
Trevor Noah Thrilled ‘Nobody Wants to Talk About’ Biden

June 21st, 2021 12:53 PM

Sitting down for a fawning interview with NBC’s Sunday Today host Willie Geist, left-wing Daily Show host Trevor Noah expressed his relief that Joe Biden’s administration was supposedly so boring that late night comedians like himself could focus on pushing the Democratic Party’s agenda rather than bother to criticize the President. Geist also took a moment to praise a 2020…

If You Side with Hamas, Your Anti-Semitism Is Showing

May 20th, 2021 9:35 PM

For the past two weeks, rockets have been fired into civilian areas of Israel by the terrorist group Hamas. Hamas' charter openly calls for the destruction of the state of Israel, which would entail an anti-Semitic genocide; its 1988 charter explicitly and openly calls for such a genocide. Hamas spends tens of millions of dollars in foreign aid not on helping the citizens of the Gaza Strip but…


Even Daily Show Mocks Media’s Mushy Reaction to Biden Speech

April 30th, 2021 11:01 AM

You know the media’s reaction to President Biden’s speech Wednesday was bad when even left-wing comedians are mocking them for it. 


Heads Up! Greg Gutfeld Demolishes Competition in Weeknight Debut

April 6th, 2021 1:54 AM

Making his move from to weeknights (after starting on overnights and then having a weekend evening slot), Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld kicked off his new eponymous show on Monday with a barnburner of a monologue lampooning his competition on CNN, MSNBC, and the late-night comedy shows and denouncing the left for thriving on “making people hate each other.”


BLM Propaganda, Raunchy Dance Dominate Grammys

March 15th, 2021 12:41 AM

The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards aired March 14 on CBS. It started out innocent enough. Host Trevor Noah noted that the partially outdoor venue was the “biggest outdoor event besides the storming of the Capitol”, which, surprisingly, was about as political as the dyed in the wool lefty got. Black Lives Matter politics intruded a little more by some of the artists and an obscene musical…

ROUNDUP: Hollywood Fills Buckets of Tears After Trump Acquitted

February 16th, 2021 5:20 PM

Hollywood elites are paid dramatizers. It’s no wonder they spewed hatred when Trump was acquitted.


50 Hollywood Hypocrites Who Loved Violent BLM, Condemn Capitol Riots

January 21st, 2021 2:14 PM

The liberal media and Hollywood left are telling you the Capitol riots were “atrocities,” an “armed insurrection” and “violent sedition against our government” and trying to link all Trump supporters to them. Over 50 Hollywood celebrities celebrated one set of riots and criticized the other. Famous people like Rob Reiner, Ron Perlman and Seth Rogen claimed that the events on January 6 were a “…

Justice Is Not Justice': Noah Adds Fuel to Breonna Taylor Fire

September 25th, 2020 3:09 PM

Celebs clearly weren’t happy with the recent ruling on the Breonna Taylor shooting from March 13. Predictably, neither was Black Lives Matter, though it doesn’t seem to take much to get those riots started. For his part, Daily Show host Trevor Noah added fuel to the proverbial and literal fire by adding his own two cents to the ruling.

Trevor Noah Hailed for Being Unfunny; Compares USA to Old South Africa

August 29th, 2020 8:19 AM

Trevor Noah's tenure as host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central is nearing five years, so they're reaching out for the expected positive publicity from the liberal media. Michael Ordona at the Los Angeles Times proclaimed that it's great the comedy isn't so central any more on Comedy Central. It's certainly not funny that Noah tried to claim modern-day America has a lot of…


Noah Invites Susan Rice to Bash Trump Making America 'Less Free'

July 21st, 2020 1:12 PM

Another media interview with a Democrat turned into a Biden propaganda piece on Monday night. Former UN ambassador Susan Rice gave her best performance auditioning to be Biden’s Vice President pick, thanks to help from Daily Show host Trevor Noah. 

Trevor Noah and Hillary Clinton

Trump Derangement: Noah and Hillary Fear ‘Ominous’ Election

July 15th, 2020 10:55 AM

On Monday night, Daily Show host and Democratic Party spokesperson Trevor Noah brought on washed up, sore loser Hillary Clinton so the two of them could tell viewers “I told you so” about President Trump and warn that the U.S. was on an “ominous path” to November’s election. The leftist pair were particularly concerned that Trump would “undermine the entire election,” despite Clinton…

Trevor Noah and Jim Axelrod

CBS Hails ‘Compelling’ Trevor Noah Rant Justifying Looting

July 13th, 2020 5:06 PM

Left-wing Daily Show host Trevor Noah was treated to a fawning puff piece on CBS Sunday Morning in which correspondent Jim Axelrod gushed over a YouTube rant from the supposed comedian that justified looting and rioting during Black Lives Matter protests. Rather than be asked to explain his controversial comments, Noah’s radicalism was hailed as “compelling.”


Trevor Noah and Joe Biden

Noah Tees Up Biden to Declare Military Will Need to Remove Trump

June 11th, 2020 4:06 PM

During a lengthy softball interview with Joe Biden Wednesday night, Daily Show host Trevor Noah teed up the presumptive Democratic nominee to accuse Trump of trying to “steal this election” and even prompted him to suggest that the military may have to “escort” the President from the White House if he “refused to leave.”

NYT Finally Pushes Back Against Chinese Communist Corona Propaganda

April 23rd, 2020 4:05 PM
At long last, the New York Times performed a little pushback against the China Communist Party's coronavirus propaganda, which the Times itself has all too often swallowed whole. News columnist Li Yuan took a personal tone in Thursday’s “China Builds Culture of Hate With Selective Coverage of the Pandemic.”As a bonus, she highlighted how China has made Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show, a…