Symone Sanders

MSNBC: Biden Scandal Is 'Next Benghazi,' Hunter Is 'Just His Son'
As President Biden’s keep piling up, MSNBC All In guest host Ali Velshi welcomed former Biden deputy assistant and Symone host Symone Sanders-Townsend to wonder what the big deal is. For Velshi, Biden’s document scandal is the “next Benghazi” while for Sanders-Townsend, Hunter Biden is “just his son.”

Sanders Asks Jan. 6 Committee to Expel GOP Senators Like Confederates
During her interview with the chair of the rabidly partisan January 6 Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), MSNBC host Symone Sanders displayed once again how foolish she is. On MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Tonight, Sanders was given airtime for her interview where she seemed to lobby Thompson to get Republican Senators expelled like Confederate Democrat senators were after the Civil War. …

WHAT?! Scarborough AND Sharpton Compare Abrams to Moses
MSNBC's Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough and PoliticsNation host Al Sharpton teamed up on Wednesday to react to Stacey Abrams losing Georgia’s gubernatorial election for the second consecutive cycle by comparing her to Moses.
Sanders’s MSNBC Show TANKS, Draws Fewer Than Acosta, Cheaters, Diners
Former Biden administration official Symone Sanders debuted her eponymous MSNBC show on Saturday and, like most things with MSNBC (or CNN), the ratings were pitiful. Despite an interview with First Lady Jill Biden, Nielsen Media Research said her show drew only 361,000 viewers at 4:00 p.m. Eastern and only 29,000 in the key 25-54 demographic, pulling down the time slot by 26 percent year to…

Jen Psaki Set to Leave WH in May, Bring Real Psaki Show to MSNBC
Axios media reporter Sara Fischer broke the news Friday morning that current White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is set to resign from her position “around May” in order to join MSNBC as a guest on their “live programming” across “different shows” with a show on parent company Comcast’s streaming platform Peacock.

MSNBC: Russia Preparing to Invade Ukraine, Democrats Hardest Hit
On MSNBC’s MTP Daily Monday afternoon, fill-in anchor Garrett Haake feared that Russia’s expected invasion of Ukraine “has thrown a big wrench in the political plans for Democrats here at home.” While complaining that the international crisis was interfering with Biden administration attempts to “reset their messaging heading into the midterms,” Haake sought optimistic spin from…

Fox Promotes Jesse Watters as MSNBC Picks Harris Spox Symone Sanders
On Monday morning, two massive media announcements went live as the Fox News Channel named network mainstay Jesse Watters as the permanent host of the 7:00 p.m. Eastern hour while MSNBC furthered its feedback loop with the Biden White House by hiring former Biden-Harris spokeswoman Symone Sanders as a host for a weekend show as well as a separate show on NBC’s streaming platform, Peacock.

Trouble in Paradise: Doocy Hits Psaki on Staff Turnover, Rampant Crime
The omicron strain of the coronavirus continued to suck up much of the oxygen on Thursday as the liberal media’s fear machine dominated The Psaki Show, but Fox’s Peter Doocy focused on other topics as he sparred with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki over the staffing turmoil in Vice President Kamala Harris’s office and the rampant crime in American cities.

Biden Adviser Gets ZERO Questions About His Controversies, On 'View'
Joe Biden’s senior adviser Symone Sanders appeared on The View Wednesday and didn’t have to answer any questions that would put the Democrat presidential nominee in a negative light. The hosts didn’t ask her about Biden’s latest racist gaffe or his sexual assault allegation. Instead, The View hosts invited her to attack President Trump for using the Democrats’ “…

CNN Tip-Toes Around Biden Controversy in Interview With Top Aide

Tragic Photo Undermines Media Claim of ‘Manufactured Crisis’ at Border

‘The Aviators Are Back!’; CNN Revels in Biden’s Launch, Hiring Sanders

CNN: Ham Owns the Libs, But Sanders Says Trump Should Be Arrested