Sheryl Gay Stolberg

NYT Hails Elderly Biden’s Robust Health; Demanded Details From McCain
People on both sides of the political aisle have expressed concerns about President Biden’s mental acuity, but the New York Times says no worries, “Age is more than a number.” Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg wrote the puff piece for Sunday’s edition: “President Biden Is Turning 80. Experts Say Age Is More Than a Number,” Compare that incuriosity about Biden’s failure to get a cognitive…

NYT Flip-Flops on Sympathy for Sick Senate Candidates
The New York Times drips with understanding when it comes to the health problems plaguing Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman, but their sympathy turns to snideness when it comes to the dissociative identity disorder diagnosis of Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker.
NYT's Stolberg: ‘Political Blowup Over Crack Pipes…Racist Undertones'
It started with a story from the Washington Free Beacon, or as the press would have it, the “conservative Washington Free Beacon.” The New York Times joined other outlets in desperately tamping down a report that made their favored political party look ridiculous: News the Biden administration was funding crack pipes to drug addicts. The Free Beacon’s…

NY Times GUSH: ‘Movie Star’ Fauci Is Ready for His Close-Up
The New York Times’ Sheryl Gay Stolberg made a rare appearance in the Arts section in Thursday’s edition with a worshipful profile of liberalism's current reigning icon of science and reason, Dr. Anthony Fauci, upon the release of a hagiographic documentary, Fauci. Under the cringeworthy social media headline, “Dr. Fauci, Movie Star,” Stolberg hit the typical “brilliant but…
NYT's Stolberg Sneers at GOP’s ‘Seething’ at Biden Vaccine Mandate
Sheryl Gay Stolberg, a long-time reporter at the New York Times, scoffed at Republican opposition to Biden’s vaccination mandates on the front of Monday’s edition under the sneering headline, “G.O.P. Seethes, But Every State Requires Shots -- Fury at Biden Ignores a Century of Rules.” She wrote: "Resistance to vaccine mandates was once a fringe position in both parties, more…
Hypocrite NY Times Ignores Vaccine Skepticism of Nets, Blames GOP
The New York Times is suffering a pandemic of partisan vaccination politics. The latest shot came in Wednesday’s paper, with Jonathan Weisman and Sheryl Gay Stolberg reporting “G.O.P. Sees Virus Surge on Its Turf but Lets Vaccine Skepticism Spread.” The text box affixed blame: “Republicans lag in inoculations but put the blame on others.” But nowhere in the paper’s constant criticism…
Trans-Obsessed NY Times Lies About Culture War 'Waged Largely by' GOP
Sunday’s New York Times featured reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg fawning again over the Biden Administration's transwoman health appointee Rachel Levine, “Confirmed by Senate in a Transgender Minefield.” Stolberg conformed to current Times practice by blaming Republicans for starting “a culture war” against transgenders that was actually ignited by far-left Democrats. The …
NYT: ‘Seizing’ GOP Hurts USA During Pandemic With Bogus Culture Wars
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg disingenuously accused culture-war obsessed Republicans of endangering America’s health during the pandemic: “Biden’s Top Health Posts Remain Empty as G.O.P. Focuses on Culture Wars.” It’s clear the Times considers free expression, abortion, and women’s right to spaces of their own are time-wasting clickbait -- though with the…
NYT: GOP Questioning Puberty Blockers Are ‘Ugly' Anti-Kid 'Tirades'
In congressional hearings Thursday, Sen. Rand Paul grilled Biden health nominee Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, on the idea of using hormones known as puberty blockers on minors suffering from so-called gender dysphoria. Reporters were outraged, none more so than the New York Times’ Sheryl Gay Stolberg, who characterized Rand’s calm, precise questioning as an anti-trans “tirade”…

NYT SCOTUS Hypocrisy: Barrett’s ‘Deflection,’ Kagan 'Sticks to Script'
As Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court moves briskly forward, the New York Times which has already demonstrated stark labeling bias when discussing Barrett’s supporters and her opponents conservatives-to-liberal labeling disparity in previous stories, led off its Wednesday issue with petulance. The subhead of one lead story, from Supreme Court beat reporter Adam Liptak…

NYTimes Engages in Awful Fact-Checking, Tars GOP 'Alternate Histories'
The New York Times set the table for Night Three from the Republican National Convention by accusing Republicans of “using selectively edited scenes to exaggerate violence from the summer protest movement….warping momentary scenes of violence from largely peaceful protests earlier this year into scenes of chaos.” A convention recap tried to gin up sympathy for poor Joe Biden: "The…

NYT Gushes: 'Masterful Performance' of 'Liberal Rock Star' Schiff

NY Times Sees ‘Rising Star’ Dems vs. Controversial GOP Hacks