
Illinois Public School Advertises ‘After School Satan Club’ to Kids
Remember guys, conservative parents concerned about what their children are exposed to might be extremists, or worse, domestic terrorists. On the other hand the staff teaching kids pernicious CRT lessons, disturbing LGTBQ and trans orthodoxy and, yes, allowing Satanic afterschool programming are noble victims of the militant parents.

CBS’s Atheist Sitcom ‘Young Sheldon:’ Bible Is ‘Just a Book’
CBS’s atheist comedy Young Sheldon took yet another swing at its favorite target, Christianity, on Thursday’s episode, “Snoopin' Around and the Wonder Twins of Atheism.” And while there’s nothing funny about painting Christian believers as clueless fools and God as cruel and fictitious, an opportunity to disparage Christianity always trumps comedy when it comes to this show.
Harvard Hires New Atheist Head Chaplain
As proof that the phrase “Ivy League” simply means “ass backwards,” the latest news out of Harvard University is that the college’s new head chaplain is an atheist. Oh, that’s fitting, isn’t it?
Jason Whitlock: What The Left Embraces is ‘Satanic'
Conservative sports journalist Jason Whitlock is clearly tired of beating around the bush. In a recent conversation with Tucker Carlson and in a follow up article, the Outkick and The Blaze contributor flat out claimed that much of what the left supports is “satanic,” in that it’s based on lies that go against God’s word, the foundation for our Judeo-Christian society.

Satan Straddler Lil Nas X Now Taco Bell’s First Chief Impact Officer
Infamous rapper Lil Nas X, who made an anti-Christian statement by straddling the Devil in a hellish music video, is now being promoted by a famous fast-food company as its chief impact officer.

HBO's 'His Dark Materials' Battles Deceitful and Intolerant God
Christmas may be over, but the hatred for Christianity still lives on in television. HBO’s anti-religious series His Dark Materials brings on (hopefully) 2020’s final salute to atheism with a stand against the “deceit, intolerance, and prejudice” of God in the name of “understanding, truth, and acceptance.” Only a show like this could think atheists exclusively hold those virtues.

Smug Atheist 'Young Sheldon’ Likens God to ‘Invisible Monkey’
Despite all the changes from COVID-19, CBS’s Young Sheldon seems to be mostly the same. Namely, it continues to disparage religion, Christians, and even the very notion of God in the first place. This time around, the show compares God to an “invisible monkey” that doesn’t exist. For a show about a child genius, it’s a pretty dumb argument.

HuffPost Personal: I’m So Mad RBG’s Dead, I Became a ‘Satanist’
The death of SCOTUS justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so traumatic for the left that some of them are becoming full-blown satanists. It seems selling their souls is the only option now. Huffington Post promoted a personal piece from one female attorney on September 24 detailing her switch from liberal suburban mom to member of the Satanic Temple that happened due to the loss of activist Supreme…

New HBO Max Sci-fi Series: Atheism 'Is the Only Path to Progress'
It’s amazing how the advanced future always seems to be viewed through a liberal lens on television. Either we devolve into a hedonistic nightmare or fall victim to a dystopian society based on not following liberal practices. HBO Max’s latest sci-fi series Raised by Wolves does both by espousing how belief in religion “weakens” the human mind and atheism is "the only path to progress…

ABC Drama: Christian Woman Calls Separating Families ‘Lord’s Work'

Liberal Chuck Lorre Loses 'Naive Belief' in 'Common Sense of America'

HBO’s ‘His Dark Materials’ Bashes Evil Church Fighting ‘Tyranny of Sin

Unorthodox: Lefty Huff Post Celebrates Traditional Religious Life?!