All Three Nets To Interview Obama About Healthcare Wednesday

July 14th, 2009 8:06 PM

President Obama's healthcare initiative is currently in a lot of trouble on Capitol Hill as legislators grapple with finding money -- amidst staggering budget deficits and a declining economy -- to fund the new program.

As a result, on Wednesday, the news divisions of all three broadcast networks have decided to come to Obama's rescue, and on the very same evening, air interviews with the President concerning this issue.

It's good to be a Democrat president the press are in love with, isn't it?

As reported by TVNewser Tuesday (h/t Stewart Thomas):

Dr. Timothy Johnson, ABC News' Medical Editor, will interview President Barack Obama at the White House on Wednesday, July 15. They sit down for a one-on-one interview as both the House and Senate consider landmark health care reform legislation, one of President Obama's top domestic goals.

The interview will air on Wednesday'a "World News with Charles Gibson" and on Thursday's "Good Morning America." Additional excerpts will be featured across ABC News' platforms. [...]

On Wednesday, July 15, Dr. Nancy Snyderman will interview President Barack Obama at the White House. The interview will focus on health care policy.

Portions of the interview will air during "Nightly News With Brian Williams," tomorrow, Wednesday, July 15, and during "Today," on Thursday, July 16.

The interview will air on "Dr. Nancy" (MSNBC, from noon to 1p.m. ET).

The entire interview will be available on [...]

CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook will interview President Barack Obama on Wednesday, July 15. The discussion will include healthcare reform and its impact on doctors and patients. The interview will be broadcast on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC on Wednesday, July 15 (6:30PM ET).
I wonder how many times since the creation of television a president has been interviewed by all three broadcast network evening news programs on the same day when the topic of discussion wasn't an ongoing war or an attack on the nation.