
Of Course: Chris Cuomo Blames Mitch McConnell For Recent Cyberattacks

June 5th, 2021 4:38 PM

With Donald Trump out of office, Chris Cuomo needs a new villain to blame everything on. On Friday's Cuomo Prime Time, he settled on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, blaming him for a series of recent cyberattacks. He would later add that viewers should be grateful for our news media.


Stooges: WH Reporters Refuse to Ask Psaki About Bombshell Fauci Emails

June 2nd, 2021 4:13 PM

Continuing to show their undying fealty to the altar of Dr. Tony Fauci, the White House press corps refused to ask Press Secretary Jen Psaki a single question during Wednesday’s briefing about the bombshell trove of emails from the NIH official from the early moments of the pandemic. It was on the mind of at least one reporter in the room as our friend Amber Athey of The Spectator had…


Joe Scarborough: 'Bizarre' To Think Putin Would Beat Biden in a Debate

March 22nd, 2021 6:46 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that "people [on the right] this past week [were] actually bizarrely cheering for a Putin/Biden debate. And bizarrely saying that Biden would be wiped out by Putin."


CNN Collusion Rerun! Putin's Attacks on Biden's Marbles Echo Trump

March 19th, 2021 4:22 PM

Who knew that, even after leaving office, Donald Trump had such influence over Vladimir Putin? Maybe Biden should appoint Trump as his special envoy to Russia! On this morning's New Day, John Berman described as "Trumpian" remarks by Putin and Medvedev intimating that Biden might have lost mental acuity. This in response to Biden calling Putin a "killer." Susan Glasser of CNN and the New…

Frederik Pleitgen CNN New Day 1-27-21

Gag Me With a Samovar! CNN Slobbers Over Biden-Putin Phone Call

January 27th, 2021 12:58 PM

On New Day, CNN International correspondent Frederik Pleitgen gushed over President Biden's phone call with Vladimir Putin: "It certainly does seem to have been very productive. In fact, impressively productive . . . President Biden managed to do something that the Trump administration did not manage to do . . . And it certainly does seem to have yielded some very early, and some very…


CNN's Zakaria: 'Dirty Little Secret'—Trump Was Tough on Russia!

January 1st, 2021 11:54 AM

On New Day, CNN host Fareed Zakaria says that the "dirty little secret is that....the Trump Administration was pretty tough on the Russians. They armed Ukraine, they armed the Poles. They extended NATO operations and exercises in ways that even the Obama Administration had not done." 

Nicolle Wallace Jim Rutenberg MSNBC Deadline White House 12-22-20

Wow! Nicolle Wallace, NYT Reporter Question Biden's Russia Threat

December 23rd, 2020 5:35 AM

The liberal media has ripped President Trump for downplaying the apparent cyberattack by Russia into high levels of the US government. So when Joe Biden spoke out today, trashing President Trump's handling of the matter, accusing Russia for the attack, and vowing to punish it, you would have thought that on her MSNBC show this afternoon, Nicolle Wallace & co. would have cheered Biden. But…

NBC News Pushes Story Citing Putin to Discredit Hunter Biden Bombshell

October 27th, 2020 1:29 PM

NBC News, which helped push the Trump-Russia hoax for nearly four years, is now using Russian President Vladimir Putin as a source to try to discredit President Donald Trump for criticizing Hunter Biden’s alleged nefarious dealings in Ukraine.


Sounds Like MSNBC Hosts Are the Ones in Bed With Putin!

October 6th, 2020 2:45 PM

For the past four years, MSNBC has never missed an opportunity to say that President Trump is in cahoots with Vladimir Putin to undermine democracy and American national security and that Trump loves his autocratic nature. On Monday's MSNBC Live, host Stephanie Ruhle and Keir Simmons claimed that Trump's hospitalization due to COVID-19 highlights that Trump doesn't take the virus…


Bernstein Hypes A 'Smoking Gun of a Pervasively Criminal Presidency'

September 29th, 2020 7:37 AM

For years the media has been full of predictions that whatever that day's controversy is will be the one that dooms President Trump. For CNN's Carl Bernstein and CNN Newsroom host Brianna Keilar, the New York Times opposition-research report on Trump's taxes is the latest example with Bernstein using the report to further his conspiracy theory that Vladimir Putin and Tayyip…


DERANGED MSNBC Defends Hunter, Thinks There's Not Enough Russia Talk

August 20th, 2020 9:57 PM

This week, MSNBC tried really hard to make the virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention out to be earth-shattering, gripping, inspiring, and riveting TV. So on Thursday before the final night’s program, co-hosts Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Nicolle Wallace continued their daily campaign to send viewers into mentally-crippling fear, insisting that going after Hunter Biden is off limits, the…


CNN Brings on Deranged Dem to Spin Wild Election Conspiracies

August 11th, 2020 3:46 PM

On Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom, co-host Jim Sciutto brought on Representative Gerald Connolly (D-VA) to promote insane conspiracies about the upcoming election. Forgoing any semblance of objectivity, Sciutto nodded along as Connolly declared that President Trump will “absolutely” interfere with the election and bizarrely claimed that Trump “has a special bromance with Vladimir Putin…

Jim Sciutto and Nancy Pelosi

Sciutto Enables Pelosi to Make Asinine Claims About the Election

August 4th, 2020 6:43 PM

On Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom, co-host Jim Sciutto enabled Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to spread Democratic propaganda about Russian interference in the presidential election; nodding along as she made deranged statements such as Vladimir Putin deciding “who is President of the United States” in November.


HUH? Tin-Foil Hat Joy Wonders If Trump Sees Putin as a Father Figure

July 29th, 2020 10:31 PM

Longtime MSNBC host Joy Reid came out for Wednesday’s ReidOut with more of same from key tenets of her second attempt at a weekday show: conspiracy theories, deranged lunacy, and a fundamental unhappiness with American life. Specifically, she used the Russian bounties story to claim Trump’s still “grotesquely solicitous of [Vladimir] Putin,” could possess more loyalty toward Russian…