Coral Davenport

NYT Applauds Violent Eco-Nut Tactics to ‘Avoid Planetary Catastrophe'
The New York Times is going all in on radical “climate change.” First, reporter Cara Buckley issued the paper’s latest profile in praise of disruptive eco-nuts: “These Groups Want Disruptive Climate Protests. Oil Heirs Are Funding Them.” Then Lisa Friedman and Coral Davenport unsubtly suggested the “septuagenarian lawmakers” that lead the Democratic party were moving too slow to save…

NYT: Sen. Manchin Dooms Humanity as ‘Earth Warms to Dangerous Levels'
Last week, The New York Times continued its ongoing breakdown over Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia for scuttling President Biden’s “climate change” agenda and dooming mankind to perdition with “Manchin Pulls Plug on Climate and Tax Talks, Shrinking Domestic Plan” courtesy of Times reporters Emily Cochrane and Lisa Friedman letting climate-change activists have…

California Scheming? NY Times Uses Fires to Burn Trump’s 2020 Chances
New York Times reporters dealt with the deadly state of wildfires in California on Monday’s front page, but used it solely as a cudgel with which to bash President Trump, in two front-page stories: “Trump, a Bold Climate Denier, Confronts a Charred California" and “Spurred By Fires, Trump and Biden Clash On Climate."

New York Times: Trump 'Darth Vader-like Figure' on Environment

NY Times on Climate Change: Trump Hunkered Against ‘Facts...Science'

NYT Actually Runs 'G.O.P. Pounces' Over Story on Botched Green Deal

NY Times: 'Startling Breach of Decorum' on Drinking Jabs...from GOP

NYT's Davenport Makes Front Page: 'Science Is Unwelcome' Under Trump

Liberal Media Mock Breitbart for Exposing NY Times Reporter's Emails

Backfire: NYT’s Hit on Rick Perry's Energy Dept. Ignorance Sputters

NY Times Rants on 'Denier' Trump’s Threat to Climate Legislation

On PBS, Scribes Gush for Hillary's 'Even More Ambitious' Climate Plan
On the surface, it might seem quite straightforward and objective to ask two reporters to assess the two candidates on their “climate change” policy approaches. But on Wednesday’s PBS NewsHour, the reporters were not at all objective. They were Chris Mooney of The Washington Post, who was hired after he wrote the transparently ideological books The Republican War on Science, and The Republican…