
NPR Treats Hunter's Verdict as Less Vital Than Alito, Secretly Taped

June 13th, 2024 7:57 AM

On taxpayer-funded National Public Radio, All Things Considered has an online listing of story order. Hunter Biden's verdict was #9! Guess what was #1: Sam Alito. “Secret audio raises new questions about Supreme Court Justice's impartiality.”

NPR: Columbia Agitators' 'Intifada' Chant Just an 'Anti-Israel Slogan'

May 3rd, 2024 10:02 AM

National Public Radio has picked sides in the Israel-Hamas war, supporting the students/terrorist supporters camping on the quads of progressive colleges campuses. This is how NPR’s Up First newsletter (a summary of what NPR considers the must-know stories of the day) on Wednesday morning described the illegal occupation by pro-Hamas agitators at Columbia University: NPR's…

Column: NPR Morning Star Lamely Swats at Their Suspended Dissident

April 17th, 2024 5:45 AM

National Public Radio senior editor Uri Berliner has been suspended for his unauthorized critique of the insular liberal bias of his network. NPR star and Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep took to his Substack blog to slam Berliner’s article as “filled with errors and omissions.” Inskeep did a lot of omitting himself. 

NPR Harps on Fake News: Bill Kristol Is a 'Conservative'... for Biden

April 2nd, 2024 9:40 AM

On Monday's Morning Edition, NPR anchor Michel Martin harped twice on the fake news that pro-Biden pundit Bill Kristol is still a "conservative." Martin explained "Democrats hope there are enough disaffected Republicans out there to give President Biden a boost....We're going to ask conservative writer and editor Bill Kristol about this."


NewsBusters Podcast: A Sappy Rerun for Christine 'No Evidence' Ford

March 22nd, 2024 10:39 PM

Christine Blasey Ford provided what they call “no evidence” to back up her 2018 claim that Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her when they were teens. Kavanaugh fiercely denied the charge. But CBS and ABC and NPR have provided sappy publicity for her new book – which provides no new evidence of her story.

NPR Owns the Pro-Lifers: Suck It, Abortions in America Are UP!

March 19th, 2024 10:55 PM

The Supreme Court’s repeal of the Roe v. Wade decision in 2022 was greeted as a calamity by people who champion the right to abortions, which certainly includes the national media. But now National Public Radio found some happy news: the number of abortions in America is up!

Column: Who Will Deprogram the Radicals at National Public Radio?

February 21st, 2024 5:53 AM

One of the grandest fictions of our leftist media is that somehow, championing “social change” is what makes you a “bona fide news organization.” Anyone who resists that siren song isn’t a professional, but a propagandist. One-sided coverage is great -- if you've picked the right side. NPR displayed this fiction with an audaciously arrogant story headlined “Poland's new government deprograms…

NPR's Asma Khalid Touts Kamala's Trip to Germany, No GOP Rebuttals

February 15th, 2024 8:50 AM

National Public Radio sounded like State-Run Radio on the Valentine’s Day Morning Edition. Reporter Asma Khalid touted that Vice President Kamala Harris was headed to Germany to reassure European allies after Donald Trump said he’d encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to allies who won’t spend enough on defense to be a NATO member in good standing.

NPR Anchor Finds GOP Veteran to Trash Conservatives as 'Post-Policy'

February 8th, 2024 3:19 PM

 We know about CNN Republicans and MSNBC Republicans, but there are also NPR Republicans. Brendan Buck, a former aide to Speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan, is a semi-regular pundit on Meet the Press. On Thursday, Morning Edition anchor Steve Inskeep kept asking Buck to describe Republicans as insincere extremists who don't want to govern. Buck played right along, calling…

Column: Internal Democrat Worries Aired on NPR

January 12th, 2024 6:20 AM

National Public Radio is a sandbox for the Left. The “news” there is manufactured by leftists, for leftists. You can find it easily in the latest interviews about the Biden re-election campaign. The interviewers are clearly nervous that Biden’s messaging isn’t working. It’s not that Biden’s incompetent, it’s that voters are ignorant.


NPR Offers Leila Fadel Coddle to Liz Cheney

December 6th, 2023 4:47 PM

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio was aggressively competing to be the most interview spot for Liz Cheney on Monday's Morning Edition. Anchor Leila Fadel was every bit as promotional as say, Asma Khalid was with Kamala Harris a year ago. Cheney is now in the pantheon of Democrat heroes.


NPR Rushes to Proclaim 'The Waning Influence of Moms for Liberty'

November 20th, 2023 4:56 PM

NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday could have also been titled Wishful Thinking Saturday, as they touted "The waning influence of Moms for Liberty." NPR anchor Scott Simon began: "The right-wing group Moms for Liberty has been a force in clashes over what public schools can teach or not about sexuality and race, but its influence may be on the wane."

NPR Host Asks Jeffries About 'Extreme Right Wing,' Avoids Dem Radicals

November 16th, 2023 10:48 PM

NPR Morning Edition co-host Steve Inskeep interviewed House Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries on Tuesday, and once again, he was every bit as accommodating as he was in his many softball interviews with Barack Obama. Inskeep asked if new Speaker Mike Johnson was "extreme right wing," but he skipped asking Jeffries about his party's extreme left wing, especially the censure of radical…

Taxpayer-Funded NPR Promotes Billboard: 'God's Plan Includes Abortion'

October 11th, 2023 1:55 PM

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio touted pro-abortion billboards on Interstate 55 on their show Morning Edition. A pro-abortion hairdresser was ecstatic: "Yes! GOD'S PLAN INCLUDES ABORTION! It does! It does. I agree."