
Even After Cops Shot, ABC, CBS Call Violent Riots 'Mostly Peaceful'
Protests and riots broke out in major cities across the country Wednesday night over the Kentucky grand jury’s decision to not charge any of the officers involved in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor. ABC and CBS spent their morning shows downplaying the violence as “mostly peaceful," Thursday.
SHOCK as NYT Actually EXPOSES Violent Protests: 'I Want to Kill Cops'
New York Times reporter Nellie Bowles has again committed journalism, on the front-page of Tuesday’s edition, no less, providing close-up pictures of th real-world consequences of the often violent, destructive, anti-American “protests” taking place in U.S. cities. Her latest: “Protesters Pressure Bystanders to Choose a Side.” The text box captured more of the gist: “Movement Divided…
Marching With Antifa, CNN Claims Not 'Peaceful' But Not 'Violent'
While taking part in a march of Antifa terrorists through the streets of the Adams Morgan neighborhood in Washington, D.C., Alex Marquardt tried to spin their chaos and violence for CNN Tonight host Don Lemon. “Until now, I'm not going to say it's been peaceful but it hasn't quite been violent,” he suggested as he admitted that police had dawned riot gear.
NBC Gives Anarchist’s View of ‘Anarchist Jurisdictions:’ Tyrannical
NBC is infuriated with President Trump’s “brazen ploy to crush dissent.” By dissent, they’re referring to the rioters howling “Black Lives Matter” who’ve been looting and burning throughout cities in America.
ABC/NBC Spike ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Protests Leaving $2 Billion in Damages
For months now, the liberal media have been downplaying and, in many cases, lying about the widespread violence and destruction caused by Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Calling them “mostly peaceful protests,” so-called journalists like MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and CNN’s Omar Jimenez would stand in full view of burning buildings and claims things were “not, generally speaking, unruly,” and “fiery…

WashPost Becomes Haven for Antifa Sympathizer to Refute ‘Myths’
Last Friday (9/11 of all days), the Washington Post published a “perspective” piece written by Rutgers University “historian,” Mark Bray. You might remember Bray from NewsBusters reporting about how NBC political director Chuck Todd gave him multiple platforms to preach Antifa’s virtues of physically assaulting your political opponents. Well, in his Post piece, he was out to massage…

MIT Technology Review Gaslights Conservatives for Concern Over Riots
Conservative journalists who post videos of riots are the problem, not the riots. That’s the word from a professor at Harvard Kennedy’s prominent Shorenstein Center. Joan Donovan, director of the Technology and Social Change Research Project at the center, blamed conservatives for being the real source of America’s modern violence. Her September 3 op-ed ran in the MIT Technology Review…

‘View’ Blames Trump for Riots: We’ll Be ‘Safer’ With Biden in Charge!
The View returned Tuesday for its 24th season and predictably, they had a lot to blame President Trump for. The hosts kicked off the show talking about whether or not the president’s “law and order” message would help him win in November. Co-host Sunny Hostin ranted the violence on the streets was caused by Trump supporters because he was “encouraging” violence. Clinging to the…

Le cuesta a Univisión decir que asesino de Portland era ANTIFA
Las dos principales cadenas noticiosas en español del país optaron por tomar rutas diferentes en su cobertura del tiroteo de Michael Forest Reinoehl, un soldado antifa que confesó haber matado a un partidario de Trump durante los disturbios de Portland el sábado pasado. Una cadena nos sorprendió, la otra no.
ABC Finally Gets Critical of Riots: 'Escalation' With 'Gasoline Bombs'
Last night marked 100 days since the near-nightly riots in Portland, Oregon bean over the summer. And Sunday’s Good Morning America marked the harshest language used to describe the violence from any broadcast network; with ABC correspondent Matt Gutman deviating from the prescribed liberal narrative and blaming the leftist activists for a “significant escalation” after they used “…

Univision Can’t Bring Itself to Say Dead Portland Shooter Was ANTIFA
Both of the nation's largest Spanish-speaking news networks took different paths in covering the shooting of Michael Forest Reinoehl, an Antifa soldier who confessed to killing a Trump supporter during the Portland Riots last Saturday. One network surprised us, the other did not.

Nets Label Victim But Won't Call Antifa Murder Suspect 'Left-Wing'
It’s a sickening double standard when the media won’t call out the politics of a murder suspect but will instead eagerly politicize the victim he admitted to killing. On Friday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today repeatedly labeled the man shot and killed by an Antifa protester in Portland last weekend as “right-wing” and a “Trump supporter.” But no such…

Reid Compares Antifa, BLM to Civil Rights Movement (She Really Did)
When thinking about Antifa and/or Black Lives Matter, most NewsBusters readers and many Americans wouldn’t reply with traits as such bipartisan, Christ-centered, diverse, non-violent, and peaceful that pertained to the Civil Rights Movement and specifically the Freedom Riders. But according to MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid on Thursday, they’re all alike because Antifa and Black Lives…
HYPOCRITES: The NY Times Cares About Some Violence, Just Not THIS
Coverage from the New York Times of the spate of left-wing rioting and attacks on conservatives remains stuck in denial mode, as unwittingly demonstrated in “Three Conspiracy Theories, Debunked." While purporting to knock Trump, the Times actually reveal their paper’s own galling dismissal of left-wing thuggery against conservatives like Sen. Rand Paul.