Karen Tumulty

Column: Hillary Clinton’s Conspiracy Privilege
It’s hard to watch the incessant gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Donald Trump trial in Manhattan without feeling like you’re traveling in a time warp back to 2016. We’re back reliving the “Access Hollywood” tape and talk of how Trump would have never been elected except porn star Stormy Daniels accepted a six-figure check to keep quiet.

WashPost Opinion Shocker: 'What the House GOP Rebels Were Right About'
After a week of leftist-media hazing about a “hard right” faction holding Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House Speaker “hostage,” it’s a breath of fresh air to find Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty acknowledging that there were principled reasons to object in a piece entitled "What the House GOP rebels were right about." It turns out anyone can see Congress has a broken system,…

PBS Pair RIPS Republican Party as Fractured and Flattened by Trump
On Friday's PBS NewsHour, Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty and New York Times columnist David Brooks took turns dismissing Kevin McCarthy's "Commitment to America" platform for the midterm elections. The GOP can't agree on anything, and as Tumulty put it, "Donald Trump keeps creeping into the news." As if Team Biden and their media enablers have nothing to do with that…

Editor’s Pick: Twitchy on Libs Mocking an EASY Way to Fortify Schools
Twitchy’s Greg Pollowitz posted an item Thursday on the maddening strategy from liberals to denounce and mock conservatives or anyone who suggests hardening schools to better protect them against deranged individuals (like the one in Uvalde, Texas) by employing a single point of entry. Simply put, liberals have concluded that the right not only doesn’t care about dead kids, but they oppose…

NewsBusters Podcast: WashPost Loses Their WashPoo Over GOP and 1/6
Sunday's Washington Post looked like a partisan rag with a collection of hit pieces (and a cartoon) on McCarthy and his "humiliating pilgrimage" to Mar-a-Lago to make nice with the former president after the GOP anger subsided. He would be a terrible speaker, they insisted, and would cause more "debacles" like this.

CONFLICT? WashPost Owner Bezos Gives Obama Foundation $100 Million
It looks like The Washington Post may run into a conflict of interest problem the next time it fawns over former President Barack Obama’s allegedly “chiseled pectorals.”

WashPost Touts 'Reality-Grounded' Briefings Under Biden, Skips Scandal
Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty wrote a piece for Tuesday’s paper headlined “The return of White House press briefings.” It’s not like the briefings disappeared in 2020. But then you see the online headline: “Get ready for reality-grounded White House press briefings.” She insisted Kayleigh McEnany “set a new standard in shamelessness” at the podium.

WashPost Columnist Gushes for Biden, Discloses Her Son Works for Biden
Washington Post reporter-turned-columnist Karen Tumulty has a splashy big positive column about Biden campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon in the Sunday paper headlined “The woman who transformed Joe Biden’s campaign.” Then, in paragraph three, she disclosed a conflict of interest: "My adult son works for the Biden campaign."

Washington Post Prints Basically a Three-Page Campaign Ad for Pelosi

ABC Panel Frets Pelosi’s Impeachment Delay, Lack of Public Interest

Washington Post’s Tumulty Pleads for Obama to Save Nation from Trump

MSNBC's Mika: It Would Be 'Sad' If Biden Stops Hugging, Kissing Me

Carl Bernstein: Trump 'Unfit to Be the President' After Mattis Resigns