Vanity Fair Loves the Idea of a 'News-Cycle Slowdown' Under Sleepy Joe

October 31st, 2020 11:19 PM

Vanity Fair media reporter Joe Pompeo speculated on Friday how the lives of reporters would improve if Donald Trump lost. “For political reporters burned out on Trumpian chaos, is a news-cycle slowdown coming? A Biden presidency would likely be quieter—no predawn Twitter rants, “enemy of the people” attacks, or endless scandal—and also less leaky.”


CBS Protects Biden: Emails Are 'Russian Disinformation' Right?

October 25th, 2020 10:34 PM

During Norah O’Donnell’s portion of 60 Minutes Sunday evening, the CBS anchor brushed past Joe Biden’s corruption scandal, only asking one majorly loaded question about it to the Democratic candidate. 


‘View’ Slams ‘Snowflake’ Trump for Releasing 60 Minutes Interview

October 23rd, 2020 3:44 PM

The hosts of The View slammed President Trump for pre-releasing the CBS interview he did with 60 Minutes’ correspondent Lesley Stahl yesterday, before it airs on television this Sunday, because it exposed how biased the journalist was. 

Donald Trump

Trump EXPOSES 60 Minutes Censoring Biden Scandal

October 22nd, 2020 4:32 PM

During an interview with CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl for a segment scheduled to air on Sunday’s 60 Minutes, President Trump repeatedly called out the left-wing journalist for refusing to cover the corruption scandal swirling around Joe and Hunter Biden. In a video of the entire exchange that the President posted to Facebook on Thursday, Stahl can be heard denying that any Biden…

OOPS: Lesley Stahl Says Fox News Didn't Exist for Clinton Impeachment

January 22nd, 2020 3:51 PM
In a "pre-game" segment before Wednesday's Senate trial proceedings on CBSN, 60 Minutes correspondent discussed differences between today's impeachment effort and the 1999 Clinton impeachment. She asserted -- wrongly -- that there was no Fox News in 1999, but it launched in October 1996.

Bozell & Graham Column: Censoring Social Media for 'Promoting Crime'

December 3rd, 2019 11:04 PM
The other day, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki subjected herself to a hard-hitting interview with Lesley Stahl on CBS's 60 Minutes. Stahl lectured her for allowing “harmful” or “hurtful” speech to be posted on her platform, without any fact-checking. Welcome to the latest demonstration of the traditional “news” media mercilessly pounding away at social media for having the audacity to allow dissenting…

Instance of Google/YouTube Bias: 300+ Trump Ads Removed

December 2nd, 2019 5:26 PM
YouTube took down more than 300 ads from President Donald Trump’s election campaign in what is only the latest example of the company fighting with the right. CBS News reportedly “found that over 300 video ads were taken down by Google and YouTube, mostly over the summer, for violating company policy. But the archive doesn't detail what policy was violated.” 

After ‘60 Minutes’ Pressure, Will YouTube Allow Free Speech?

December 2nd, 2019 1:43 PM
“60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl visited YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California to have a scorching interview with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki over free speech controversies online. Stahl opened the episode by saying that the internet’s biggest video platform has “come under increasing scrutiny, accused of propagating white supremacy, peddling conspiracy theories, and profiting from…

Bozell & Graham Column: CBS Flatters Itself for '60 Minutes'

September 10th, 2019 10:59 PM
Think of the media’s daily disgust with President Trump patting himself on the back. Then watch something like 60 Minutes aerobically praising their own genius in an hour-long episode, celebrating the career of its retiring correspondent Steve Kroft. Not only did Lesley Stahl toast Kroft for an hour for his allegedly fascinating interviews and brilliant writing style, she remembered that when…

CBS: ‘Giant Slayer’ Pelosi Is ‘Patron Saint of Shade'

April 15th, 2019 11:21 AM
60 Minutes journalist Lesley Stahl on Sunday spent 13 minutes fawning over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a “powerful” “giant slayer” and the “patron saint of shade” when it comes to Donald Trump. The segment featured little in the way of criticism or push back, other than to wonder why the Democratic politician hasn’t accomplished more of her liberal goals. 

CBS’s Stahl: ‘Feminine,’ ‘Tough’ Pelosi ‘Swatted’ My Questions Away

April 12th, 2019 12:43 PM
In case it wasn’t clear before, CBS made it very obvious that the journalists are fans of Nancy Pelosi. The This Morning co-hosts on Friday previewed a 60 Minutes interview with the Democrat and gushed over the “feminine,” “steely tough” House Speaker. 

This Week in Media Bias History: ‘Al Gore, Sexy Man’

December 15th, 2018 12:15 PM
Liberal journalists have an interesting concept of what’s “sexy.” In the December 12, 2007 Washington Post, writers Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan wrote about Al Gore’s Nobel Prize. After mentioning actress Uma Thurman praise his global warming work, the reporters enthused, “Al Gore, sexy man. The thinking girl’s thoroughbred.” 

Shepard Smith Lectures Conservatives on ‘Extreme’ Climate Change

November 27th, 2018 8:01 AM
Every now and then, anchor Shepard Smith seems to feel the need to distance himself from most of the other on-air personalities on the Fox News Channel, and Monday afternoon saw the latest incident. Unfortunately, this time Smith had the opportunity served up to him on a silver platter by the Trump Administration, which released a grim new report from 13 federal agencies on the Friday start to…

Trump Talks ‘Dishonest Media,’ Stahl Cuts Him Off, He Zings Her

October 14th, 2018 9:51 PM
During a two part interview with President Trump aired on 60 Minutes on Sunday night, Lesley Stahl asked “what’s the biggest surprise” he's learned as President? Trump cited the duplicity of Washington politicians, but when he relayed how “the other thing I’ve really learned is I never knew how dishonest the media was and I really mean it. I’m not saying that as a soundbite. I never knew how…