Aaron Blake

WashPost Spins on 'Garbage'! 'Biden's Defense Is Entirely Plausible'
Aaron Blake is a "senior political reporter" at The Washington Post, for a section they call "The Fix." Well, this pathetic attempt to help Joe Biden paper over what he quite obviously said is an attempt at "the fix," but it doesn't work.

Washington Post Writer Panics that Border Crises Will Hurt Democrats
Washington Post staff writer Aaron Blake goes into full panic mode over the border crises harming Democrats' election chances in 2024.

PolitiFact: DeSantis Mostly False For Not Evacuating Uninhabited Park
PolitiFact is at it again. This time they are accusing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of making a “mostly false” statement when he said that Hurricane Ian was not predicated to hit Lee County despite conceding his statements on the matter were basically correct.

WashPost OBSESSES Over Tucker With 11 Articles in ONLY Six Days
In a bit so obvious that they couldn’t have denied it if they even tried, The Washington Post has spent the past week going into overdrive in favor of censorship and remove Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson from the air to the tune of at least 11 items over the past six days attacking the highly-influential primetime show.

WashPost's Aaron Blake Falls On His Face Over Biden Hiding from Media
Washington Post “senior political reporter” Aaron Blake overwhelmingly writes pieces titled “Analysis.” Some of that analysis fails the laugh test. On Monday, Blake freaked out over a Twitter thread from Sen. John Cornyn under the headline "John Cornyn’s ugly, transparent attempt to paint Biden as a Manchurian Candidate." Oh, Blake painted Trump as a Russian tool, and he's fine with…

Study: WashPost Twitter Page Bored to Death by Senate IG Hearing

The Times and Post Push Spygate Cover-Up With Barr Attacks

WashPost Reporter Slams Beto O'Rourke's Hubris, Like an Angry Democrat

MSNBC Host Admits Dems Giving Healthcare to Illegals a Gift for Trump

Matthews Hits Colleagues for Talking ‘Nasty Boy Politics’ in Normandy

WashPost Touts 'Impressive' and 'Sharp' Kamala Harris as Front-Runner

MSM Blames Avenatti for Dooming Effort to Stop Kavanaugh Confirmation

Lefty Journalists Lose Touch with Reality During Kavanaugh Testimony