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Marie Harf

Fox-Hating Beast Trashes Faulkner, But Denounced Black Stereotypes
March 2nd, 2021 3:44 PM
It’s no secret that The Daily Beast hates the Fox News Channel. On Tuesday, The Beast published an item allowing anonymous Fox News staffers to grossly condemn former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s signing as a contributor, including one referring to her as a “mini Goebbels.” And amidst their chest-puffing about the evils of Fox News, Faulkner Focus host and Outnumbered co-host…

Former Obama Flack Marie Harf Denies Left's Hostility to Christianity
March 18th, 2018 5:36 PM
On Friday's Outnumbered, former Obama State Department spokesman Marie Harfwas "sort of ... offended" when asked why there is "such an open animosity to Christianity from those on the left." Harf rejected the idea "that there is something inherent among the left that means we don’t like Christianity." Gosh, what would make anyone believe that?

Politico Investigative Reporter Hammers Critics of 'Bombshell' Article
December 20th, 2017 6:15 PM
Josh Meyer, a senior investigative reporter for the Politico website, was a guest on the weeknight program Fox News @Night on Tuesday to defend his article against accusations from former Obama administration officials who attempted to discredit his report and smear Politico.

'Progressive' Wolf Blitzer Praises Jane Fonda, Marie Harf
April 27th, 2015 1:04 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer brought liberal actress Jane Fonda and Obama administration flack Marie Harf as his guests to Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner. Blitzer gushed over Fonda and Harf during a live interview with colleague Brianna Keilar: "It doesn't get any better than Jane Fonda....Can you believe that I'm here with Jane Fonda? And Marie Harf, acting spokeswoman for the U.S. State…

ABC, CBS, NBC Skip Marie Harf’s Lefty ‘Jobs for ISIS’ Idea
February 18th, 2015 2:00 PM
State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf’s statement that “we cannot win this war” against ISIS by “killing them” and suggestion that “we need...to go after the root causes” like “lack of opportunity for jobs” was even too ridiculous for a liberal like Chris Matthews to swallow. Yet this latest embarrassing moment for Barack Obama’s administration has yet to be reported on any of the Big Three (…

Matthews: America 'Getting Humiliated, Sounds Like We Can't Stop' ISIS
February 16th, 2015 9:13 PM
If once is an MSNBC aberration, is twice is a trend? Earlier today we reported on Ed Schultz getting surprisingly angry over the Obama administration's weakness in confronting ISIS, calling the situation a "religious war."
Just two hours later, Chris Matthews sounded a similar alarm, saying "if I were ISIS I wouldn't be afraid . . . the American people are getting humiliated . . . it sounds like…

State Dept. Press Deputy Sneers at O'Reilly Show For Having No 'Intell
September 4th, 2014 12:27 PM
Fox News correspondent James Rosen has been investigated by Obama's Justice Department for being a "co-conspirator" and violator of the Espoinage Act. Attorney general Eric Holder even approved seizing Rosen's private e-mails. Now, Rosen's latest question at a State Department briefing to press aide Jen Psaki prompted her assisant Marie Harf to tweet that Psaki "explains foreign policy w/…
AP Reporter Slams State Dept. Claim That Journalist Beheading Was 'Not
August 21st, 2014 7:00 PM
During a press briefing on Wednesday, deputy State Department spokesperson Marie Harf condemned the beheading of American journalist James Foley by Islamic terrorists while adding that the threat posed by the terror group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) “is not about the United States and what we do.”
That comment led Associated Press reporter Matt Lee to ask if President…