Lesley Stahl

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Rehabilitation of Jimmy Carter
While the popular and successful Ronald Reagan and his legacy were denigrated by the media during his retirement, liberal journalists spent decades lavishing praise on Jimmy Carter.

Column: Journalists Deserve All the Angst That Trump's Win Brings
Longtime CBS News correspondent Lesley Stahl engaged in conversation at the 92nd Street Y in New York City with columnist Peggy Noonan, and they both agreed the legacy media are "fraying" – for 20 years, Noonan insisted. "I'm extremely worried about the press," Stahl said, as she dragged out her usual story about Trump criticizing the press.

Why Would Harris Duck a Press Corps That Asks Questions Like These?
Democratic presidential nominees have never had a problem finding friendly journalists who will toss easy softballs, inviting the nominee to bash their Republican opponent while showcasing their own warm wonderfulness.

Enablers: CBS Cues Up Nancy Pelosi to Put Joe Biden on Mt. Rushmore
Lesley Stahl can’t just embarrass herself with fawning Democrat interviews on 60 Minutes. Now they’ve put her on Sunday Morning with her hero Nancy Pelosi, letting Pelosi put Joe Biden on Mount Rushmore. Substitute host Tracy Smith introduced the gush with gush: Pelosi "has a new book out, The Art of Power, an art which Nancy Pelosi is something of a master.”

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Record of Reviling Ronald Reagan
In the 20 years since his death, journalists have praised Ronald Reagan as a way to disparage today's conservatives. But a look at the record shows the media routinely derided both Reagan and his policies.

'60 Minutes' Rips Jim Jordan, Says X Is 'Rife with Trash Talk & Lies'
On Sunday night, the hatchet-job specialists at 60 Minutes were back on the attack against conservatives. It was a 13-minute segment provocatively titled “The Right to Be Wrong.” This could describe Lesley Stahl in 2020, claiming you couldn't verify Hunter Biden's laptop. She was wrong.

Tax Day: The Media Want Politicians to Have Even MORE of Your Money
Instead of making government over-spending an issue, the news media have relentlessly pushed for even more of the nation’s wealth to be handed over to the federal government to spend.

Column: A Stunning Sunday with CBS News
CBS News offered a perfectly awful contrast on its Palm Sunday news shows. On Sunday Morning, Jane Pauley puffed and polished Democrat Sen. John Fetterman. In the evening on 60 Minutes, Lesley Stahl assaulted Trump-adoring Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Leaves CBS Speechless After Nasty Interview
On CBS’s 60 Minutes, anchor Lesley Stahl wore her bias on her sleeve when she conducted her sitdown interview with Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. In stark contrast to the foot massage that was given to Pennsylvania Democrat Senator John Fetterman earlier in the day on CBS Sunday Morning, this interview was more of a brawl between Greene & Stahl.
Barnicle Defends Biden: 'One of the Most Normal, Honorable People'
In response to a comment about President Biden made by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in a 60 Minutes segment on Sunday night, Mike Barnicle of Morning Joe calls him "One of the most normal, honorable human beings you will ever meet."

'60 Minutes' Is Kinder to Murderous Iran Regime than Republicans
Playing second fiddle to Scott Pelley’s gag-inducing interview with President Biden on Sunday’s 60 Minutes, CBS journalist Lesley Stahl sat down with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and treated him with more respect and reverence than the show usually affords to American Republicans. Stahl willingly subjected herself to Iran’s oppressive customs for women and had the gall to suggest…

CBS Hypes 2-Hour Watergate Special, Tries to Connect to Jan. 6 Panel
On Friday’s CBS Mornings, they promoted a two-hour documentary on Friday night hyping Watergate: High Crimes in the White House. They tied it into the new anti-Trump hearings. They brought on Lesley Stahl, who started 50 years ago at CBS News, to connect the Watergate hearings to the January 6 hearings.

Stahl to Trump In 2020: Hunter Biden Laptop Emails 'Can't be Verified'
In light of the very belated admission by the New York Times that the Hunter Biden laptop and the emails on it are authentic, it is a good time to watch how CBS's Lesley Stahl vociferously denied it could be verified during an October 2020 60 Minutes interview with President Donald Trump.

Dirty Tricks: The Sequel
“Dirty tricks” was a term used to describe the behavior of operatives within the Nixon administration to smear the reputations of opponents and undermine the appeal of certain politicians. Fifty years ago, these dirty tricks included a false allegation that Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA.) had fathered an illegitimate child with a 17-year-old girl and the break-in at Democratic National…