NPR Treats Hunter's Verdict as Much Less Important Than Alito, Secretly Taped

June 13th, 2024 7:57 AM

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio didn't think Hunter Biden's three guilty felony verdicts were a big deal. has an online listing of story order on their news programs. On Tuesday night, All Things Considered put the Hunter Biden verdicts at....number nine. Guess what was #1. “Secret audio raises new questions about Supreme Court Justice's impartiality.

This drew six minutes and 11 seconds. The Hunter Biden guilty verdicts lasted 3:52. NPR reporter Ryan Lucas recounted all the family hugs and hand-holding, but left out ANY Republican commentary.

Co-host Mary Louise Kelly oozed: "A woman who describes herself as a documentarian and liberal activist secretly recorded audio of two Supreme Court justices at an exclusive gala. Lauren Windsor released the edited audio on X and shared it with Rolling Stone." You KNOW someone's seriously leftist when they're "liberal" to NPR. Naturally, media reporter David Folkenflik was brought on:

FOLKENFLIK: Right now she's operating in a kind of - well, shall I say, a bit of a cowboy mode. It's almost as though she sees herself as an antidote to James O'Keefe, the conservative, really right-wing provocateur who used undercover videos. He often went after sort of ancillary figures to try to discredit larger institutions or liberal figures. In her case, she's really gone after folks who are really at the top, in this case, of the federal government and also, in some ways, the conservative establishment, if you think about these two justices.

To his credit, Folkenflik suggested this was an ethical issue, that NPR wouldn’t stoop to this. He did NOT recall for his listeners that O’Keefe staffers punked NPR in 2011, leading to several resignations. But how is Windsor the "antidote"? She's the opposite, but she's doing the same apparently poisonous thing.

There's definitely a dishonesty in secret recordings, especially when people pretend to be something they're not. But it's rich for NPR to pose as guardians of judicial propriety, when NPR reporter Nina Totenberg and her pal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg broke all the rules about ethics together. 

Then came Wednesday's Morning Edition, which was even worse. The first two features, which lasted more than 11 minutes were on secret-mic interviews with conservative justices Alito and John Roberts. Hunter Biden was listed at...number seventeen! Lucas did less than four minutes again.  And #12 was White House PR: "Biden administration announces a plan for removing medical debt from credit reports."

PS: Tuesday's PBS NewsHour also turned to NPR's Lucas for his version of events. Then White House reporter Laura Barron-Lopez lied about Joe Biden's involvement with Hunter Biden's clients. 

A campaign spokesperson for President Trump issued a statement, saying — quote — "This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden crime family. Biden's reign over the Biden family criminal empire is all coming to an end on November 5," again repeating baseless accusations against President Biden, claiming that he was involved in his son's business dealings overseas, which there has been no evidence to support those claims from President — from former President Trump, as well as other Republicans.

PPS: It's amusing that once NPR's show listing went into the archives, Hunter's verdict didn't show up any more on a shortened list, but dental therapy and "One woman's summer of pleasure in Paris" did.