Catholics for Choice

NY Times: Biden's an 'Uneasy Champion' for the Church of Abortion
Many Catholics think it’s preposterous that Joe Biden presents himself as a “devout” Catholic with a rosary in his pocket. But The New York Times told us many die-hard abortion advocates think it’s unfortunate that Biden is president, since he is far too squishy on abortion.

NY Times: Joe Biden’s ‘Devoutness’ Helped Overturn Roe
Among Joe Biden’s meager accomplishments, lowering the bar for what it takes to be a “devout Catholic” must rank up there. According to the NY Times writer Michael Shear, “Devout” Catholic Joe Biden’s faith led to Roe's overturn, and it’s now time for more pro-abortion…

Media Attack Catholics for ‘Harming Women.’ Here’s Why They’re Wrong

‘Catholics’ for Choice Lies about Catholics…Again

MSNBC Spotlights Dissident Catholics; Likens Church to Abusive Spouse

WashPost's Tabloid Features Anti-Catholic Ad on Front Page