Charlie Gibson

Network Gun Policy Stories In Late '90s Carried Exact Same Liberal The
December 20th, 2012 6:17 PM
If today's gun control debate seems a bit stale to you, you're not wrong. Twelve years ago, MRC's Geoffrey Dickens wrote a Special Report on network coverage of gun controversies over a two-year period from July 1997 to June 1999.
ABC, CBS, and NBC harped on several major themes in their coverage of gun policy stories. The arguments most commonly advanced by the network stars had one thought…
Tapper: 'DNC Suggests Town Hall Protesters are Fringe Birther Mob
August 5th, 2009 11:03 AM
The Democratic National Committee has released a new video to push back against protests happening at town hall meetings across the country, and according to ABC's Jake Tapper, these demonstrators are being depicted as "irrational birthers who want to 'destroy' President Obama."For those unfamiliar with the term, "birthers" are folks that question whether Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen. Tapper…
ABC Special on Oil Could Have Been Titled 'Charlie Gibson Hates the Oi
July 28th, 2009 12:29 AM
ABC News' Friday special, "Over a Barrel: The Truth About Oil," was reviewed by David Almasi, one of my colleagues at the National Center for Public Policy Research. He found so much bias in the special, I knew his review would be of interest to Newsbusters readers:ABC News Finds Selective "Truth About Oil"by David AlmasiLast Friday, July 24, ABC News aired the special "Over a Barrel: The Truth…
All Three Nets To Interview Obama About Healthcare Wednesday
July 14th, 2009 8:06 PM
President Obama's healthcare initiative is currently in a lot of trouble on Capitol Hill as legislators grapple with finding money -- amidst staggering budget deficits and a declining economy -- to fund the new program.As a result, on Wednesday, the news divisions of all three broadcast networks have decided to come to Obama's rescue, and on the very same evening, air interviews with the…
How ABC Stacked the Deck for Obama
June 25th, 2009 4:10 AM
With the very first question of its prime time special, Questions for the President: Prescription for America, ABC set the tone that essentially confirmed for viewers that the president was right in his desire to radically remake America's healthcare system. As the infomercial began, "moderator" Charles Gibson asked a seminal question of the doctors and other participants that were about to hear…
Big 3 Nets' Evening News: It's Summertime, and the Viewers Are Leaving
June 24th, 2009 12:27 AM
Media Bistro broke it Tuesday morning, and gave us all of the details shortly after noon. The news: CBS and ABC's evening newscasts both came in with record low viewerships during the week of June 15.ABC's fall to less than 6.5 million total viewers is probably more of a surprise than CBS's plunge below 5 million. Is there a health care propaganda backlash? But the biggest news, as usual, is the…
Only ABC's 'World News' Questions Obama's Relationship with Blago
December 10th, 2008 12:59 PM
The three broadcast networks started their evening newscasts on Tuesday with stories on Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's arrest and corruption charges. All of the newscasts mentioned Blagojevich's Democratic affiliation, but only in passing. And, only ABC's World News questioned the details about the Illinois Governor's relationship with President-elect Barack Obama, while NBC and CBS brushed… Omits Palin’s Highlight of Obama’s Radical Abortion Votes
October 13th, 2008 12:49 PM
An unsigned article on about Sarah Palin’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on Saturday failed to mention the Alaska governor’s attack on Barack Obama’s votes against the Illinois Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, and quickly tried the change the subject to the recent "Troopergate" finding against her after its first sentence: "Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin charged into the culture wars…
Charlie Gibson: 'It's Important to Expose' Sarah Palin
October 5th, 2008 11:05 AM
So, instead of merely reporting the news, now reporters are the news? Apparently Charlie Gibson thinks he is, anyway. He gave an interview to the Toledo Blade on October 5 as if his opinions of the race for the White House are somehow more important than the news of the candidates. You remember the candidates, don't you Chuck? You know, those guys who are actually going to be elected, the ones…
Did ABC & Gibson Use Camera Trickery To Belittle Gov. Palin
September 13th, 2008 10:28 PM
Did ABC use particular camera tricks to make Governor Palin look small and powerless in their Charlie Gibson interview? I've been pointed to a blog that makes a compelling case that they did just that. Using still shots of the Gibson interview with Palin compared to similar Gibson interviews with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, it seems this blogger has proven it to be an open and shut case of…
UPI Charges ABC With Biased 'Double Standard' in Palin Interview
September 13th, 2008 8:46 AM
Dontcha ya hate it when Old Media outlets beat up on other Old Media outlets? (Well, maybe you don't hate it, exactly) It's like Old Media on Old Media violence. In this case we have the United Press International (UPI), struggling lesser known news wire service, giving the big smack-a-roo to ABC. UPI is warning that Charlie Gibson's gruff handling of Governor Sarah Palin may "backfire," and that…
Essay: It’s the Media, Stupid
July 28th, 2008 4:34 PM
The networks suggest Obama is driving the narrative, but it's the liberal press themselves doing the driving for Obama (Editor's Note: This essay originally appeared today in Human Events.) Just Another Clown Delivering the News The Big Three networks just foisted a week long Obamathon upon the American people, a political, "journalistic" perversion of Jerry Lewis's annual televised good…