Karen Tumulty

WashPost's Tumulty Compares Russian Trolling to Pearl Harbor Attack
February 19th, 2018 12:42 PM
Did you know that the Russian trolling during the 2016 election was so horrible and transformative that it compares to...the attack upon Pearl Harbor? While you chuckle over that observation, keep in mind that the absurd comparison was made by Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post. Of course, the reason why she went so far over the edge was in order to attack President Donald Trump for his…

Morning Joe Obsesses Over McCarthy’s Trump Joke
May 18th, 2017 1:54 PM
In the tumultuous world we currently live, there are a number of worthy topics of discussion. One possibility could be international issues involving countries such as North Korea, Iran, or ISIS. Another might be hotly debated domestic issues including health care, entitlements, or even national spending. Instead of any of this, the cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe chose to spend an entire segment…

WashPost Champions Al Franken as 'Perfect Senator' & 'Political Star'
March 19th, 2017 8:55 AM
To underline how The Washington Post is a Democratic Party newspaper, the Sunday edition has a front-page puff piece on Sen. Al Franken. “Franken takes a judicious approach,” reads the newspaper headline. Online, the love is more palpable: “Al Franken may be the perfect senator for the Trump era — a deadly serious funnyman.”

CNN Panel Shuts Down GOP Guest When He Mentions PP Video Scandal
November 29th, 2016 4:06 PM
On Tuesday afternoon, CNN Newsroom expressed discomfort and promptly went into spin mode for Planned Parenthood as host Brooke Baldwin and two panelists shouted down Trump supporter Steve Cortes for alluding to the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal and expressing support for the Republican push to defund the abortion provider under President-elect Donald Trump’s administration.

WashPost Scoop: That Kooky 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Is Real
September 4th, 2016 9:34 AM
The top story on the left side of the Sunday Washington Post is tough on Hillary....sort of. Post reporter Karen Tumulty suggests that if Hillary Clinton hadn't been so allergic to transparency, maybe the "vast right-wing conspiracy" would have never become such a malignant force. (She failed to ponder the other side: the Clintons were so corrupt -- and they knew it -- that the only option was to…

MSNBC Baffled by ‘Mystery’ of ‘Coincidental’ Iran Payoff
August 4th, 2016 4:26 PM
On her MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell bemoaned the Obama administration’s “unforced error” in sending Iran $400 million at the exact same time American hostages were released from Tehran in January. She was puzzled by the decision: “...they never explained that this other money was going – the $400 million. It’s unrelated to the nuclear deal. Why do it on the same day?”

'Don't Believe the Liberal Media' Sign Crashes WashPost's Hotel View
July 11th, 2016 3:45 PM
Washington Post national political correspondent Karen Tumulty arrived early in Cleveland on Monday for next week’s Republican National Convention (RNC) and upon entering her hotel room, she peered out the window to find a Media Research Center (MRC) billboard staring directly ahead at her with the MRC’s signature “Don’t Believe the Liberal Media” slogan.

MSNBC’s Take on Hillary Clinton’s Career: One of Tragedy and Triumph?
June 7th, 2016 6:34 PM
Tuesday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, the eponymous host and Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty painted Hillary Clinton’s career as one of tragedy and triumph, that included a rocky road of firsts that have always been achieved the “hard way,” and scorn overcome by “setting out, stumbling, picking herself back up, and grinding on.” Are you kidding me?

Univision Debate Recap: Winners And Losers
March 11th, 2016 11:00 AM
An evaluation of the state of play following Univision's 2016 Democratic presidential debate.

Univision/WashPost Democratic Debate: What To Watch For
March 9th, 2016 3:16 PM
Univision and The Washington Post join forces to moderate the Democrat debate. Here's what to expect: an "Agenda Latina" that leans left, starting with immigration.
Media Hand a 'Lifeline' to Hillary on Benghazi
October 20th, 2015 4:00 PM
Hillary Clinton is set to testify before the Benghazi committee on Thursday but the liberal media have spent weeks laying the groundwork for her. Instead of putting the onus on Clinton, her now-discredited story of the attacks being spurred by an anti-Muslim video, and her shady scheme to bypass the State Department e-mail system, the media have led up to the hearings by touting the supposed…
WashPost’s Tumulty: McCarthy Gave Hillary ‘Get Out of Jail Free Card’
October 6th, 2015 3:30 PM
On MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty proclaimed that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s comments about the Benghazi investigation had granted Hillary Clinton immunity from scandal: “...the Kevin McCarthy thing has been not only a political gift but it has been sort of a ‘get out of jail free’ card for her to sort of abandon the kind of semi-…

Karen's Advice for Hillary: 'No Apologies, Just Keep Moving'
August 28th, 2015 4:52 PM
Asked by MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin whether Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton should apologize for comparing her GOP presidential rivals to terrorists, Washington Post national political corresondent Karen Tumulty demurred, remarking that "the lesson of Donald Trump in this election season is: no apologies, just keep moving."

PBS’s Washington Week Goes to Bat for Hillary Over E-Mail Scandal
August 16th, 2015 9:56 AM
On Friday’s Washington Week, PBS’s Gwen Ifill and her two panelists, Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty and CNBC’s John Harwood, did their best in trying to defend Hillary Clinton from the ongoing controversy surrounding her use of a private e-mail server while Secretary of State.