
State-Run TV: 60 Minutes Drools Over Biden in Syrupy Interview

September 18th, 2022 11:01 PM

On Sunday night, President Joe Biden sat down for an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes anchor Scott Pelley. From the very start, it was clear why Biden chose Pelley to conduct his first sit-down interview in months. Right out of the gate and until the last minute, Pelley gushed and sucked up to Biden in embarrassing fashion. 


Conservative Pol Is Butchered; One Journalist Mocked, Others Minimized

October 19th, 2021 9:30 AM

A tragic murder of a British Member of Parliament underlines the types of horrific crimes that journalists care about and the ones that they either joke about or minimize. David Amess, a conservative MP was brutally stabbed to death on Friday by an apparent Islamic fundamentalist. And while the networks offered just under ten minutes of coverage from Friday night to Monday night, they focused…

Cabinet Contrast: Biden’s ‘Superheroes’ vs. Trump’s ‘Ignoramuses’

December 3rd, 2020 9:00 AM

The transition has only just begun, but already the liberal media are fawning over Joe Biden’s “historic” choices to staff his administration, as he selects “very experienced,” “very diverse” and “not political” “adults in the room” who actually “know what they are doing.” The contrast with the media’s reaction to President-elect Trump’s selections four years ago could not be more stark.


Pelley Butters Up Obama Bemoaning 'Mistake' He Was Too Nice to Trump

November 15th, 2020 10:02 PM

CBS’s 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley gave Gayle King a run for her money in who could be the most sycophantic journalist interviewing President Obama for his new book on Sunday.


Deja Vu All Over Again? How the Media Got It Wrong in 2016

October 17th, 2020 12:20 PM

Election Day is now just 17 days away, and we’re beginning to hear the media dismiss Trump’s chances, just as they did four years ago. But we all know what happened four years ago. At this point in that campaign, ABC’s Jonathan Karl was suggesting “not just a loss, but a blowout,” while then-CBS anchor Scott Pelley assured liberals: “No candidate down this far this late has ever recovered.”…


CBS Skipped Tara Reade for 13 Minutes of California Climate Panic

October 7th, 2020 2:47 PM

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, the show gave a forum to climate alarmists who tried to tie recent natural disasters to global warming, made dire predictions about the future and argued that more taxes on fossil fuels would help reverse alleged damage to the climate.


Are We Dumb? CBS Host Pretends It's Shocking Woodward Showed a Bias!

September 14th, 2020 11:25 AM

How stupid does Scott Pelley think we are? Can we really be told after five years of fire-breathing televised Trump hatred that we live in a world where reporters stick to reporting, not editorializing? But on Sunday night's 60 Minutes, he pretended with Bob Woodward that a reporter sharing anti-Trump opinions was a little naughty, a bit shocking! 


Flashback: The Media LOVE Using Bob Woodward to Bash GOP Presidents

September 14th, 2020 9:44 AM

A Bob Woodward book with so-called embarrassing details about a Republican president is like catnip for the DC/NY media crowd. Even before its official release, liberal hosts and reporters were lapping up the leaks from Rage.


CBS Sides with China Commies, Peddles Piles of Coronavirus Fake News

May 11th, 2020 4:37 PM
From the newscast that brought you the infamous Bill and Hillary Clinton interview, Dan Rather’s fake news on George W. Bush, and one Obama love letter after another, CBS’s 60 Minutes added a new chapter Sunday to its embarrassing history by peddling Chinese coronavirus propaganda.Throughout the lengthy report, Scott Pelley dutifully touted one piece of fake news after the next, including a…

Liberal Media Lose It Over Video, Yawned at Depictions of Dead Trump

October 14th, 2019 4:31 PM
Between Sunday night and Monday, the liberal media have been up in arms over a parody video using a scene from the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service to depict a fake President Trump committing violence against members of the news media and other opponents and while it's been thoroughly condemned, many in the liberal press showed little to no concern for parodies or threats of violence against…

Pelley Worships at the Feet of Pelosi, Schiff, But Badgers McCarthy

September 30th, 2019 4:26 PM
For a network that started Sunday with Jane Pauley’s pillow-fluffing interview of Hillary and Chelsea Clinton then Margaret Brennan blasting Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), CBS ended Sunday with a 60 Minutes piece by Scott Pelley that worshipped at the feet of the pro-impeachment crowd.  While Pelley allowed his liberal guests to speak ad nauseam, he was abrasive and frequently interrupted and…

On Colbert, Pelley Lectures Lazy Americans Let Trump Poison the News

May 19th, 2019 7:17 AM
As part of CBS kissing up to CBS, Late Show host Stephen Colbert brought on 60 Minutes correspondent (and former Evening News anchor) Scott Pelley to promote his new book Truth Worth Telling. No one was going to bring up Dan Rather, not to mention Pelley's dismissed 60 Minutes colleagues Charlie Rose and Jeff Fager, let alone the sexual harasser at the top, Les Moonves. No, Pelley came on to…

Will CBS Dump Broadcast TV's Least Anti-Trump Anchor?

February 25th, 2019 9:15 AM
According to published reports, new CBS News President Susan Zirinsky is considering a shake up at the CBS Evening News barely 15 months after the network installed Jeff Glor as anchor. If true, it would mark the departure of the least anti-Trump of the Big Three anchormen, just as the 2020 campaign is heating up. Compared to his predecessor Scott Pelley’s belligerent Trump bashing, Glor has…

Pelley Sells McCabe: 'Lifelong Republican' with 'Sterling' FBI Career

February 18th, 2019 3:57 PM
CBS’s 60 Minutes devoted 28.5 minutes on Sunday night to former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the Justice Department for lying under oath to investigators about leaking to the newspapers. McCabe has penned the latest hot book for Trump-haters, called The Threat, and this interview looked like a long infomercial for St. Martin’s Press. Did CBS’s Scott Pelley underline that…