
CNN: Removing Our Employee’s Clearance a ‘National Security Threat’

July 23rd, 2018 10:09 PM
The media are in a tizzy over the recent revelation that President Trump might revoke security clearances from former Intelligence officials with a penchant for going on television. During a concern-filled installment of CNN’s The Situation Room on Monday, host Wolf Blitzer anxiously posited that revoking the clearance of CNN national security analyst James Clapper would constitute a “potential…

ABC, NBC Decry Trump Revoking Security Clearances from Obama Spooks

July 23rd, 2018 9:43 PM
Liberal ABC and NBC were in a full-blown meltdown Monday night after the White House announced the President was looking to revoke the security clearances of six former intelligence officials, whom they contend abused the privilege of retaining it after their tenure. They even tried to pretend most of the officials named weren't Obama appointees.

Wired Editor Claps Hard for Clapper, Ignores Domestic Surveillance

May 31st, 2018 9:31 PM
Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper was the subject of a sickly sweet interview for technology magazine Wired: “How A Former US Spy Chief Became Trump’s Fiercest Critic.” The loving interview was penned by Garrett Graff, former editor in chief of The Washingtonian and deputy national press secretary for liberal Democratic governor and presidential candidate Howard Dean. Isn’t it…

Michael Hayden Hits Clapper: Russian Impact on Election 'Unknowable'

May 28th, 2018 6:42 PM
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden appeared on ABC's This Week on Sunday. Hayden criticized President Donald Trump's behavior during the on-off-on North Korean negotiations, and claimed Trump is "trying to delegitimize the Mueller investigation, the FBI, (and) the Department of Justice." Host Martha Raddatz then asked about statements made in a new book and on TV this past week by former Director…

Hemingway on Tucker Carlson: Of Course, FBI Spied on Trump's Campaign

May 25th, 2018 5:32 PM
There is a determined disinformation campaign by the establishment press contending — in the face of admitted evidence to the contrary — that Barack Obama's FBI didn't spy on Donald Trump's presidential campaign in 2016. Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at The Federalist, appeared Thursday on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show to debunk that nonsense.

Playing Softball with Clapper Is All the Rage on TV

May 25th, 2018 6:40 AM
Obama’s director of national intelligence James Clapper went on a tour of Very Supportive Liberal Networks on Wednesday, starting with the PBS NewsHour. Judy Woodruff threw marshmallows like “The president, as you know, has been just constantly critical of the intelligence community since he’s been in office….What is the effect of these cumulative comments by the president?” And “Is the…

Mollie Hemingway: ‘Rarely the Case’ When James Clapper Tells the Truth

May 23rd, 2018 6:55 PM
While a guest during Wednesday morning's Fox & Friends, The Federalist's Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway slammed former Director of National Intelligence Director James Clapper by stating that it’s “rarely the case” when the former director of national intelligence under Democratic President Barack Obama tells the truth. Hemingway made the comment when asked about Clapper’s appearance on The…

Clapper Denies Lying to Congress in Largely Soft 'View' Interview

May 23rd, 2018 11:06 AM
On Tuesday's edition of The View, former Obama director of national intelligence James Clapper insisted he did not lie to Congress in 2013, he merely made a mistake in figuring out which intelligence program Sen. Ron Wyden was asking him about. That was a lie. Despite the lying, Whoopi Goldberg touted Clapper as the "perfect guy to help make some sense out of the White House war on the…

CNN Plagiarist Zakaria Says Trump’s ‘Words Are Weightless Often’

April 4th, 2018 12:18 AM
Often while watching CNN, one can only just shake their head at the utter lack of self-awareness regarding many of their anti-Trump declarations. One such moment occurred during Tuesday’s edition of Anderson Cooper 360 when infamous plagiarist and CNN host Fareed Zakaria chastised President Trump, suggesting that no one believed what he said. And to add to the irony of the situation, former…

CNN's Clapper Suggests His 'Evil Twin' Gave Inconsistent Testimony

March 24th, 2018 11:11 AM
Do you remember when CNN's James Clapper was caught lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2013 when he was still the Director of National Intelligence in response to a question about whether the NSA collected data on millions of Americans? Well, the good news for Clapper is he might be exonerated since it could be that it was not him but his "evil twin" that was the one who was doing the…

Clapper News Network? CNN Pays Source for Leaking With Paid On-Air Gig

March 17th, 2018 10:44 PM
George Neumayr at The American Spectator made hay with the new House Intelligence Committee report that accuses former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper of leaking to CNN in January as CNN's Jake Tapper broke the story that senior intelligence officials briefed President Obama and President-elect Trump on the Christopher Steele "dossier." That would make sense...considering CNN is…

Mark Levin Hammers Adam Schiff as a ‘Shill for the Russian Government’

March 15th, 2018 7:40 PM
During an interview you would not see on such liberal cable television channels as CNN or MSNBC, radio host Mark Levin slammed Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (Calif.) while the conservative activist was a guest on Wednesday evening’s edition of the Fox News Channel's Hannity .

CNN’s Clapper Suggests Putin ‘Handling’ Trump Like a Spy ‘Asset'

December 18th, 2017 8:29 PM
CNN: The news outlet that pompously declares they’re “the most trusted name in news” threw that out the window on Monday when their national security analyst and Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper suggested that President Trump was being treated like an intelligence asset by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Press Ignores Man Who Revealed 'Beyond Classified' Hillary Emails

December 3rd, 2017 5:43 PM
During the past week, most people who follow center-right news outlets and blogs became familiar with the name of Charles McCullough III. McCullough, the former Intel Community General Inspector who identified 22 "beyond classified" emails present on Hillary Clinton's home-brew server years after she had left her position as Obama administration Secretary of State, has appeared on several Fox…