump Refusing to Concede to Avoid 'Jail Time'

Fight Club actor Ed Norton just dropped his searing take on the criminality of Trump this week, concocting a crazy conspiracy on how Trump is refusing to concede all in order to avoid jail time. 


Gabriel Hays
November 20th, 2020 2:32 PM

McEnany SLAMS Liberal Journos as ‘Activists,’ Touts Vaccine Timelines

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany held a formal press briefing for the first time in almost two months and, as expected, she didn’t disappoint by opening with a timeline on coronavirus vaccines the liberal media so desperately worked to undermine and ended by smacking down the hurt feelings of liberal reporters like CNN’s Kaitlan Collins after they weren’t called on.

Curtis Houck
November 20th, 2020 1:58 PM

GROSS: Kimmel Asks Barack If He Had Sex With Michelle After Bin Laden

Just how much do liberal media types think and obsess over Barack Obama? Jimmy Kimmel talked to the former President on Thursday and, in between all the gushing about ObamaCare, offered a gross new low. He asked this: “So on the night you did kill bin Laden, did you and Michelle make love?” 

Scott Whitlock
November 20th, 2020 1:54 PM