Eddie Glaude Jr. Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 9-16-21

Scarborough Suppresses Most Serious China-Call Allegation About Milley

September 16th, 2021 9:34 AM

The most serious charge against General Milley is that, without notifying the President and Commander-in-Chief, Milley agreed to give China advance notice of an impending attack. Yet in defending Milley on Morning Joe today, Joe Scarborough outrageously suppressed any mention of that allegation. Instead he cast Milley as issuing a stern warning to China. 

Miles Taylor CNN New Day 9-15-21

CNN Uses Trump Foe 'Anonymous' To Defend Milley's Alleged Behavior

September 15th, 2021 2:03 PM

Of all the people CNN could have chosen to comment on General Milley's calls to the ChiCom military leader in which he promised to give him advance warning of any attack ordered by President Trump, CNN chose one with perhaps the least credibility: Miles Taylor, aka Anonymous, who under that pen name wrote the infamous NYT op-ed, "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration." …


Scarborough Uses Heroes of 9/11 to Boost Biden's Afghanistan Fiasco

September 7th, 2021 9:50 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough uses the great work of the American military, invokes the spirit of 9/11, and the generosity of Americans welcoming Afghan refugees, to deflect criticism from President Biden over his Afghanistan fiasco. Scarborough says he is "really proud" of America, and offers not a word of blame for Biden.

John Berman Kaitlin Collins CNN New Day 8/31/21

Even CNN Blasts Biden for Abandoning Americans With 'Broken Promise'

September 1st, 2021 11:15 AM

On the occasion of the last US troops leaving Afghanistan—and in a marked departure from its traditional pro-Biden bias—CNN blasted President Biden today for abandoning American citizens trapped in the country. New Day co-host John Berman opened today's show by speaking of Biden's "broken promise—he said the US would stay to get them out. The US did not stay."


DELUDED MSNBC on Withdrawal: 'People Will Say, Yep, Biden Got Us Out'

September 1st, 2021 10:15 AM

Former Time magazine managing editor, former Obama State Department official, and current MSNBC analyst Rick Stengel joined Deadline: White House on Tuesday to react to President Biden's latest speech on Afghanistan. Stengel predicted that when the history books are written, "people will say, yep, he got us out of there."


Matt Dowd: GOP Spurns 'The Principles of the Constitution'

August 29th, 2021 8:29 AM

On Friday, The 11th Hour guest host Alicia Menendez and Matthew Dowd took time to talk about the real takeaways from the Afghanistan withdrawal: that Republicans don't care about the Constitution and that President Biden is doing yeoman's work.

Willie Geist Mike Barnicle MSNBC Morning Joe 8-27-21

Barnicle Absolves Biden: 'Always Going To End In Chaos and Death'

August 27th, 2021 6:18 PM

On today's Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle sought to absolve President Biden for yesterday's terrorist attack that killed 13 American service members and scores of Afghans. Barnicle thrice claimed that "it was always going to end this way, chaos and death."  Translation: it was inevitable. Nothing Biden could have done better. Move along.

Lessons from Georgia, the Country

August 27th, 2021 1:14 PM

Georgia (the ex-Soviet Republic, not the U.S. state) is now a remarkable success story. Its economy is growing at 5% per year, and the country ranks ahead of the United States in economic freedom. Yet, 20 years ago, Georgia was even more miserably poor than the rest of the former Soviet Union. So, what can America and the rest of the world learn from Georgia's progress? A lot, says my…

John Berman Spider Marx CNN New Day 8-26-21

'Get in Taliban's Face!' CNN General Outraged at Leaving People Behind

August 26th, 2021 2:54 PM

On New Day, CNN military analyst retired Major General Spider Marks was outraged that the US government will be leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, saying it goes against the "no man left behind" ethos of the US military. He says the US needs to "get in the face" of the Taliban, and tell them that all Americans and SIV holders will be evacuated, either with the Taliban's cooperation or…


Scared of ISIS, Scarborough Backs Biden's 8/31 Deadline on Afghanistan

August 25th, 2021 1:03 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough supports President Biden's decision not to extend the August 31st deadline for evacuating American citizens and Afghan allies from Afghanistan. Scarborough says he's worried about attacks by ISIS and the more radical elements of the Taliban. 


Army Major to CNN: Good Chance Americans Will Be Trapped Under Taliban

August 24th, 2021 8:16 PM

A CNN New Day guest this morning was Army Reserve Major Matt Zeller. He is part of an informal network of military and intel people with previous Afghanistan experience who are now trying to help Afghan allies to evacuate. Asked to comment on whether an extension of the August 31st deadline for evacuation is desirable, Zeller said: "The reality is we do need more time [or] we're going to end…


WashPost's Max Boot on Afghanistan: Trump and Pompeo 'Need to Shut Up'

August 23rd, 2021 12:50 AM

On Morning Joe, Washington Post columnist Max Boot says that Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo "just need to find a good opportunity right now to just shut up and stop criticizing" Biden's mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Boot argues that it was Trump and Pompeo who originally set the withdrawal in motion, and are now in no position to criticize what Boot admits is Biden's "very…

ABC This Week Martha Raddatz Michel Martin Terry Moran 8-22-21

ABC Slams Biden on Afghanistan—'Adrift From The Facts'

August 22nd, 2021 4:51 PM

The roundtable on ABC's "This Week" was rather rough on President Biden regarding his Afghanistan fiasco. It was encapsulated by senior national correspondent Terry Moran describing Biden as "adrift from the facts." Even NPR's Michel Martin called the withdrawal a "botched operation."


MSNBC Military Expert Goes Defeatist: 'Nothing' We Can Do

August 20th, 2021 6:41 PM

MSNBC military analyst, Ret. Gen. Barry McCaffrey obliterated the admittedly fine line between being realistic and being defeatist on Friday's Stephanie Ruhle Reports where he asserted there is "nothing" we can do for those who fought beside us for 20 years.