Flashback: In 2010, Media Resisted End to One-Party Democratic Rule

November 4th, 2018 8:10 AM
This year, with Republicans in control of the White House, House and Senate, journalists are actively electioneering on behalf of Democrats, as a way to put a check on the power of President Trump. But eight years ago, when Democrats held both the House and Senate going into President Obama’s first midterm elections, the media were distressed that liberal power might be diluted, and upset that…

Media Go CRAZY Over Kavanaugh Confirmation

October 8th, 2018 2:44 PM
Liberal journalists lost their collective minds during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process as they filled their programs with dire predictions for the “millions of women” that will be “annihilated.” Lefty celebrities also went nuts. Actress Molly Ringwald condemned the GOP as the “Rape Party.” The following are the most recent examples of liberal journalists and celebrities going crazy over…

Hype for Beto, Disgust for Cruz and Blaming Racist Trump for Hurricane

October 3rd, 2018 8:00 AM

With the midterm elections fast approaching liberal journalists have begun paving the way for a blue wave of Democratic wins. This past month saw the media hype machine pump-up Texas Democratic Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke as the “antidote” to the “Trump era.” His opponent, incumbent Ted Cruz, was derided as the “type of man who would sell his family into slavery” to get elected. Lefty…


Killing Kavanaugh: The Worst Media Smears Against the Nominee

September 25th, 2018 10:45 AM
The Democrats and their allies in the media have spent the last few weeks laying the groundwork to destroy the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. First, they tried to say the process was “illegitimate” because Republicans held up Merrick Garland. When that didn’t work, they brought forth an uncorroborated decades-old allegation of sexual assault. The following is a look at some…

FLASHBACK: Media Using Same Playbook They Used to Smear Thomas

September 18th, 2018 8:30 AM
We’ve seen the media and the Democrats use this playbook before. When Justice Clarence Thomas was well on his way to being confirmed in 1991, the Democrats brought forth Anita Hill to accuse Thomas of sexual harassment, in a last ditch attempt to derail his nomination. And while it remains to be seen if the media turn the Brett Kavanaugh nomination process into a similar circus it’s instructive…

Trump and His Supporters Willing to ‘Lie, Steal, Cheat’ and ‘Kill’

August 31st, 2018 8:00 AM
Just when you think the media couldn’t sink any lower in their view of Donald Trump and his supporters they go lower. In the past month we’ve seen CNN’s Don Lemon insult Trump supporters as “people who will lie, steal, and cheat, lie to their mother” for their own political purposes. One New York Times columnist even suggested Trump would “like to” murder his political foes. The following are the…

Media Loved McCain EXCEPT When He Got in Their Way

August 27th, 2018 12:50 PM
While there have been many respectful tributes to John McCain in the media in the past few days, there was a time when the liberal press weren’t always supportive of the war hero and independent-minded Senator from Arizona —  particularly when he was getting in the way of their progressive agenda. A look back at McCain’s relationship with the press, over the decades, shows it was complicated at…

FLASHBACK: When The Media Despised Secret Taping

August 13th, 2018 1:11 PM
The media are hyping former White House aide Omarosa’s negative takes on “racist” Donald Trump and of course playing audio from her surreptitious tapes – with the networks devoting 93 minutes on the topic so far. On Monday’s Today show, co-host Savanna Guthrie teased: “Just ahead, our exclusive - live with Omarosa on the secret recording she made of President Trump...and the troubling picture she…

Outrage For Trump’s ‘Treason’ In Helsinki and ‘Cataclysmic’ Court Pick

August 2nd, 2018 8:00 AM

President Donald Trump’s “cataclysmic” pick of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court and his act of “treason” at his Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin prompted the media to turn up their outrage volume to 11 this month. The following are the worst liberal outbursts over the last month from lefty journalists and celebrities: 

The Liberal Media’s Perpetually Skewed SCOTUS Coverage

July 9th, 2018 8:00 AM
President Trump won’t officially announce his latest nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court until this evening, but it’s already easy to predict the liberal media’s spin. As with all recent Republican nominees, reporters will repeatedly label them as “conservative,” which will nicely reinforce the Democrats’ strategy to paint them as outside “the mainstream.” But when Democratic Presidents announce…

‘Nazi’ Trump ‘Traumatizing’ Kids and Making Statue of Liberty Cry

June 29th, 2018 11:27 AM
From President Donald Trump’s policy of separating the children of illegal immigrants to Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, there was a lot for lefties in the media and Hollywood to lose their heads over this month. Anchors and reporters depicted the “despot” Trump and those who voted for him as Nazis that were making the Statue of Liberty weep. The following are the worst liberal outbursts…

FLASHBACK: Media Cheered Obama’s ‘Tear Down This Wall’ Cuban Moment

June 12th, 2018 12:25 PM
Donald Trump’s summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has been met with skepticism from liberal journalists with the likes of CBS correspondent Bianna Golodryga railing: “The self-proclaimed dealmaker in chief has so far proven to be more of a deal breaker, tearing up international deals.” But this is a far cry from the liberal media’s reaction to Barack Obama’s December 2014 deal with…

Tarnishing Trump Supporters as Racist and Still Worshipping Obama

June 5th, 2018 2:21 PM
From Roseanne Barr’s firing to the President condemning MS-13, liberal journalists found new ways to tarnish Donald Trump and his supporters as racist this past month. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes used the Roseanne Barr controversy to condemn Trump voters as he deemed her racist reference to former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett “represented the actual worldview of a significant chunk of the Trump…

Samantha Bee Has A LOT to Apologize For

May 31st, 2018 5:19 PM
Samantha Bee was forced to apologize for her disgusting attack on Ivanka Trump today, but this isn’t the first time she’s had to apologize for an offensive or stupid remark. There was that time, in 2017, when she attacked a CPAC attendee for having “Nazi hair.” Bee later apologized to the attendee, Kyle Coddington, because it turned out he had stage 4 brain cancer. Of course there are many, many…