Evan Thomas

FLASHBACK: In 2004, Lib Journos Actually Swooned Over... John Kerry!
Nineteen years ago tonight, the liberal media were in full swoon over Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, with the hope that their effusive praise might propel the liberal Massachusetts Senator into the White House.

Flashback: The Media VILIFIED Clarence Thomas Even BEFORE Anita Hill
From the very moment President George H. W. Bush nominated Thomas to the Court on July 1, 1991, journalists employed nasty and often racist language to denigrate Thomas as unfit to replace Justice Thurgood Marshall, whose retirement had created the vacancy that needed to be filled.
FLASHBACK: MSNBC Proclaims Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
Given how the mainstream media ping pongs back and forth from loving presidents to loathing them, depending if they are Democrats or Republicans, it takes a lot to shock us. But it’s been 12 years today since an MSNBC analyst declared Barack Obama “sort of God.”

Flashback: MSNBC Marked D-Day By Comparing Obama to ‘God’

Evan Thomas Hails ‘Conservative’ O’Connor for Saving Abortion

Evan Thomas Hails Sandra Day O'Connor: 'She Kept Abortion Alive'

Biased Hackjob: The Worst Moments from CNN’s ‘2000s’ Smear of Bush

This Week in Media Bias History: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

The Liberal Media’s Brazen Double-Standard on Sex Scandals

Media Love Stormy Daniels – But How Did They Treat Clinton's Accusers?

‘American Eloquence’; MSNBC Panel Goes Gaga Over Obama Receiving Award

Hating Hillary’s Enemies in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
CNN Exposes Press Love for JFK, Kennedy’s Shoddy Civil Rights Record